Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1103 A Practical Primer on Geostatistics By Ricardo A. Olea ----------------------------------------------------- First posted July 6, 2009 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted July 10, 2009 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted January 2010 as version 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted July 2017 as version 1.2 Since 2009, the author has used U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1103 in teaching his course on geostatistics. In response to comments from students, the author has clarified the explanations, fixed typographical errors, or made minor wording changes on 54 pages of the 346 pages in the report. The number of pages and the page sequence remain the same. Most of the illustrations were not affected, except for the illustrations on p. 223 and 224, which were updated. Additional updates are described below. One typographical error was corrected in the table on p. 20: Row 13, column 4, 1.43 was changed to 2.86. Four typographical errors were corrected in the last column of the Weights and Lagrange multiplier matrix on p. 180: (1) 0.185 was changed to 0.198; (2) 0.128 was changed to 0.141; (3) 0.646 was changed to 0.650; and (4) -0.001 was changed to 0.011. Two typographical errors were corrected in the table on p. 186: (1) Row 2, column 1, 5 was changed to 7 and (2) row 3, column 1, 5 was changed to 8. One change was made to the equation on p. 196 and one change was made to the equation on p. 198: The variable n was changed to the variable p. Four changes were made to four equations on p. 197: (1) In equations 1–3, the variable n was changed to the variable p and (2) in equation 7, f(subscript)k was changed to f(subscript)p and f(subscript)n was changed to f(subscript)p. Six changes were made to five equations on p. 199: In five places, f(subscript)n was changed to f(subscript)p and in one equation, mu(subscript)n was changed to mu(subscript)p. Two changes were made on p. 286: (1) In the 6th statement, S was changed to e(subscript)Ka and in the 7th statement, G(subscript)min was changed to G(subscript)min (O(subscript)min). ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted November 2017 as version 1.3 ----------------------------------------------------- Since 2009, the author has used U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1103 in teaching his course on geostatistics. In response to comments from students, the author has made modifications on 7 pages of the 346 pages in the report. The number of pages and the page sequence remain the same. Updates are described below. On p. 68, two hyphens were added in paragraph 1, and the URL was updated in paragraph 2. On p. 117, two “if” statements were added to the first equation; for the second and third equations, the paired square brackets were made smaller. On p. 135, in the last line, a minus sign was added as “= 1” was changed to “= -1.” On p. 138, in the line above the red box, a minus sign was added as “= 1” was changed to “= -1.” This change is the same as that made on p. 135. On p. 183, “754.8” was changed to “754.7,” and explanatory text was added to the page. On p. 236, “, 1” was added after both equations, before the closing parentheses. On p. 287, the middle graph in the bottom row was updated. ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 2018 as version 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------- Since 2009, the author has used U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1103 in teaching his course on geostatistics. The author has made modifications on 8 pages of the 346 pages in the report. The number of pages and the page sequence remain the same. Updates are described below. On p. 105, explanatory text was added to the first sentence: “where s denotes geographical location,” On p. 118, two typographical errors were corrected on the y-axes of the two graphs to read “Semivariogram.” On p. 167, for the equation on the first line, the second s(subscript)i was changed to s(subscript)j. On p. 183, in the last line, an equation was added after (sigma) squared. On p. 203, new text was added to the page as the last line: “A low angular tolerance of 10 degrees was used to properly filter out the trend.” On p. 234, a normal-sized bullet replaced the small bullet in front of the second bulleted item, which begins with “Cov.” On p. 335, the table was updated, and map nos. 2 and 3 were transposed. On p. 341, a new reference (Mariethoz and Caers, 2015) was added to the page.