This shapefile includes trackline navigation from all the swath sonar data that was collected within the survey area; however only quality bathymetric soundings along the main survey lines were included in the final bathymetry grid included on this report (DH_bathy5m). Bathymetric data along the tielines, line l67f2 and sections of other main survey lines (mostly during leg 1 of survey 06012, see below for more information) were not included in the final bathymetric grid.
The GPS navigation and bathymetric attitude data were significantly hindered during the first leg of survey 06012 (lines l1f1 - l99f2, 4-14 Aug 2006). Navigation dropouts halted surveying and problems with the ADU2 compass resulted in un-usable bathymetric data along survey tracklines that have valid navigation data. Therefore, tracklines of good navigation occur in areas where there are gaps in the bathymetry coverage as illustrated in the dataset DH_bathyhlshd_wgaps.tif, included in this report.