Gravity Database Descriptions WGS84 datum for all datasets Ground Survey: 1. LAT: latitude in degrees 2. LONG: longitude in degrees 3. afghan_x: projected x coordinates in meters (afghan_tm projection) 4. afghan_y: projected y coordinates in meters 5. GRAV_OBS: observed gravity 6. Elevation: ground elevation at station 7. FAA: free air anomaly 8. simple_boug: simple Bouguer anomaly 9. tc: terrain correction (895 meter to 167000 meter) 10. complete_boug: complete Bouguer anomaly Airborne Survey: (elevations = ellipsoid height since using WGS84) 0. line: L- flight line, T- tie line, D- random line 1. latitude: latitude in degrees 2. longitude: longitude in degrees 3. xTM: projected x coordinates in meters (afghan_tm projection) 4. yTM: projected y coordinates in meters 5. GPS_Elevation: sensor elevation 6. SRTM_90m: ground elevation from 90 meter SRTM dataset 7. terrain_clear: terrain clearance (GPS_Elevation - SRTM_90m) 8. nrl_faa: free air anomaly values at original sensor height, from NRL 9. faa_at 7km: free air anomalies draped at 7000 meter above ground surface 10. parker: Parker model calculation at 8000 meters elevation, based on 1000 meter DEM 11. parker_7km: Parker model draped at 7000 meter above ground surface 12. parker_7km_filt: Parker_7000 meter low-pass filtered to match frequency content of FAA 13. cba: complete Bouguer gravity anomaly (faa_at7km - parker_7km_filt)