Open-File Report 2007–1255

Open-File Report 2007–1255

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Management of the project will be by the MHDP Chief Scientist who will report to the USGS Regional Executive. The Chief Scientist will chair a Planning Committee of USGS scientists representing the four working groups. The Planning Committee will meet at least quarterly and will decide the level of effort for tasks and distribution of project funds following this Strategic Plan and guidance by an external Steering Committee. The Chief Scientist and members of the Planning Committee will ensure that priorities are maintained for the several USGS programs funding the work and that the needs of Program Coordinators for tracking progress and producing measurable results are met.

A Steering Committee will be formed to serve as an external advisory body for the project. The original Steering Committee will be drawn from existing cooperators and partners, identified by the Planning Committee.  Future changes to the membership will be decided jointly by the Steering Committee itself and the Chief Scientist, with nominations from the Planning Committee. The Steering Committee will have up to ten members, and include representatives of local city, county, and State governments (including emergency managers and land-use planners), Federal agencies, and private sector partners. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to ensure that the project adheres to its original objectives summarized by the mission statement. The main tasks of the Steering Committee are to provide the project with guidance on objectives, and short-term and long-term goals, and to review progress and results on behalf of the southern California community. It will meet at least twice a year with the Chief Scientist and Planning Committee to evaluate how project activities have satisfied community needs. This discussion will include oversight of the coordination among disciplines, and the working relationships with decision makers and their involvement in the project. The Steering Committee will prioritize training and outreach activities and recommend modifications to the project based on feedback on the effectiveness and usefulness of research activities.

Each year the Steering Committee will discuss the long-term direction of the project in light of funding potential and will provide advice on changes to the project’s strategic plan. The membership of the Steering Committee may change as the project matures, to reflect changes in the degree of exposure in business, government, and private sector communities. The Steering Committee will also provide advice on the implementation practices and management structure to make sure that it remains on target with the project’s vision, mission, and objectives.

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