Open-File Report 2006–1104

Open-File Report 2006–1104

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Table 7. Modes of MODFLOW-2000 produced by activating different combinations of the Sensitivity and Parameter-Estimation Processes, and commonly used output when the Observation Process is active.

[Modified from Hill and others, 2000, p. 12. Abbreviations: OBS, Observation Process; PES, Parameter-Estimation Process; SEN, Sensitivity Process]

Active? Mode Commonly used model output Model output filenames
Forward Mode
YES NO or YES YES1 Forward with Observations and Parameter-Value Substitution Head contour maps Depends on print flags
Water-budget terms Depends on print flags
Fit of simulated equivalents to observations _os, _ww, _ws, _r, _w, and _nm
Parameter-Sensitivity Modes
YES NO YES Parameter Sensitivity with Observations Fit of simulated equivalents to observations _os, _ww, _ws, _r, _w, and_nm
One-percent scaled sensitivity maps (set print flags in SEN file) GLOBAL file or _s1 (depends on print flags)
Composite scaled sensitivities _sc
Prediction scaled sensitivities 3_s1
YES YES2 YES Sensitivity Analysis Fit of simulated equivalents to observations _os, _ww, _ws, _r, _w, and _nm
Composite scaled sensitivities _sc
Prediction scaled sensitivities 3_s1
Parameter 95-percent linear confidence intervals GLOBAL file
Parameter standard deviations GLOBAL file
Parameter coefficient of standard deviations GLOBAL file
Parameter correlation coefficients GLOBAL file
Parameter covariance matrix GLOBAL file
Calculated error variance GLOBAL file
Standard error of the regression GLOBAL file
Parameter-Estimation Mode
YES YES YES Parameter Estimation Optimal parameter values or, if optimal values are not achieved, data from parameter-estimation iterations to diagnose problems. GLOBAL file, _pc, and _pa

1ISNEALL<0 in the Sensitivity Process input file.

2MAX-ITER=0 in the Parameter-Estimation Process input file.

3One-percent scaled sensitivities in this file are often used as prediction scaled sensitivities. Predictions scaled sensitivities can be calculated from one-percent scaled sensitivities (Hill, 1998, p. 15-17).

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