USGS Open-File Report 2010-1061: Revised Subsurface Stratigraphic Framework of the Fort Union and Wasatch Formations, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana ------------------ April 19, 2010 ------------------ Changes were made to the PRB_CROSS_SECTION_ELEV table of the PRB_STRAT_DB.mdb. The "TOP_ELEV_FT" and "BOTTOM_ELEV_FT" values for coal and sandstone beds were previously inverted for wells in cross-sections D-D', O-O', and P-P'. The issue was corrected by replacing the values in the "TOP_ELEV_FT" with those in the "BOTTOM_ELEV_FT" field and the "BOTTOM_ELEV_FT" values for those in the "TOP_ELEV_FT" field for the wells in the affected cross sections mentioned above. ------------------ May 24, 2010 ------------------ Updates were applied to the "PRB_CROSSS_SECTION_ELEV" table of the PRB_STRAT_DB.mdb. The fields "TOP_ELEV_FT" and "BOTTOM_ELEV_FT" in the above mentioned table were modified so that for every keywell in cross-section the top and bottom elevations of the coal beds were equal.