Southwest Biological Science Center

In cooperation with the National Park Service

Study # MOJA-00129; Permit # MOJA-2003-SCI-0071 and MOJA-2005-SCI-0013;
Accession # MOJA-32

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1109
Version 1.0

Inventory of Amphibians and Reptiles at Mojave National Preserve

Final Report

By Trevor B. Persons and Erika M. Nowak


Photo looking down on a rattlesnake moving sideways across the sand.
Sidewinder on Kelso Dunes, Mojave National Preserve (photograph by Trevor Persons).


As part of the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program in the Mojave Network, we conducted an inventory of amphibians and reptiles at Mojave National Preserve in 2004-2005. Objectives for this inventory were to use fieldwork, museum collections, and literature review to document the occurrence of reptile and amphibian species occurring at MOJA. Our goals were to document at least 90% of the species present, provide one voucher specimen for each species identified, provide GIS-referenced distribution information for sensitive species, and provide all deliverables, including NPSpecies entries, as outlined in the Mojave Network Biological Inventory Study Plan. Methods included daytime and nighttime visual encounter surveys and nighttime road driving. Survey effort was concentrated in predetermined priority sampling areas, as well as in areas with a high potential for detecting undocumented species. We recorded 31 species during our surveys. During literature review and museum specimen database searches, we found records for seven additional species from MOJA, elevating the documented species list to 38 (two amphibians and 36 reptiles). Based on our surveys, as well as literature and museum specimen review, we estimate an overall inventory completeness of 95% for Mojave National Preserve herpetofauna; 67% for amphibians and 97% for reptiles.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact Trevor Persons at Northern Arizona University or Erica Nowak at USGS

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