Open-File Report 2006-1374

Open-File Report 2006-1374

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Table 1. Wells and piezometers sampled and water levels measured at Operable Unit 1, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Keyport, Washington, June 2005.

[Study site No.: MW, monitoring well; P, piezometer; USGS site No.: Unique number for each site based on latitude and longitude of the site. First six digits are latitude, next seven digits are longitude, and final two digits are a sequence number to uniquely identify each site. Altitudes of water levels and measuring points are given in feet above or below (-) NAVD88. Water level is in feet below measuring point (bmp). Depth of well and screened interval are in feet below land surface. Measuring point: Water levels in wells are usually reported as depths below land surface, although the measuring point can be any convenient fixed place near the top of the well. For these wells and piezometers, the measuring points are marked points on the tops of well casings—they vary from being near the land surface to a few feet above land surface. The altitude of the measuring point is commonly recorded so that static water levels also can be reported as altitudes; VOCs sampled by USGS: Y, yes, N, no. Abbreviations: USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; VOC, volatile organic compounds; ft, foot; ft bmp, foot below measuring point; in., inch]

Study site No. USGS site No. Date and time measured Water level altitude (ft) Water level (ft bmp) Altitude of measuring point (ft) Depth of well (ft) Casing diameter (in.) Screened interval (ft) VOCs sampled by USGS
1MW-1 474151122373201 06-21-05 14:00 3.84 6.22 10.06 16.5 2 5.5-15.5 N
MW1-2 474153122373101 06-22-05 12:40 2.35 9.54 11.89 18.5 4 12.5-17.5 N
MW1-3 474152122372501 06-20-05 13:00 10.13 3.42 13.55 11.5 4 5.5-10.5 N
MW1-4 474145122372801 06-23-05 13:30 5.76 6.44 12.2 13.0 4 7-12 N
MW1-5 474146122373201 06-22-05 14:00 4.71 8.37 13.08 12.0 4 6-11 N
MW1-16 474146122372801 06-23-05 11:00 5.69 7.14 12.83 12.0 2 6-11 N
MW1-17 474150122373201 06-20-05 15:00 6.72 5.22 11.94 13.5 2 7.5-12.5 N
MW1-20 474145122372501 06-20-05 11:45 6.74 3.70 10.44 16.0 2 10-15 N
MW1-25 474154122373201 06-21-05 12:15 1.75 10.16 11.91 49.0 2 38-48 Y
MW1-28 474153122373301 06-21-05 12:00 1.65 11.45 13.10 45.0 2 39-44 Y
MW1-33 474140122373201 06-20-05 11:30 9.07 2.42 11.49 41.0 2 30-40 N
MW1-38 474156122373701 06-24-05 11:45 -.18 10.81 9.83 50.0 2 44-49 Y
MW1-41 474152122372901 06-20-05 15:30 6.85 8.36 15.27 15.0 2 5-15 N
(duplicate) 12:01
(blank) 15:05
P1-1 474153122372801 06-22-05 12:15 6.41 7.95 14.36 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-3 474153122373102 06-22-05 11:15 3.46 9.33 12.79 15.0 1 10-15 Y
(duplicate) 11:16
P1-4 474152122373101 06-21-05 15:00 4.44 8.81 12.55 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-5 474152122372801 06-21-05 15:20 6.23 8.83 15.06 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-6 474146122373001 06-22-05 14:30 5.54 7.22 12.76 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-7 474145122373101 06-22-05 15:30 5.34 6.78 12.12 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-8 474147122372801 06-23-05 11:15 6.33 5.73 12.06 15.0 1 10-15 Y
P1-9 474145122372901 06-23-05 15:00 5.57 6.34 11.91 15.0 1 10-15 Y
(duplicate) 15:01
(blank) 16:15
P1-10 474145122372601 06-23-05 13:40 6.73 5.13 11.86 15.0 1 10-15 Y

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