Version History for: Bailey, E.A., Lee, G.K., Mueller, S.H., Wang, Bronwen, Brown, Z.A., and Beischer, G.A., 2007, revised 2010, Major- and trace-element data from stream-sediment and rock samples collected in the Taylor Mountains 1:250,000-scale quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1196, version 1.1 []. Version 1.1 May 28, 2010 Made minor improvements to metadata. Fixed typos p. 2 and 3. May 12, 2010 1. Data for 96 stream-sediment samples collected in 2008 were added to data table 1. 2. Data for 24 rock samples collected in 2008 were added to data table 3. 3. The image file (OFR2007-1196_fig2_v1-1.jpg) showing locations of sample collected was updated to include the locations for all samples collected in 2008. 4. Web-only references for the analytical methods used by the USGS contract laboratory were added to the downloadable report and the metadata. 5. Gold values determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after collection by fire assay (Au_FA/AA in table 1) in some of the stream-sediment samples collected in 2004 were converted FROM ppm (parts per million) TO ppb (parts per billion). 6. The lower reporting limit for Cs (cesium) measured by the 42-element multi-acid digestion inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry method (Cs_ICP42 ppm in table 1) was changed by the USGS contract laboratory in 2006 FROM 0.05 ppm TO 5 ppm. All results for Cs determined by this method in stream-sediment samples collected in 2004 and 2005 were changed to reflect the revised lower reporting limit of 5 ppm. Values previously reported in data table 1 in version 1.0 of this report that were less than 5 ppm have been changed to <5 in data table 1 in version 1.1 7. An XML version of the metadata was added. Version 1.0, August 7, 2007 Initial release on the Web at