Western Mineral Resources
Major tectonic elements of northeast Asia
The major map units on the Northeast Asia Summary Geodynamics Map are cratons, craton margins, cratonal terranes, superterranes, tectonic collages (Archean to Proterozoic, Vendian to Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic), overlapping continental-margin arcs (Devonian to early Tertiary), transform continental-margin arcs (Devonian to Early Cretaceous), active arcs (Miocene through Present), and active subduction zones (Miocene through Present). Units are listed in order of map unit abbreviations within each major unit. The map units are described in Greninger and others (1999), Nokleberg and others (1994, 1997c, 2000, 2004), and Naumova (2006).
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