Western Mineral Resources
Metalliferous and selected non-metalliferous lode and placer deposits for Northeast Asia (Eastern Russia, Mongolia, northern China, South Korea, and Japan) are herein classified into various models or types, This classification is necessary because of the complex array of mineral deposit types in the region that are not fully described in the current literature. The mineral deposit types used in this report are based on both descriptive and genetic information that is systematically arranged to describe the essential properties of a class of mineral deposits. Some types are descriptive (empirical), in which instance the various attributes are recognized as essential, even though their relationships are unknown. An example of a descriptive mineral deposit type is the basaltic Cu type in which the empirical datum of a geologic association of Cu sulfide minerals with relatively Cu-rich metabasalt or greenstone is the essential attribute. Other types are genetic (theoretical), in which case the attributes are related through some fundamental concept. An example is the W skarn deposit type in which case the genetic process of contact metasomatism is the genetic attribute. For additional information on the methodology of mineral deposit types, the reader is referred to discussions by Eckstrand (1984) and Cox and Singer (1986).
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For questions about the content of this report, contact Warren Nokleberg
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