Open-File Report 2007–1255
Open-File Report 2007–1255
The following is a list of organizations that are potential partners and collaborators drawn from the list of participants at the February and March 2006 workshops:
California Coastal Commission
California Department of Water Resources
California Geological Survey
California Seismic Safety Commission
City of Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness
California State University, Santa Barbara, Water Resources Institute
Forest Service/Pacific Southwest Rescue Station—Forest Fire Laboratory, Riverside
Homeland Security Advisory Council
Leighton and Associates/Seismic Safety Commission
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Los Angeles County–Office of Emergency Management
Los Angeles County Building and Safety
Los Angeles County, Department of Public Works Building and Safety
National Park Service, Santa Monica Mountains
Office of Rep. Jane Harmon
San Bernardino County Office of Emergency Services
Seismic Safety Commission
State of California Office of Emergency Services
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Forest Service Riverside Fire Lab
University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Warner Brothers Studios