USGS Open-File Report 2007-1099

Funded in part by the International Atomic Energy Agency

Database Dictionary for Ethiopian National Ground-Water DAtabase (ENGDA) Data Fields

This report is available online in pdf format (2.6 MB): OFR 2007-1099 (Opens the PDF file in a new window. )

By Eve L. Kuniansky, David W. Litke, and Patrick Tucci

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1099, 131 pages (Published April 2007)

Cover thumbnailThis document describes the data fields that are used for both field forms and the Ethiopian National Ground-water Database (ENGDA) tables associated with information stored about production wells, springs, test holes, test wells, and water level or water-quality observation wells. Several different words are used in this database dictionary and in the ENGDA database to describe a narrow shaft constructed in the ground. The most general term is borehole, which is applicable to any type of hole. A well is a borehole specifically constructed to extract water from the ground; however, for this data dictionary and for the ENGDA database, the words well and borehole are used interchangeably. A production well is defined as any well used for water supply and includes hand-dug wells, small-diameter bored wells equipped with hand pumps, or large-diameter bored wells equipped with large-capacity motorized pumps. Test holes are borings made to collect information about the subsurface with continuous core or non-continuous core and/or where geophysical logs are collected. Test holes are not converted into wells. A test well is a well constructed for hydraulic testing of an aquifer in order to plan a larger ground-water production system. A water-level or water-quality observation well is a well that is used to collect information about an aquifer and not used for water supply. A spring is any naturally flowing, local, ground-water discharge site.

The database dictionary is designed to help define all fields on both field data collection forms (provided in attachment 2 of this report) and for the ENGDA software screen entry forms (described in Litke, 2007). The data entered into each screen entry field are stored in relational database tables within the computer database. The organization of the database dictionary is designed based on field data collection and the field forms, because this is what the majority of people will use. After each field, however, the ENGDA database field name and relational database table is designated; along with the ENGDA screen entry form(s) and the ENGDA field form (attachment 2).

The database dictionary is separated into sections. The first section, Basic Site Data Fields, describes the basic site information that is similar for all of the different types of sites. The remaining sections may be applicable for only one type of site; for example, the Well Drilling and Construction Data Fields and Lithologic Description Data Fields are applicable to boreholes and not to springs. Attachment 1 contains a table for conversion from English to metric units. Attachment 2 contains selected field forms used in conjunction with ENGDA.

A separate document, "Users Reference Manual for the Ethiopian National Ground-Water DAtabase (ENGDA)," by David W. Litke was developed as a users guide for the computer database and screen entry. This database dictionary serves as a reference for both the field forms and the computer database. Every effort has been made to have identical field names between the field forms and the screen entry forms in order to avoid confusion.


This report is available online in pdf format (2.1 MB): USGS Open-File Report 2007-1099 (Opens the PDF file in a new window. )
To view the PDF document, you need the Adobe Reader installed on your computer. (A free copy of the Adobe Reader may be downloaded from Adobe Systems Incorporated.)

Suggested citation: Kuniansky, E.L., Litke, D.W., and Tucci, Patrick, 2007, Database dictionary for Ethiopian National Ground-Water Database (ENGDA) data fields: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1099, 131 p. Available only online at

For more information, please contact Eve L. Kuniansky.

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