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Open-File Report 2009-1007

Prepared in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Transportation

Annual Maximum Stages and Discharges of Selected Streams in Virginia through 2007

By Samuel H. Austin and Ute Wiegand


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Annual maximum stages and discharges for continuous-record and partial-record streamflow-gaging stations in Virginia are summarized through the 2007 water year. Data are included for over 500 active and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and other agencies for which 2 or more years of record are available. Additional information is provided for each station, including a brief description of gage location, drainage area, type of gage, vertical datum if known, method of development of the stage-discharge relation, bankfull stage if known, degree of regulation upstream from each gage, and pertinent remarks about historical data or local conditions that may affect peak flows.

First posted February 13, 2009

For additional information contact:
U.S. Geological Survey
1730 East Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228

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Suggested citation:

Austin, S.H., and Wiegand, U., 2009, Annual maximum stages and discharges of selected streams in Virginia through 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1007, 733 p. (available only online at




Purpose and Scope

Explanation of Data


References Cited

Tables of Annual Maximum Stages and Discharges



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