U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1213

Version 1.0
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Analytical Results from Samples Collected During Coal-Bed Methane Exploration Drilling in Caldwell Parish, Louisiana

By Peter D. Warwick, F. Clayton Breland, Jr., Paul C. Hackley, Frank T. Dulong, Douglas J. Nichols, Alexander W. Karlsen, R. Marc Bustin, Charles E. Barker, Jason C. Willett, and Michael H. Trippi

Photograph of exploratory drilling operation in Louisiana  

In 2001, and 2002, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS), through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Devon SFS Operating, Inc. (Devon), participated in an exploratory drilling and coring program for coal-bed methane in north-central Louisiana. The USGS and LGS collected 25 coal core and cuttings samples from two coal-bed methane test wells that were drilled in west-central Caldwell Parish, Louisiana. The purpose of this report is to provide the results of the analytical program conducted on the USGS/LGS samples. The data generated from this project are summarized in various topical sections that include:

  1. molecular and isotopic data from coal gas samples;
  2. results of low-temperature ashing and X-ray analysis;
  3. palynological data;
  4. down-hole temperature data;
  5. detailed core descriptions and selected core photographs;
  6. coal physical and chemical analytical data;
  7. coal gas desorption results;
  8. methane and carbon dioxide coal sorption data;
  9. coal petrographic results; and
  10. geophysical logs.

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