Open-File Report 2009-1297
IntroductionThis report contains a global compilation of the mineral resource data for sediment-hosted lead-zinc (SH Pb-Zn) deposits. Sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits are historically the most significant sources of lead and zinc, and are mined throughout the world. The most important SH Pb-Zn deposits are hosted in clastic-dominated sedimentary rock sequences (CD Pb-Zn) that are traditionally called sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) deposits, and those in carbonate-dominated sequences that are known as Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits. In this report, we do not include sandstone-Pb, sandstone-hosted Pb, or Pb-Zn vein districts such as those in Freiberg, Germany, or Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, because these deposits probably represent different deposit types (Leach and others, 2005). We do not include fracture-controlled deposits in which fluorite is dominant and barite typically abundant (for example, Central Kentucky; Hansonburg, N. Mex.) or the stratabound fluorite-rich, but also lead- and zinc-bearing deposits, such as those in southern Illinois, which are considered a genetic variant of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits (Leach and Sangster, 1993). This report updates the Pb, Zn, copper (Cu), and silver (Ag) grade and tonnage data in Leach and others (2005), which itself was based on efforts in the Canadian Geological Survey World Minerals Geoscience Database Project (contributions of D.F. Sangster to Sinclair and others, 1999). New geological or geochronological data, classifications of the tectonic environment in which the deposits formed, and key references to the geology of the deposits are presented in our report. Data for 121 CD deposits, 113 MVT deposits, and 6 unclassified deposits that were previously classified as either SEDEX or MVT in the Leach and others (2005) compilation, are given in appendix table A1. In some cases, mineral resource data were available only for total district resources, but not for individual mines within the district. For these districts, the resource data are presented in appendix table A2. In addition, numerous figures (appendix figures B1–B9) displaying important grade-tonnage and geologic features are included. These mineral deposit resource data are important for exploration targeting and mineral resource assessments. There is significant variability in the resource data for these deposit types, and ore controls vary from one region to another. Therefore, grade-tonnage estimations are best evaluated as subsets of the data in appendix table A1 where local mineralization styles and ore controls characterize the region being evaluated for grade-tonnage relations. Furthermore, consideration should also be given to the tendency for MVT resources to occur in large mineralized regions. |
First posted December 31, 2009 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Taylor, R.D., Leach, D.L., Bradley, D.C., and Pisarevsky, S.A., 2009, Compilation of mineral resource data for Mississippi Valley-type and clastic-dominated sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1297, 42 p.
Clastic-Dominated and Mississippi Valley-Type Lead-Zinc Deposits
Limitations of the Data Compilation
Data Fields