USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2007–1126

Open-File Report 2007–1126

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Table 1. Lower reporting limits for analyses by 40-element ICP-AES in the U.S. Geological Survey and XRAL laboratories.

[Abbreviations: ICP-AES, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; ppm, parts per million]

Element Lower reporting limit
XRAL U.S. Geological Survey
Aluminum, Al 0.005 0.005
Calcium, Ca .005 .005
Iron, Fe .02 .02
Potassium, K .01 .01
Magnesium, Mg .005 .005
Sodium, Na .005 .006
Phosphorus, P .005 .005
Titanium, Ti .005 .005
Parts per million
Arsenic, As 10 10
Barium, Ba 1 1
Beryllium, Be 1 1
Bismuth, Bi 10 10
Cadmium, Cd 2 2
Cerium, Ce 5 5
Chromium, Cr 2 2
Cobalt, Co 2 2
Copper, Cu 2 2
Europium, Eu 2 2
Gallium, Ga 4 4
Gold, Au 8 8
Holmium, Ho 4 4
Lanthanum, La 2 2
Lead, Pb 4 4
Lithium, Li 2 2
Manganese, Mn 4 4
Molybdenum, Mo 2 2
Neodymium, Nd 9 9
Nickel, Ni 3 3
Niobium, Nb 4 4
Scandium, Sc 2 2
Silver, Ag 2 2
Strontium, Sr 2 2
Tantalum, Ta 40 40
Thorium, Th 6 6
Tin, Sn 5 5
Uranium, U 100 100
Vanadium, V 2 2
Ytterbium, Yb 1 1
Yttrium, Y 2 2
Zinc, Zn 2 2

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