BASE surface creation for USGS field activity 06012 and 07001: A new CARIS HIPS project was made to create final BASE surfaces for all of the bathymetric data from the NOAA and USGS surveys. A 5 meter BASE surface was created for the entire area of the Duxbury to Hull survey area utilizing all the quality bathymetric soundings data from USGS surveys 06012 and 07001. This surface demonstrates the data gaps especially those resulting from navigation problems during survey 06012 and gaps between survey lines in shallow water during survey 07001. Another 10 meter BASE surface (with 4 iterations of interpolation) was created from the same data from survey 06012 and 07001 in order to fill the data gaps (these two grids will be merged using a technique that preserves the higher-resolution data - see next process step).
BASE surface creation for NOAA hydrographic survey H10993: A 5 meter BASE surface (with 1 iteration of interpolation) was created for the NOAA hydrographic data using all quality bathymetric soundings data within the Duxbury to Hull survey area.