Western Earth Surface Processes

In cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1265
Version 1.0

Preliminary Surficial Geology of the Dove Spring Off-Highway Vehicle Open Area, Mojave Desert, California

By David M. Miller and Lee Amoroso

thumbnail view of map

Geology of the Dove Spring Off-Highway Vehicle area in the northwestern Mojave Desert was mapped in detail to support integrated studies of the effects of off-highway vehicle use on soils, plants, and animals. This map and pamphlet describe surficial materials and how they are used in the study design. The materials and landforms are greatly influenced by the nearby Garlock and Sierra Nevada faults, so the neotectonic framework is also discussed.

Documentation Package

The Documentation Package includes descriptions of this report, data formats and content. It consists of 3 parts:

of06-1265_readme.txt: a text file of the report text (56 kB)

of06-1265_pamphlet.pdf: a PDF file of the pamphlet to accompany the map including geologic interpretation, figures, and a description of map units (1 MB)

of06-1265_met1.txt: a text file of FGDC compliant metadata for the geodatabase arcs (16 kB)

of06-1265_met2.txt: a text file of FGDC compliant metadata for the geodatabase polygons (24 kB)

Digital Database Package

The database package includes geologic map database files for the map area. The digital maps are in the form of ESRI's ArcGIS. The ArcGIS personal geodatabase, shapefiles, and style file included in the database are described below:

geodatabase: of06-1265.mdb: Geologic units, faults, and contacts (3.3 MB)

shapefiles: of06-1265_shp.zip: Shapefiles of the Geologic units, faults,and contacts (816 kB compressed; 1.6 MB uncompressed)

style file: of06-1265.style: Colors and patterns for LTYPES and PTYPES. The database package also includes the text files of FGDC compliant metadata for this report. (576 kB)

Plot file Package

Download the map, of06-1265_map.pdf: This is a PDF format file containing an image of the geologic map, at a scale of 1:24,000. The size of the map is 36 by 48 inches when printed at the map scale. (5.9 MB)

For questions about the content of this report, contact Dave Miller.

Version history

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URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2006/1265/
Page Contact Information: Michael Diggles
Page Last Modified: April 23, 2007