Open-File Report 2010-1026
AbstractWe led two discussion groups during the 2007 National GAP Conference. These discussion groups provided information to help develop a survey of National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) data users. GAP provides spatial data for use as a framework to make assessments regarding how well biodiversity is protected, and to evaluate what aspects of biodiversity need greater protection. One group discussed technical issues, and the second group discussed the use of GAP data for decisionmaking. Themes emerging from the technical issues group included concerns about data quality, need for information on how to use data, and passive data distribution. The decisionmaking discussion included a wide range of topics including the need to understand presentation of information, the need to connect with and understand users of data, the revision of GAP’s mission, and the adaptability of products and data. The decisionmaking group also raised concerns regarding technical issues. One conclusion is that a deep commitment to ongoing information transfer and support is a key component of success for the GAP program. |
Revised April 12, 2010 First posted April 6, 2010 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Ratz, J.M., and Lamb, B.L., 2010, National GAP Conference 2007—Discussion groups report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1026, 10 p.
Evaluation of the Gap Analysis Program
Purpose of the Discussion Groups
Organization of Discussion Groups
Outcomes of Discussions
Survey Development
References Cited
Appendix – Conference Discussion Group Protocol