U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center

Archival Policies and Collections Database for the Woods Hole Science Center's Marine Sediment Samples 2007, Version 1.0

Outgoing Loan Conditions

The following terms are to be agreed upon by the borrowing party to be permitted to receive
samples loaned to said borrower by the US Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center:



Term of Loan: The samples shall be returned to the Woods Hole Science
Center at the borrower's expense no later than the due date agreed upon and
stated on the Loan Agreement or within one (1) week after an earlier return is
requested by the WHSC.



Use of Property: The samples loaned shall be used for research and data
extraction purposes. The borrower shall not loan, deliver, lease, or transfer
the samples to any other institution and the borrower shall clearly state that
the sample belongs to the Woods Hole Science Center Sediment Archive.


Alteration of Sample: The borrower is responsible for notifying the WHFC
of all tests and any alterations done to the sample while in the borrowers care.



Loss or Damage: It is recognized that analyses are generally destructive in
nature. However, if the borrower intends to return the sample, the borrower
shall be responsible to report any damage or loss of sediment due to any cause.



Special Provisions:







Custody of Samples is given to:

Name, title






City, State, zip






Conditions Agreed Upon by:

Core Archivist Signature and Date

Chief Scientist Signature and Date

Borrower Signature and Date

U.S. Geological Survey
Woods Hole Science Center
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543