CARIS processing for USGS field activity 06012 and 07001: A new CARIS HIPS project (ver. 6.1) was created with for each field activity with projection information set to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 19, WGS84. Each SWATHPlus processed file (sxp) was imported to the new CARIS project using the Import/Conversion Wizard. A 5 meter resolution Bathymetric and Statistical Error (BASE) Surface was created from the files for each Julian day. The BASE surface for each day was reviewed for any inconsistencies or data anomalies. Navigation was edited as needed using the navigation editor tool in CARIS. Filters were applied to each line including beam to beam slopes and across track angle. The CARIS refraction editor was used to adjust the speed of sound in some cases to flatten out the depth profiles produced by localized variations in speed of sound through the water column.
CARIS processing for NOAA hydrographic survey H10993: The CARIS HIPS directory was received from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA-NGDC). The multibeam bathymetric data from NOAA was delivered fully processed and tide-corrected by NOAA Hydrographers. The CARIS HIPS project was reviewed and checked for any inconsistencies. Survey lines outside of the Duxbury to Hull survey area were removed from the project.