bottomphotos: Photographs from the Mini-SeaBOSS sampling system (USGS Field Activity 04019)
image of GIS layer

Data format: Shapefile

File or table name: bottomphotos

Coordinate system: Universal Transverse Mercator

Theme keywords: U.S. Geological Survey, USGS, Woods Hole Science Center, WHSC, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, CMGP, RV Rafael, ArcView Shapefile, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, CZM, bottom photographs, bottom photos, photo, seafloor, ground-truth, stations, sea floor, Field Activity Number 04019, small SEABOSS sampler, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, National Ocean Service, NOS, NOAA Ship Whiting, Hydrographic Survey, oceans and estuaries, oceans and coastal, environment, location, geoscientific information

Abstract: This data set includes the locations and hotlinks to photographs of the seafloor in Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. The photos were taken using the mini-SEABOSS system during USGS survey 04019, conducted September 14-17, 2004.

FGDC and ESRI Metadata:

Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.

Identification Information:

Citation information:
Originators: Seth Ackerman

bottomphotos: Photographs from the Mini-SeaBOSS sampling system (USGS Field Activity 04019)
*File or table name: bottomphotos

Publication date: 2006
Edition: 1.0
*Geospatial data presentation form: vector digital data

Series information:
Series name: Open-File Report
Issue identification: 2006-1008

Publication information:
Publication place: Woods Hole Science Center, Woods Hole, MA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Online linkage:

Larger work citation:
Citation information:
Originators: Ackerman, S.D., Butman, B., Barnhardt, W.B., Danforth, W.W., Crocker, J.M.

High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Boston Harbor and Approaches, Massachusetts

Publication date: 2006

Series information:
Series name: Open-File Report
Issue identification: 2006-1008

Publication information:
Publication place: Woods Hole Science Center, Woods Hole, MA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Other citation details:

Online linkage:

This data set includes the locations and hotlinks to photographs of the seafloor in Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. The photos were taken using the mini-SEABOSS system during USGS survey 04019, conducted September 14-17, 2004.
This data set includes the locations and hotlinks to photographs of the seafloor in Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. The photos were taken using the mini-SEABOSS system during USGS survey 04019, conducted September 14-17, 2004.

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Geophysical data associated with this project were collected by NOAA NOS. Ground-truth data were collected during a survey (September 14-17, 2004) on the USGS R/V Rafael.
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Geophysical data associated with this project were collected by NOAA NOS. Ground-truth data were collected during a survey (September 14-17, 2004) on the USGS R/V Rafael.

*Language of dataset: en

Time period of content:
Time period information:
Range of dates/times:
Beginning date: 20040914
Ending date: 20040917

Currentness reference:
ground condition
ground condition

Progress: Complete
Maintenance and update frequency: None planned

Spatial domain:
Bounding coordinates:
*West bounding coordinate: -71.047687
*East bounding coordinate: -70.820048
*North bounding coordinate: 42.434602
*South bounding coordinate: 42.269323

Local bounding coordinates:
*Left bounding coordinate: 331560.912788
*Right bounding coordinate: 349911.647151
*Top bounding coordinate: 4699644.286305
*Bottom bounding coordinate: 4681699.334781

Theme keywords: U.S. Geological Survey, USGS, Woods Hole Science Center, WHSC, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, CMGP, RV Rafael, ArcView Shapefile, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, CZM, bottom photographs, bottom photos, photo, seafloor, ground-truth, stations, sea floor, Field Activity Number 04019, small SEABOSS sampler, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, National Ocean Service, NOS, NOAA Ship Whiting, Hydrographic Survey
Theme keyword thesaurus: General

Theme keywords: oceans and estuaries, oceans and coastal, environment, location, geoscientific information
Theme keyword thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category

Place keywords: Massachusetts Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Boston Harbor, Nahant, Boston, Hull, Hubline, Boston Harbor Islands
Place keyword thesaurus: General

Access constraints: None
Use constraints:
Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the source of this information.
Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as the source of this information.

Point of contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Seth Ackerman
Contact organization: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Contact position: Geologist

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
384 Woods Hole Rd.
384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State or province: MA
Postal code: 02543-1598
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact facsimile telephone: 508-457-2310

Contact electronic mail address:

Browse graphic:
Browse graphic file type: GIF

*Native dataset format: Shapefile
*Native data set environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

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Data Quality Information:

Attribute accuracy:
Attribute accuracy report:
All attributes were checked in a consistent manner
All attributes were checked in a consistent manner

Logical consistency report:
No additional checks for topological consistency were performed on this data.
No additional checks for topological consistency were performed on this data.

Completeness report:
Ground Condition
Ground Condition

Positional accuracy:
Horizontal positional accuracy:
Horizontal positional accuracy report:
Navigation was by differential GPS; positional accuracy to less than 10 m.
Navigation was by differential GPS; positional accuracy to less than 10 m.

Source information:
Source time period of content:
Time period information:
Range of dates/times:
Beginning date: 20040914
Ending date: 20040917

Source currentness reference:
ground condition

Process step:
Process description:
Geographic location of each photograph was extracted from the survey vessel navigation string during post processing. MINI SeaBOSS sampler was lowered of Starboard side of survey vessel and lowered to seafloor. Vessel and sampler then drifted with wind and tide. Bottom Photograph location is recorded as survey vessel navigation which could differ by 2-5 meters depending on bottom currents, tide, and wind.
Geographic location of each photograph was extracted from the survey vessel navigation string during post processing. MINI SeaBOSS sampler was lowered of Starboard side of survey vessel and lowered to seafloor. Vessel and sampler then drifted with wind and tide. Bottom Photograph location is recorded as survey vessel navigation which could differ by 2-5 meters depending on bottom currents, tide, and wind.

Process contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Seth Ackerman
Contact organization: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Contact position: Geologist

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Rd.
384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State or province: MA
Postal code: 02543-1598
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact facsimile telephone: 508-457-2310

Contact electronic mail address:

Process step:
Process description:
The shapefile was created in ArcView from the ASCII comma-delimited files created in the post-processing of the photograph and navigation data.
The shapefile was created in ArcView from the ASCII comma-delimited files created in the post-processing of the photograph and navigation data.

Process contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Seth Ackerman
Contact organization: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Contact position: Geologist

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Rd.
384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State or province: MA
Postal code: 02543-1598
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact facsimile telephone: 508-457-2310

Contact electronic mail address:

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Spatial Data Organization Information:

*Direct spatial reference method: Vector

Point and vector object information:
SDTS terms description:
*Name: bottomphotos
*SDTS point and vector object type: Entity point
*Point and vector object count: 872

ESRI terms description:
*Name: bottomphotos
*ESRI feature type: Simple
*ESRI feature geometry: Point
*ESRI topology: FALSE
*ESRI feature count: 872
*Spatial index: FALSE
*Linear referencing: FALSE

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Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
*Projected coordinate system name: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_19N
*Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_WGS_1984

Grid coordinate system:
*Grid coordinate system name: Universal Transverse Mercator
Universal Transverse Mercator:
*UTM zone number: 19
Transverse mercator:
*Scale factor at central meridian: 0.999600
*Longitude of central meridian: -69.000000
*Latitude of projection origin: 0.000000
*False easting: 500000.000000
*False northing: 0.000000

Planar coordinate information:
*Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
*Abscissa resolution: 0.000032
*Ordinate resolution: 0.000032
*Planar distance units: meters

Geodetic model:
*Horizontal datum name: D_WGS_1984
*Ellipsoid name: WGS_1984
*Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
*Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257224

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Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed description:
*Name: bottomphotos

Entity type:
*Entity type label: bottomphotos
*Entity type type: Feature Class
*Entity type count: 872
Entity type definition:
Shapefile Attribute Table
Entity type definition source:

Attribute label: FID
Attribute definition:
Internal feature number.
Internal feature number.
Attribute definition source:

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute label: Shape
Attribute definition:
Feature geometry.
Feature geometry.
Attribute definition source:

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: TIME
*Attribute alias: TIME
Attribute definition:
Time in UTC
Time in UTC

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 8

*Attribute label: LAT
*Attribute alias: LAT
Attribute definition:
Latitude coordinate of photo location
Latitude coordinate of photo location

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 7

*Attribute label: LONG
*Attribute alias: LONG
Attribute definition:
Longitude coordinate of photo location
Longitude coordinate of photo location

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 7

*Attribute label: JD
*Attribute alias: JD
Attribute definition:
Julian Date
Julian Date

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 3

*Attribute label: STA
*Attribute alias: STA
Attribute definition:
Station Number
Station Number

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 3

*Attribute label: TIMESTR
*Attribute alias: TIMESTR
Attribute definition:
Time in UTC (as string) - hhmmss
Time in UTC (as string) - hhmmss

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 6

*Attribute label: JDT
*Attribute alias: JDT
Attribute definition:
Julian Date and Time (UTC) - JJJ.hhmmss
Julian Date and Time (UTC) - JJJ.hhmmss

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: ACKTIME
*Attribute alias: ACKTIME
Attribute definition:
Time in Seconds since January 1st 2004 00:00:01
Time in Seconds since January 1st 2004 00:00:01

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 8

*Attribute label: acktime_1
*Attribute alias: acktime_1
Attribute definition:
Time in Seconds since January 1st 2004 00:00:01
Time in Seconds since January 1st 2004 00:00:01

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 10

*Attribute label: picname
*Attribute alias: picname
Attribute definition:
Name of bottom photo JPG to facilitate "hotlinking" in ArcMap9.1
Name of bottom photo JPG to facilitate "hotlinking" in ArcMap9.1

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 254

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Distribution Information:

Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Seth Ackerman
Contact organization: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Contact position: Geologist

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
384 Woods Hole Road
384 Woods Hole Road
City: Woods Hole
State or province: MA
Postal code: 02543-1598
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: (508) 548-8700 x2315
Contact facsimile telephone: (508) 457-2310

Contact electronic mail address:

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
Although all data have been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and/or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials.

Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Standard order process:
Digital form:
Digital transfer information:
Format name: Shapefile
Format version number: ArcGIS 9.x
Format specification:
ESRI Point Shapefile
ESRI Point Shapefile
Format information content:
The SHP file contains the geospatial data. The SHX file contains the index of the geospatial data. The DBF file contains the attribute data in dBASE format. The PRJ file contains the coordinate system information (optional). The AVL file contains the legend information (optional). The SBN and SBX files contain the spatial index of the geospatial data (optional). The XML file contains the metadata describing the data set <data set name>.shp.xml. An ASCII version of the metadata file. A browse graphic showing the data layer coverage and extent (optional).
The SHP file contains the geospatial data. The SHX file contains the index of the geospatial data. The DBF file contains the attribute data in dBASE format. The PRJ file contains the coordinate system information (optional). The AVL file contains the legend information (optional). The SBN and SBX files contain the spatial index of the geospatial data (optional). The XML file contains the metadata describing the data set <data set name>.shp.xml. An ASCII version of the metadata file. A browse graphic showing the data layer coverage and extent (optional).
File decompression technique: zip archive
Transfer size: 0.007
*Dataset size: 0.023

Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer contact information:
Network address:
Network resource name:
Network resource name:
Network resource name:

Access instructions:
Data are downloadable via the World Wide Web (WWW).

Offline option:
Offline media: DVD-ROM
Recording capacity:
Recording density: 4.75
Recording density Units: Gbytes
Recording format: UDF

Fees: None

Technical prerequisites:
These data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format. The user must have ArcGIS® or ArcView® 3.0 or greater software to read and process the data file. In lieu of ArcView or ArcGIS, the user may utilize another GIS application package capable of importing data. A free data viewer, ArcExplorer, capable of displaying the data is available from ESRI at

Available time period:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 2004

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Metadata Reference Information:

*Metadata date: 20060807

*Language of metadata: en

Metadata contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Seth Ackerman
Contact organization: Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Contact position: Geologist

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
c/o U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Rd.
384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State or province: MA
Postal code: 02543-1598
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact facsimile telephone: 508-457-2310

Contact electronic mail address:

*Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
*Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
*Metadata time convention: local time

Metadata access constraints: None
Metadata use constraints:

Metadata extensions:
*Online linkage:
*Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

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Binary Enclosures:

Enclosure type: Picture

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