USGS Open-File Report 2007-1204

MF2KtoMF05UC, a Program To Convert MODFLOW-2000 Files to MODFLOW-2005 and UCODE_2005 Files

By Arlen W. Harbaugh

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1204, 4 pages (Published August 2007)

This report is available online in PDF format: OFR 2007-1204 (Opens the PDF file in a new window. ) (94 KB)

Cover thumbnailThe program MF2KtoMF05UC has been developed to convert MODFLOW-2000 input files for use by MODFLOW-2005 and UCODE_2005. MF2KtoMF05UC was written in the Fortran 90 computer language. This report documents the use of MF2KtoMF05UC.


This report is available online in PDF format: OFR 2007-1204 (Opens the PDF file in a new window. ) (94 KB)

To view the PDF document, you need the Adobe Reader installed on your computer. (A free copy of the Adobe Reader may be downloaded from Adobe Systems Incorporated.)

Suggested citation: Harbaugh, A.W., 2007, MF2KtoMF05UC, a program to convert MODFLOW-2000 files to MODFLOW-2005 and UCODE_2005 files: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007–1204, 4 p. (available only online at

For more information, please contact Arlen W. Harbaugh.

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