Open-File Report 2006-1312

Open-File Report 2006-1312

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Appendix A: Micrometeorological, Soil, and Evapotranspiration Data Workbooks

Micrometeorological and soil-moisture data, and evapotranspiration (ET) are presented in Microsoft Excel workbooks as part of this report. Two workbooks are available for each site; one workbook ( contains the micrometeorological data, energy-budget fluxes, and daily ET values (calculated using both the Bowen ratio and eddy covariance methods) and the other workbook ( contains the soil-moisture data.

Microsoft Excel workbook containing the micrometeorological data, energy-budget fluxes, and ET include:

A. Micrometeorological data worksheet (20-minute intervals):

  1. Air temperature, vapor pressure, and dew point temperature at two heights,
  2. average relative humidity,
  3. wind speed and direction, and
  4. soil temperature, and time change in air and soil temperature.

B. Bowen ratio energy-budget fluxes and ET worksheet (20-minute intervals):

  1. Net radiation,
  2. sensible heat flux,
  3. latent heat flux,
  4. soil heat flux, and
  5. ET values.

C. Eddy covariance fluxes and ET worksheet (20-minute intervals):

  1. Net radiation,
  2. sensible heat flux uncorrected,
  3. sensible heat flux Webb (1980) corrected,
  4. latent heat flux uncorrected,
  5. latent heat flux Webb (1980) corrected,
  6. soil heat flux, and
  7. ET values.

D. ET worksheet (daily intervals):

  1. Bowen ratio and
  2. eddy covariance.

E. Plots of daily ET for an annual cycle:

  1. Bowen ratio and
  2. eddy covariance.

Workbook containing soil-moisture values:

A. Soil-moisture worksheet (hourly intervals):

  1. Matric water potential and
  2. volumetric water content.

B. Soil-moisture worksheet (daily average values):

  1. Matric water potential and
  2. volumetric water content.

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