USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2008–1141

Paleontologic database for the Guadalupe Peak 1:100,000 Quadrangle: A prototype for the National Paleontologic Database, Paleodata

By Bruce R. Wardlaw

Open-File Report Cover 2008-1141 Cover and link to report
PDF Open-File Report 2008–1141
(254 KB, 7 pages)


This report is a compilation of most of the known fossil locality data from Guadalupe Peak 1:100,000 quadrangle, West Texas. The data represent several major collection efforts over the past century by the Smithsonian Institution, the American Museum of Natural History, and the U.S. Geological Survey.

This dataset is not meant to be all inclusive but instead is an attempt to pull together the vast amount of paleontologic data originally collected by Girty (1908) and King (1948), much of which is unpublished and (or) poorly located. The author visited most of the major fossil collection sites to collect for conodonts on a ten-year program funded by the Smithsonian Institution for collaborative research with Richard E. Grant. Guadalupe Mountains National Park occupies the northern part of the quadrangle, and the Park Service has been very helpful over the years in compiling the data and relocating the collection sites.

This dataset serves as the prototype for the National Paleontologic Database, part of the National Geologic Map Database Project. The database is intended to be indexed to 1:100,000 quadrangles of the U.S. The minimum number of fields and information within those fields is shown in the report.

For more information concerning the report, please contact the author.


Suggested citation:
Wardlaw, Bruce R., 2008, Paleontologic database for the Guadalupe Peak 1:100,000 Quadrangle: A prototype for the National Paleontologic Database, Paleodata: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1141, 7 p., available only online at

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