Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1073
Version 1.0

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Seismic Data, January to December 2006

By Jennifer Nakata


map of the Hawaiian Islands showing the locations of earthquakes.  Larger quakes are shown by larger boxes.  There is one six point zero and one six point 7.
2006 earthquake locations, Hawiian Islands, 0–60 km depth, M≥3.5 (from figure 11)

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) summary presents seismic data gathered during the year. The seismic summary is offered without interpretation as a source of preliminary data. It is complete in the sense that most data for events of M≥1.5 routinely gathered by the Observatory are included.

The HVO summaries have been published in various forms since 1956. Summaries prior to 1974 were issued quarterly, but cost, convenience of preparation and distribution, and the large quantities of data dictated an annual publication beginning with Summary 74 for the year 1974. Summary 86 (the introduction of CUSP at HVO) includes a description of the seismic instrumentation, calibration, and processing used in recent years. Beginning with 2004, summaries are simply identified by the year, rather than Summary number. The present summary includes background information on the seismic network and processing to allow use of the data and to provide an understanding of how they were gathered.

A report by Klein and Koyanagi (1980) tabulates instrumentation, calibration, and recording history of each seismic station in the network. It is designed as a reference for users of seismograms and phase data and includes and augments the information in the station table in this summary.

Download this report as a 100-page PDF document (of2007-1073.pdf; 1.7 MB)

For questions about the content of this report, contact Jennifer Nakata

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Page Last Modified: October 24, 2007