Open-File Report 2007–1255

Open-File Report 2007–1255

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Vision, Mission, and Objectives


We envision a future in which the best science is used to improve resiliency to natural hazards by individuals and institutions in southern California.


Our mission is to help communities reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards through the application of science and engineering to community planning and response. The project will be a new arena within the USGS for multi-disciplinary, collaborative work that will dramatically improve individual and community understanding of the risks from multiple hazards ever-present in southern California and that will empower the use of that information in making decisions to reduce losses.


The overarching objective of the Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project is to help communities reduce losses from natural hazards. We will do this by incorporating the expressed needs of southern California communities into natural-hazards science through new and existing research activities, producing innovative products, and improving dissemination of our results. The work will integrate multiple USGS research activities with the needs of external partners, such as emergency managers and land-use planners, to produce products and information that can be used to create more disaster-resilient communities. The long-term objectives are to

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