Cell size = 2.0 Number of rows = 6001 Number of columns = 11001 Data type = floating point Boundary Xmin = 755999.0 Xmax = 778001.0 Ymin = 3807999.0 Ymax = 3820001.0 Statistics Minimum value = 12165.5 Maximum value = 58482.87 Mean = 31953.76 Standard deviation = 3448.79 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum NAD83 Units metersThese data are published in this report in three different formats with the following attributes,
BACKSC.TIFF Imageformat = TIFF Image type = grayscale Image colormap = false Image compressed = false Image rotate = false Image depth = 16 Image bands = 1 Number of columns = 6001 Number of rows = 11001 Pixel size DX = 2.0 Pixel size DY = 2.0 Boundary Xmin = 755999.0 Xmax = 778001.0 Ymin = 3807999.0 Ymax = 3820001.0 BACKSC.XYZ XYZ file (x-coord, y-coord, depth) created from the ESRI grid using the command "GRIDPOINT". BACKSC.ASC ASCIIRASTER files created from the ESRI grid using the command "GRIDASCII".