Revision History for USGS Open-File Report 2010-1075 Kathrine E. Behn, Theodore A. Kennedy, and Robert O. Hall, Jr. Basal Resources in Backwaters of the Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam; Effects of Discharge Regimes and Comparison with Mainstem Depositional Environments ----------------------------------------------------- Improved page 19: Removed: "However, in terms of biomass chironomid larvae were the dominant taxa in all backwaters (fig. 10B)." Replaced with: "Invertebrate biomass densities followed this trend, with a calculated range of 2.5 mg/m2 to 1,000 mg/m2 for tubificids compared to 0 mg/m2 to 200 mg/m2 for chironomids." Removed: "(for example, 1.26 mg/m2 at RM 199 versus 268.4 mg/m2 at RM 44.6)" Replaced with: "(for example, 5.1 mg/m2 at RM 199 versus 1,073.6 mg/m2 at RM 44.6)" July 8, 2010 Posted online at June 4, 2010 -----------------------------------------------------