of2009-1044_readme.txt The digital data and map of this Open-File report are available from the following U.S. Geological Survey URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1044/ Data Contents The digital dataset consists of one file (cencal_mag.xyz) containing the approximately 2,750,000 point data that were gridded and contoured to produce aeromagnetic contours on the map. The file contains the principal data fields of the aeromagnetic measurements, with header lines describing the flight number, flight line, and date for each flightline, followed by one measurement point coded per line. Header lines begin with "/" to mark them as header information, rather than measurement information. The format of the data is described below. Each measurement has a line number, line direction, latitude, longitude, date and time information, radar, barometric and GPS altitude and various levels of magnetic field measurements. Measurement Description: Line 1Hz * Line number (edited) direction 1Hz degrees Flight line direction in degrees from North lon_nad27 1Hz decimal degrees DGPS longitude (NAD-27);Transformed from X_nad27 & Y_nad27 lat_nad27 1Hz decimal degrees DGPS latitude (NAD-27);Transformed from X_nad27 & Y_nad27 X_wgs84 1Hz meters DGPS UTME (WGS-84,Z10N) Selected (WPT-DGPS) Y_wgs84 1Hz meters DGPS UTMN (WGS-84,Z10N) Selected (WPT-DGPS) X_nad27 1Hz meters DGPS UTME (NAD-27 mean CONUS,Z10N) Y_nad27 1Hz meters DGPS UTMN (NAD-27 mean CONUS,Z10N) fid10 10Hz sec Geosoft fiducial date 1Hz * Acquisition year and Julian date YYYY/DDD (UTC) tgps 1Hz sec UTC time (HH:MM:SS:SS) raltlc 10Hz meters Radar altitude above ground level (AGL); Edited baltlc 1Hz meters Barometric altitude relative to mean sea level (MSL); Edited z 1Hz meters DGPS altitude (MSL); Selected (WPT-DGPS) baseA 1Hz nT Mag base station A, edited, Base located in San Luis Obispo, California um3l 10Hz nT TMF (Total Magnetic Field), Uncompensated TAIL, Tail sensor, raw mag_micro 10H nT Micro-levelled TMF magigrf 10Hz nT Final levelled residual magnetic intensity m3l 10Hz nT TMF, Compensated TAIL; Tail sensor, raw maglc 10Hz nT Edited TMF; De-spike & filter applied on m3l maglcb 10Hz nT diurnal corrected TMF mag_lev 10Hz nT Tie line levelled TMF igrf 1Hz nT IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) value calculated with draped z