Open-File Report 2006–1350

Open-File Report 2006–1350

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Table 2. Components of composite samples, types of replicate samples, and physical characteristics of sediments.

[Replicate solid samples were either collected from sections (S) at the given depths or from the centrifuged sediments after extraction of porewaters (PW) with a PW designation letters A through F; multiple letter indicates compositing of samples from multiple cores (see tables 11-16. Abbreviations: LOI, loss on ignition; AVS, acid volatile sulfide; mmol/g, micromole per gram; cm, centimeter; –, not applicable; ND, not determined]

Sample type Components of composite sample Replicate
solid samples
Physical characteristics (in percent) Comments
Number of cores Average length of core (cm) Sand Silt Clay Moisture LOI AVS (µmol/g)
LR-1 Composite 18 4 PW = B,C 82.0 14.6 3.4 27.2 0.70 0.04 Biofilm on top of coarse gravels.
LR-2 Composite 7 10 S = 0–1, 7–10 33.8 39.1 27.1 72.6 5.80 3.07
LR-3 Composite 12 6 S = 0–1, 5–6 6.9 38.8 54.4 55.5 3.90 .55
LR-4 Composite 14 4 PW = A,F 79.6 13.0 7.3 27.0 .50 .005 Biofilm over fine sand.
LR-4A Incubation core 1.3 63.9 38.8 75.5 5.57 ND
LR-5 Composite 15 4 PW = B,D 43.0 13.5 43.5 52.0 3.40 1.43
LR-5A Incubation core 50.6 40.9 8.5 60.3 3.47 ND
LR-6 Composite 6 4 S = 0–1, 3–4 81.7 13.1 5.2 54.7 3.10 7.43
LR-7 Composite1 10 4 PW = E,F 90.7 9.3 .0 26.3 .60 10.9 Coarse material.
SA-8 Composite 12 6 S = 0–1, 5–7 24.0 32.4 43.6 48.4 4.10 .40

1Replicate sample LR-7-R also collected.

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