This map has been compiled from published maps and papers, and unpublished mapping by the authors.
This data set is a portion of a statewide geology database, which is being compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Surveys and Analysis (NSA) project, whose goal is to compile geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and other data.
Labay, Keith A., Wilson, Frederic H., Bleick, Heather, and Shew, Nora B., 2008, Digital data for the geology of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OFR 2008-XXXX.This is part of the following larger work.Online Links:
- http//
This is a Vector data set.
Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000256
Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000256
Planar coordinates are specified in meters
Value | Definition |
100 | Qs - Surficial sedimentary deposits, undivided (Quaternary) |
102 | water |
2180 | Kvg - Volcanic lithic sandstone and mudstone (Cretaceous) |
5145 | KJm - Melange (Cretaceous to Jurassic) |
52000 | Dsq - Quartz-mica schist (Devonian) |
52001 | DZsc - Calcareous schist (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
52002 | PzZb - Metasedimentary rocks of Bluecloud Mountain (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
52003 | Dg - Granitic orthogneiss (Devonian) |
52004 | Da - Ambler sequence (Devonian) |
52006 | Pzsg - Mafic schist (Paleozoic) |
52007 | Pzpg - Phyllite and graywacke (Paleozoic?) |
52008 | DZm - Metamorphic rocks (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
52009 | JDab - Mafic metavolcanic and metaintrusive rocks, metachert, metalimestone, and amphibolite of the Angayucham terrane (Early Jurassic to Devonian) |
52011 | Zg - Granitic orthogneiss (Proterozoic) |
52012 | PzZem - Metamorphic rocks of the Ernie Lake area (Paleozoic to Proterozoic) |
52013 | Zam - Metamorphic rocks of Mt. Angayukaqsraq (Proterozoic) |
52015 | OZc - Older carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform (Middle Ordovician to Proterozoic?) |
52016 | DOc - Younger carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform (Middle Devonian to Ordovician) |
52017 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks (Middle and Late Devonian) |
52018 | Dhf - Hunt Fork Shale (Late Devonian) |
52019 | Dl - Metalimestone (Devonian) |
52021 | PzZqs - Quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
52022 | Khs - Hammond River shear zone (Cretaceous?) |
52023 | Pzm - Marble (Paleozoic) |
52026 | TrCs - Sedimentary rocks (Triassic to Carboniferous) |
52027 | Ml - Carbonate rocks (Mississippian) |
52028 | MDk - Kanayut Conglomerate (Lower Mississippian? and Upper Devonian) |
52030 | Pzp - Phyllite (Paleozoic?) |
52032 | Pzj - Metasedimentary rocks of Jesse Mountain (Paleozoic) |
52034 | PzZbs - Biotite schist (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
52035 | PzZsr - Ruby schist (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
52036 | Km - Migmatite (Cretaceous) |
52037 | Kg - Granitic rocks (Cretaceous) |
52038 | Ks - Conglomerate, sandstone, and shale (Cretaceous) |
52039 | QTb - Basalt (Quaternary? or Tertiary?) |
52041 | DZsc - Calcareous schist; metachert and conglomerate subunit (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
52042 | Ozc - Older carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform; restricted to Ordovian strata only (Middle Ordovician to Proterozoic?) |
52043 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks; volcanic-rock bearing (Middle and Late Devonian) |
52044 | Dhf - Hunt Fork Shale (Late Devonian) |
52045 | DZgn - Schist and paragneiss (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
52046 | PzZcm - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, undivided (Paleozoic and Proterozoic?) |
52047 | PzZm - Mafic schist (Paleozoic? to Proterozoic?) |
52048 | DZsm - Schist and marble, undivided (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
52049 | Spl - Black phyllite and metalimestone (Silurian) |
52052 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks; iron-rich and calcareous components (Middle and Late Devonian) |
52053 | Pzw - Metasedimentary rocks (Paleozoic) |
52055 | Pzw - Metasedimentary rocks; northern belt (Paleozoic) |
52056 | Dn - Noatak Sandstone (Devonian) |
52057 | SCvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Silurian to Cambrian) |
52061 | Mkl - Kayak Shale of Endicott Group and Lisburne Group (Mississippian) |
52062 | Mu - Metasedimentary rocks, undivided (Mississippian) |
52063 | DZsc - Calcareous schist; abundant albite porphyroblasts (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
52065 | Pzbq - Black quartzite (Paleozoic?) |
52066 | Pzb - Black phyllite and siliceous phyllite (Paleozoic?) |
52067 | PzZg - Granitic rocks (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
52068 | Zam - Metamorphic rocks of Mt. Angayukaqsraq (Proterozoic) |
52069 | DOb - Baird Group (Devonian to Ordovician) |
52070 | MDer - Eli River sequence (Mississippian and Devonian) |
52071 | Mcp - Carbonaceous chert and siliceous phyllite (Mississippian) |
52073 | MzPzs - Serpentintite (Mesozoic? to Paleozoic?) |
52074 | MDe - Endicott Group, undivided (Mississippian and Devonian) |
52075 | JDk - Rocks of the Kivivik Creek sequence (Jurassic to Devonian) |
52076 | MzDm - Igneous and sedimentary rocks of the Maiyumerak Mountains (Mesozoic? to Devonian) |
52077 | Mc - Quartz-rich conglomerate (Mississippian?) |
52081 | Dps - Lithic sandstone and shale (Devonian) |
52083 | Dps - Lithic sandstone and shale; schistose (Devonian) |
52084 | DSc - Carbonate rocks of Cosmos Hills (Devonian and Silurian) |
52085 | Pzbs - Black metasedimentary rocks (Paleozoic) |
52086 | Pzpc - Carbonate rocks of phyllite belt (Paleozoic) |
52087 | Pzsm - Marble of the Schist belt (Paleozoic) |
52088 | Mkkl - Kekiktuk Conglomerate(?), Kayak Shale of Endicott Group, and Lisburne Group (Mississippian) |
52089 | MDk - Kanayut Conglomerate; area not differentiated from Noatak Sandstone (Lower Mississippian? and Upper Devonian) |
52090 | JCs - Sedimentary rocks (Jurassic to Carboniferous) |
Value | Definition |
100 | Qs - Surficial sedimentary deposits, undivided (Quaternary); QCLASS = 1000 |
102 | water; QCLASS = 102 |
350 | QTb - Basalt (Quaternary? or Tertiary?) |
1990 | Ks - Conglomerate, sandstone, and shale (Cretaceous) |
2030 | Ks - Conglomerate, sandstone, and shale (Cretaceous) |
2180 | Kvg - Volcanic lithic sandstone and mudstone (Cretaceous) |
2492 | Kg - Granitic rocks (Cretaceous) |
2610 | Km - Migmatite (Cretaceous) |
2650 | Khs - Hammond River shear zone (Cretaceous?) |
3498 | MzPzs - Serpentinite (Mesozoic? to Paleozoic?) |
4951 | MzDm - Igneous and sedimentary rocks of the Maiyumerak Mountains (Mesozoic? to Devonian) |
5001 | JDk - Rocks of the Kivivik Creek sequence (Jurassic to Devonian) |
5003 | JCs - Sedimentary rocks (Jurassic to Carboniferous) |
5004 | TrCs - Sedimentary rocks (Triassic to Carboniferous) |
5133 | JDab - Mafic metavolcanic and metaintrusive rocks, metachert, metalimestone, and amphibolite of the Angayucham terrane (Early Jurassic to Devonian) |
5140 | JDab - Mafic metavolcanic and metaintrusive rocks, metachert, metalimestone, and amphibolite of the Angayucham terrane (Early Jurassic to Devonian) |
5145 | KJm - Melange (Cretaceous to Jurassic?) |
5525 | DSc - Carbonate rocks of Cosmos Hills (Devonian and Silurian) |
5560 | Pzp - Phyllite (Paleozoic?) |
5565 | Pzpg - Phyllite and graywacke (Paleozoic?) |
5570 | Pzpc - Carbonate rocks of phyllite belt (Paleozoic) |
6200 | Mcp - Carbonaceous chert and siliceous phyllite (Mississippian) |
6300 | MDe - Endicott Group, undivided (Mississippian and Devonian) |
6305 | Mkkl - Kekiktuk Conglomerate(?), Kayak Shale of Endicott Group, and Lisburne Group (Mississippian) |
6320 | Ml - Carbonate rocks (Mississippian) |
6328 | Mkl - Kayak Shale of Endicott Group and Lisburne Group (Mississippian) |
6331 | Pzbs - Black metasedimentary rocks (Paleozoic) |
6360 | Mc - Quartz-rich conglomerate (Mississippian?) |
6365 | Mu - Metasedimentary rocks, undivided (Mississippian) |
6686 | Spl - Black phyllite and metalimestone (Silurian) |
6720 | SCvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Silurian to Cambrian) |
6850 | Pzj - Metasedimentary rocks of Jesse Mountain (Paleozoic) |
6900 | Dn - Noatak Sandstone (Devonian) |
6914 | MDk - Kanayut Conglomerate (Lower Mississippian? and Upper Devonian) |
6915 | MDk - Kanayut Conglomerate (Lower Mississippian? and Upper Devonian) |
6925 | Dhf - Hunt Fork Shale (Late Devonian) |
6927 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks (Middle and Late Devonian) |
6951 | Dl - Metalimestone (Devonian) |
6972 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks (Middle and Late Devonian) |
6973 | Dmu - Metasedimentary and lesser metaigneous rocks (Middle and Late Devonian) |
6980 | DOc - Younger carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform (Middle Devonian to Ordovician) |
6982 | MDer - Eli River sequence (Mississippian and Devonian) |
6983 | Pzm - Marble (Paleozoic) |
7000 | Pzsg - Mafic schist (Paleozoic) |
7200 | Dps - Lithic sandstone and shale (Devonian) |
7215 | Pzsm - Marble of the Schist belt (Paleozoic) |
7225 | Dhf - Hunt Fork Shale (Late Devonian) |
7235 | Pzb - Black phyllite and siliceous phyllite (Paleozoic?) |
7250 | Dg - Granitic orthogneiss (Devonian) |
7260 | Da - Ambler sequence (Devonian) |
7360 | DZsm - Schist and marble, undivided (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
7361 | DZgn - Schist and paragneiss (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
7740 | OZc - Older carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform (Middle Ordovician to Proterozoic?) |
7741 | OZc - Older carbonate rocks of the Nanielik antiform (Middle Ordovician to Proterozoic?) |
8601 | PzZbs - Biotite schist (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
8602 | Dsq - Quartz-mica schist (Devonian) |
8603 | PzZqs - Quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
8604 | PzZb - Metasedimentary rocks of Bluecloud Mountain (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
8605 | DZsc - Calcareous schist (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
8607 | DZsc - Calcareous schist (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
8608 | DZsc - Calcareous schist (Devonian to Proterozoic) |
8611 | PzZem - Metamorphic rocks of the Ernie Lake area (Paleozoic to Proterozoic) |
8655 | PzZcm - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, undivided (Paleozoic and Proterozoic?) |
8661 | PzZm - Mafic schist (Paleozoic? to Proterozoic?) |
8852 | DZm - Metamorphic rocks (Devonian to Proterozoic?) |
9045 | PzZg - Phyllite and graywacke (Paleozoic?) |
9060 | Zg - Granitic orthogneiss (Proterozoic) |
9300 | Zam - Metamorphic rocks of Mt. Angayukaqsraq (Proterozoic) |
9325 | PzZsr - Ruby schist (Paleozoic to Proterozoic?) |
HFS - contact metamorphism, hornfels
Value | Definition |
AR003 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, in prep., Reconnaissance geologic map and digital data for the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map SIM-2909, scale 1:500,000. |
AR004 | Till. A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
BM004 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
BT002 | Patton, W.W., Jr., and Miller, T.P., 1973, Bedrock geologic map of Bettles and southern part of Wiseman quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-492, scale 1:250,000. |
BT003 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, in prep., Reconnaissance geologic map and digital data for the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map SIM-2909, scale 1:500,000. |
BT005 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
BV004 | Wilson/Hults edits 8/22/2007 |
BV006 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
CH004 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
CS002 | Brosge, W.P., and Reiser, H.N., 2000, Geology of the Christian quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-192, scale 1:250,000. |
CS003 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Phillips, J.D., Stanley, R.G., and Crews, Jesse, in prep., Generalized bedrock geologic map, Yukon flats region, east-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, pamphlet, 1 plate, scale 1:500,000. |
CS004 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
HU002 | Patton, W.W., Jr., and Miller, T.P., 1966, Regional geologic map of the Hughes quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Series Map I-459, scale 1:250,000. |
HU003 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, in prep., Reconnaissance geologic map and digital data for the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map SIM-2909, scale 1:500,000. |
HU004 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
SE003 | Karl, S.M., Dumoulin, J.A., Ellersieck, Inyo, Harris, A.G., and Schmidt, J.M., 1989, Preliminary geologic map of the Baird Mountains and part of the Selawik quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-551, 65p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. |
SE005 | Till, A.G., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
SH002 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Miller, T.P., and Tailleur, I.L., 1968, Regional geologic map of the Shungnak and southern part of the Ambler River quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-554, scale 1:250,000. |
SH004 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, in prep., Reconnaissance geologic map and digital data for the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map SIM-2909, scale 1:500,000. |
SH005 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
SP003 | Patton, W.W., Jr., Wilson, F.H., Labay, K.A., and Shew, Nora, in prep., Reconniassance geologic map and digital data for the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-2909, scale 1:500,000. |
SP004 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
WI007 | Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, Heather, and Siwiec, Benjamin, in press, Bedrock geologic map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXX, scale 1:500,000. |
Value | Definition |
1 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location certain |
2 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location approximate |
3 | Stratigraphic or intrusive contact, location inferred, queried |
4 | Normal fault, location certain; if ARC-PARA1 = 1, then upthrown side is on right from origin |
5 | Normal fault, location approximate, if ARC-PARA1 = 1, then upthrown side is on right from origin |
7 | Shoreline or riverbank |
9 | Boundary or altered zone or hornfels |
10 | Thrust fault, location certain; teeth on right from origin |
11 | Thrust fault, location approximate; teeth on right from origin |
30 | Fault, sense of displacement unknown, location certain |
31 | Fault, sense of displacement unknown, location approximate |
32 | Fault, sense of displacement unknown, location inferred or queried |
52 | Normal fault, concealed; if ARC-PARA1 = 1, then upthrown side is on right from origin |
53 | Thrust fault, concealed; teeth on right from origin |
57 | Concealed right lateral fault |
60 | Concealed fault, sense of displacement unknown |
87 | Right lateral fault, location certain |
88 | Right lateral fault, location approximate |
99 | Bounding line of coverage |
This data set was prepared by Keith Labay (USGS), Nora Shew (USGS), David Pray (contractor), Nathan Pannkuk (contractor), Lana Cohen (contractor), Jeanie Yarnell (contractor)
U.S. Geological Survey
c/o Alison B. Till
4200 University Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
907-786-7444 (voice)
This data set represents part of a systematic effort to release geologic map data for the United States in a uniform manner. Geologic data in this series has been compiled from a wide variety of sources, published and unpublished, ranging from state and regional geologic maps to large-scale field mapping.
Person responsible for change:
U.S. Geological Survey
c/o Frederic H. Wilson
4200 University Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4667
907-786-7448 (voice)
There were many types of source materials, of varying scale, used to compile this data set. Sources include previously published maps and unpublished mapping. The dates of the mapping range from the present to 1950's. Vector features were digitized on a large digitizing tablet or on screen from a scanned image. Vector and polygon attributes were assigned based on the original source. the digital data has been checked, and the geologic map has been technically reviewed and edited.
This data is presented for use at a nominal scale of 1:500,000.
The complete data set consists of 11 geology GIS converages. There is also an associated relational database of geologic units. Each coverage has the full or partial extent of a 1:250,000 scale quadrangle. A graphic representation of the database (map) and a report including complete geologic unit descriptions is provided in .pdf format.
Each geology coverage is a network coverage containing attributed arcs and polyons. Each polygon has a coded attribute designating the mapped geologic unit. Faults, stratigraphic contacts, and other linear features are represented as arcs. When a fault is also a stratigraphic contact, only a single arc is present. Dangling arcs may be present (faults, dike, etc.)
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
- Access_Constraints: None
- Use_Constraints:
- None. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
U.S. Geological Survey
MS 902
Box 25286
Denver Federal Center
Lakewood, CO 80225
1-888-ASK-USGS (voice)
Open-File Report 2008-XXXX
This world-wide web publication was prepared by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, product, or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof.Although all data and software published on this web-site have been used by the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and related materials and (or) the functioning of the software. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of this data, software, or related materials.
Data format: | ARCE |
Network links: |
<> |
U.S. Geological Survey
c/o Nora B. Shew
4200 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
907-786-7445 (voice)