Open-File Report 2007–1255

Open-File Report 2007–1255

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Metrics of Progress

The measures of success of this project will require more than the success of its constitutive parts and more than success of the USGS. That is, the multi-hazards project will have been successful if planning for, reacting to and recovery after a natural hazard did not have a high impact on a community in terms of casualties, financial or capital loss, and environmental loss. However, such a metric is not directly measurable because it is external to the USGS and can only be assessed after the occurrence of an unpredictable natural event. The project will still use metrics to measure its progress and to determine whether research and technological development paths need to be expanded upon, modified, or abandoned altogether.

The elements of this project will be evaluated in two ways: under USGS program metrics that are already in place and identified in the budget process, and by their usefulness to multi-hazard products designed to increase community resilience. Formal metrics will be developed in consultation with the Steering Committee after it is formed.

All components of the project are also parts of USGS programs (for example, Earthquake Hazards Program, National Streamflow Information Program, etc.) and must fulfill the performance measures of those programs as submitted to Congress in the USGS budget. For FY 2007, these include

In addition, the activities in this project must contribute to the integrated goal of supporting the southern California population in disaster resiliency. All research products will be evaluated by their ability to contribute to the primary goals of the project (for example, risk and probability assessment, real-time monitoring and warning, economic and societal impact, and contribution to scenario plans). The basic-research projects will also be examined for their scientific rigor and the degree to which they complement ongoing research and interface activities. Other measures of progress will include the project’s exposure in business, government, and private sector communities; the number of requests for information; how much and what kind of information is requested; how new materials have been used; increased, complementary communication with other response organizations; and the number and distribution of new partners who have become involved (and with whom the USGS has not previously been involved).

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