Western Earth Surface Processes

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1397
Version 1.0.1

Map showing Features and Displacements of the Scenic Drive Landslide, La Honda, California, During the Period March 31, 2005–November 5, 2006

By Ray E. Wells, Michael J. Rymer, Carol S. Prentice, and Karen L. Wheeler

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The Scenic Drive landslide in La Honda, San Mateo County, California began movement during the El Niño winter of 1997-98. Recurrent motion occurred during the mild El Niño winter of 2004-2005 and again during the winter of 2005-06. This report documents the changing geometry and motion of the Scenic Drive landslide in 2005-2006, and it documents changes and persistent features that we interpret to reflect underlying structural control of the landslide. We have also compared the displacement history to near-real time rainfall history at a continuously recording gauge for the period October 2004-November 2006.

Two sheets are included in this report:

Sheet 1 (of2006-1397sheet1.pdf; 5.7 MB)
Sheet 2 (of2006-1397sheet2.pdf; 5.0 MB)

GIS data:

Read the metadata as html (of2006-1397_metadata.html; 232 KB)
Read the metadata as ASCII (of2006-1397_metadata.txt; 64 KB)

Download the GIS data package as a .zip archive (of2006-1397_data.zip; 7.8 MB that opens into a 45-MB folder)

Also of interest

USGS Open-File Report 98-229 Scenic Drive Landslide of January-March 1998, La Honda, San Mateo County, California, by Angela S. Jayko, Michael J. Rymer, Carol S. Prentice, Ray C. Wilson, and Ray E. Wells (1998)

USGS Open-File Report 2005-1191 Map showing Features and Displacements of the Scenic Drive Landslide, La Honda, California, During the Period March 31-May 7, 2005, by Ray E. Wells, Michael J. Rymer, Carol S. Prentice and Karen L. Wheeler (2005)

For questions about the content of this report, contact Ray Wells.

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Page Last Modified: February 1, 2007