"Table 6. Location and description of dredge hauls, cruise F7-87-SCÊ. [CFA, carbonate fluorapatite; kg, kilogram; %, percent; --, no data; mm, millimeter]" Dredge Total (kg) % from Outcrop "% Talus" "% Encrusted" Ferromanganese oxides Substrate rocks D1 0 -- -- -- No recovery -- D2 0 -- -- -- Lost bag -- D3 150 50 50 80 patina "Botryoidal, smooth to granular surface textures; most rocks with a patina, brown to black: layering in the thicker crusts with thin CFA layers between crust and substrate; maximum thickness: 22 mm; average thickness: 8 mm" "74% volcaniclastic breccia with olive-green and black, subrounded, cobble to sand size, vesicular basalt clasts in yellow-ochre CFA cement and fine-grained volcanic debris matrix; minor poorly consolidated, highly altered breccia with CFA cement; 25% black vesicular basalt: some vesicles filled with sediment; <1% brown dolostone with burrows and borings; encrusting forams on rocks" D4 80 5 95 75 patina 5 crust Smooth and lizard skin botryoids; maximum thickness: 6 mm; average thickness: 3 mm "75% dark blue-gray basalt, aphanitic, vesicular to amygdaloidal, boulder to cobble sizes; 24% volcaniclastic breccia: boulders to pebbles, with blocky basalt clasts, small altered rounded clasts in orange-yellow zeolite cement and altered sand-sized grains; encrusting organisms on upper and lower surfaces" D5 255 5 95 85 patina 15 crust "Dominantly smooth surface texture, subdued botryoids, granular on the sides; laminated black to brown massive outer layer; porous, Fe stained between crust layers; maximum thickness: 35 mm; average thickness: 8 mm" "98% grayish blue and beige, massive olivine basalt cobbles; some vesicular, one small boulder with a black glass rind, pale-brown mud in fractures and fractured surfaces of some basalts; 1% volcaniclastic breccia: gray basalt clasts and few basaltic glass clasts in a zeolite matrix; encrusting forams on surface" D6 500 10 90 95 patina "Minor small sized botryoids, smooth to granular, few with eroded surface, 2 to 4 layers: 1) outer, brown laminated, porous, some with inclusions of vesicular basalt clasts and dolostone, vugs, and/or Fe staining; 2) black, or metallic gray-black laminated or wavy laminated, massive, porous, occasional Fe stained and carbonate lenses; 3) black, massive with volcanic clasts, some altered clasts; 4) inner, thin carbonate layer; maximum thickness: 50 mm; average thickness: 8 mm" "75% gray vesicular basalt; carbonate and/or mud in vesicles, chill rinds on cobbles and boulders with Mn cement, few altered basalt; 24% volcanic breccia; subangular to subrounded, poorly sorted, cobble- to sand-sized vesicular basalt clasts with zeolite or Mn cement or in a orange-yellow or green-gray sand matrix; alteration rim of palagonite in large clasts; <1% sandstone and mudstone; burrows in mudstone filled with Mn oxides" D7 80 95 5 25 "Botryoidal, granular, smooth surface textures; black, brown, yellow-brown; massive to laminated; occasional inclusions of tiny basalt fragments with yellow iron-oxide rims; maximum thickness: 30 mm; average thickness: 15 mm" "93% yellowish-white or greenish-brown mudstone; yellowish-white mudstone has many borings lined with black Mn oxides and filled with brown mud; some small green grains; some borings in the greenish-brown mudstone; 2% gray basalt: sparsely vesicular, few blebs of carbonate; 2% volcaniclastic breccia; poorly sorted, dark-gray vesicular basalt clasts, some with Mn or Mn-Fe oxide rims; 2% encrusting forams, worm tubes, glass sponges on top crust; <1% trachyte" D8 20 100 0 100 "Smooth, modified botryoids, lizard skin and granular surfaces; few crusts without substrate; 2 to 3 layers: 1) outer, laminated brown, massive; 2) black, wavy laminated with carbonate blebs and laminae, massive; and/or 3) inner, massive brown with carbonate filling fractures and between basalt fragments; 58% nodules: lobate and spherical, combination of layer 1 and 2, also with carbonate in fractures; maximum thickness: 68 mm; average thickness: 18 mm" "65% finely vesicular basalt, mudstone layer between crust and basalt; 35% nodules-nuclei vary from angular old crust fragments, volcaniclastic fragments, sandstone, hyaloclastite, and carbonate; carbonate blebs common in volcaniclastic sandstone and hyaloclastite; Mn and/or zeolite cement common" D9 150 90 10 100 "Large bulbous botryoids, smooth and lizard skin; some granular on sides and bottom; many small crust and nodule fragments without substrate; 1 to 5 layers: 1) outer, massive to laminated layers or wavy laminated; 2) reddish brown to gray; 3) inner layers, submetallic gray to gray, common fracturing in inner crust; 4) innermost, some with disseminated carbonate ± basalt fragments; 20% nodules; maximum thickness: 120 mm; average thickness: 45 mm" "60% hyaloclastite; pale-brown, soft poorly indurated, extensive burrows filled with hyaloclastite; some mixed with carbonate-cemented microbreccia and angular clasts of sand-sized basalt in zeolite cement; Mn impregnations and in fractures; 15% dolostone, large burrows exposed at surface; 1-3 cm infilled by Mn and some filled with cream mud; 10% altered vesicular basalt; 6% gray cross-bedded sandstone; 5% burrowed mudstone, Mn dendrites and burrow fill; 4% nodules, nuclei mainly carbonate, few old crust fragments, hyaloclastite, and chert" D10 2.5 90 10 100 "Smooth to granular, botryoidal surfaces, one with high-relief botryoids; some crusts with no substrate; 2 to 3 layers: 1) outer, reddish-brown, massive to laminated, some with thin outer crust; 2) inner, black, laminated to massive and fractured; 3) innermost, barite and altered volcanic rock fragments in Mn cement; maximum thickness: 52 mm; average thickness: 20 mm" "58% breccia; angular clasts, granules to very coarse sand, made up of crust fragments, volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks; Mn-oxide cement; 38% carbonates with abundant Mn dendrites; 2% old crust fragments; 1% hyaloclastite; 1%-one rounded quartz-feldspathic sandstone with hematite grains; clean, moderately well sorted; encrusting forams on surface" D11 20 100 0 95 "Surfaces mostly smooth, botryoidal, and some granular on sides and bottom; most without substrate; 2 to 3 layers: 1) outer, thin, porous, laminated reddish-brown Fe-stained layer or laminated brown; 2) black massive or laminated to wavy laminated, some with fractures; 3) inner, brown laminated to massive; 1, massive to granular and disrupted layer; few with carbonate rounded to angular clasts and dendrites; maximum thickness: 83 mm; average thickness: 30 mm" "75%-one slab of bored, brown, laminated porcellanite; 25%-2 basalt cobbles; pale-brown and gray, chill rind on some margins; encrusting forams on surface" D12 0 -- -- -- No recovery -- D13 3 100 0 100 "Smooth, subtly botryoidal, granular on sides and bottom, some crust fragments without substrate; 2 to 3 layers: 1) outer, laminated to massive red-brown or black; 2) inner, black, massive, one laced with barite; middle, laminated pale-brown; 3) inner, massive to laminated dark brown; maximum thickness: 26 mm; average thickness: 18 mm" "100% breccia, 2 cobbles; clasts of tabular basalt, old crusts, and carbonate in Mn-Fe oxide cement; aligned tabular basalt clasts, fractures filled with carbonate; encrusting forams on surface" D14 25 100 0 100 "Smooth, subtly bulbous botryoids, granular on bottom and/or sides, some with lizard skin; 2 layers: 1) outer, brown to black laminated to massive; 2) inner, gray-black or submetallic black, massive to occasionally laminated; one cobble with alternating layers of submetallic black and matte black; maximum thickness: 65 mm; average thickness: 18 mm" "85% blue-gray porphyritic basalt with common phenocrysts of pyroxene and feldspar, a chill margin with a thin, dark-colored, glassy aphanitic outer edge; 9% massive pale-brown dolomitic mudstone, many filled burrows, Mn dendrites around burrows and infilled with Mn or mud; 4% phosphorite breccia: pale-brown, extremely poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded phosphorite clasts and minor basalt fragments in grain-supported CFA cement, undulatory layers; 2% laminated crust on basalt pebbles" D15 0 -- -- -- No recovery -- D16 0 -- -- -- Lost bag --