Suggested citation and version history for Hatten, James R., and Sogge, Mark K., 2007, Using a remote sensing/GIS model to predict Southwestern Willow Flycatcher breeding habitat along the Rio Grande, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Open- File Report 2007-1207, v. 1.1, 27 p. []. Version 1.1 Improved alt tags for blind people Edited page numbering. September 21, 2007 Edited page numbering. September 15, 2007 Revised numbers for birds vs. nests. Version 1.0 August 9, 2007, 2007 PDF being revised. Deleted hot link so cannot be downloaded (AV & J Hendley) July 26, 2007 Removed the name "River" from "Rio Grande River" in the title since it is redundant with "Rio Grande" July 18, 2007 Initial release online at