Western Mineral Resources

Prepared in collaboration with Russian Academy of Sciences, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Korean Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, Geological Survey of Japan/AIST, and Jilin University

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1183-B

Methodology of Combined Regional Metallogenic and Tectonic Analysis

By Warren J. Nokleberg, Thomas K. Bundtzen, Kenneth M. Dawson, Roman A. Eremin, Nikolai A. Goryachev, Alexander I. Khanchuk, James W. H. Monger, Alexander A. Obolenskiy, Leonid M. Parfenov, Andrei V. Prokopiev, Vladimir V. Ratkin, Sergey M. Rodionov, and Vladimir I. Shpikerman


Cartoon showing deposit types and position between cratons


The compilation, synthesis, description, and interpretation of metallogenesis and tectonics of major regions, such as Northeast Asia (Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Northern China, South Korea, and Japan) and the Circum-North Pacific (Russian Far East, Alaska, and Canadian Cordillera), require a complex methodology. The key goal for metallogenic and tectonic analysis is to define, characterize, and interpret the origin and evolution of mineralizing systems. To achieve this goal, a methodology is needed for combined regional metallogenic and tectonic analysis. The methodology, as developed in major international collaborative mineral resource studies led by the U.S. Geological Survey for the Circum-North Pacific and Northeast Asia, consists of the following steps: (1) definition of key terms; (2) compilation of a regional geologic base map that can be interpreted according to modern tectonic concepts and definitions; (3) interpretation of tectonic environments that formed major geologic units and structures that control the origin and distribution of metallogenic belts; (4) description of significant mineral deposits (database) that enable the determination of mineral deposit models, relations of deposits to host rocks, and tectonic origins; (5) establishment of mineral deposit models that characterize the known deposits and inferred undiscovered deposits of the region; (6) compilation of a series of metallogenic belt maps on a regional geologic base map; and (7) synthesis and interpretation of a metallogenic and tectonic model.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact Warren Nokleberg

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Page Last Modified: December 5, 2007