Open-File Report 2006–1104
Open-File Report 2006–1104
All necessary DVRFS model input is read from one or more input data files. MODFLOW-2000 reads ASCII files and outputs ASCII (and in some cases binary) files. Input required for conducting MODFLOW-2000 simulations with the DVRFS model for the Observation, Sensitivity, and Parameter-Estimation Processes are shown in table 1.
The required input, which is organized into groups of related data sets and packages, varies according to the active MODFLOW-2000 capabilities. A single model simulation or parameter-estimation simulation will not use all files, packages, or processes available. Information produced by MODFLOW-2000 is written to one or more output data files. Input and output are stored in ASCII files or in some cases binary files. These files are designed to be read by programs such as text editors, and plotting or data analysis routines (Harbaugh, 1990; Hanson and Leake, 1999; Winston, 2000). Archived input files for the DVRFS model are:
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