USGS Open-File Report 2008-1156
Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Risk Management Research Laboratory
By Stephen L. Harden
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1156, 22 pages (Published online only, May 2008)
This report is available online only in PDF format:
OFR 2008-1156 (
) (1.25 MB)
This report summarizes water-quality and hydrologic
data collected during 2006-2007 to characterize bacteria and
nutrient loads associated with overland runoff and subsurface
tile drainage in spray fields at a swine concentrated animal
feeding operation. Four monitoring locations were established
at the Lizzie Research Site in the North Carolina Coastal Plain
Physiographic Province for collecting discharge and water-quality
data during stormwater-runoff events. Water stage
was measured continuously at each monitoring location. A
stage-discharge relation was developed for each site and was
used to compute instantaneous discharge values for collected
samples. Water-quality samples were collected for five storm
events during 2006-2007 for analysis of nutrients and fecal
indicator bacteria. Instantaneous loads of nitrite plus nitrate,
total coliform, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and enterococci were
computed for selected times during the five storm events.
Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Area
Data Summary
Stormwater-Runoff Sampling Events
Water Stage and Flow
Microbial and Nutrient Concentrations and Loads
References Cited
Appendix--Summary of nutrient and analytical results for stormwater event samples collected at the Lizzie Research Site, Greene County, North Carolina, 2006-2007
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Suggested citation: Harden, S.L., 2008, Microbial and nutrient concentration and load data during stormwater runoff at a swine concentrated animal feeding operation in the North Carolina Coastal Plain, 2006-2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1156, 22 p. (only online at
For more information, please contact Stephen L. Harden.