1. Identification Information
1.1 Citation
8.1 Originator: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay & Watershed
Programs, Resource Assessment Service, Maryland Geological Survey (MGS)
8.2 Publication Date: 2003
8.4 Title: Recent (1988-1995) Maryland Shorelines with Erosion Rate Attributes
8.5 Edition: 1
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay & Watershed
Programs, Resource Assessment Service, Maryland Geological Survey (MGS)
8.9 Other Citation Details: CD-ROM CoErosionRates
8.10 Online Linkage: http://www.mgs.md.gov
1.2 Description
1.2.1 Abstract:
In 2000, the Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) was awarded
a Coastal Zone Management grant to complete the acquisition of a recent (ca. 1990)
digital shoreline for the coastal regions of Maryland -- the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries,
the coastal bays, and the Atlantic coast. MGS contracted the services of EarthData
International, Inc. (EDI), currently of Frederick, Md., to extract shorelines from
an existing wetlands delineation, which was based on photo interpretation of 3.75-minute
digital orthophoto quarter quads (DOQQs). In areas where a wetlands coverage was not
yet available, EDI interpreted shorelines directly from the orthophotography. DOQQ
registration (Maryland State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 83, meters) was transferred
automatically to the shoreline vectors. Following shoreline extraction or interpretation,
EDI assigned attributes to the vectors based on shoreline type: beach, vegetated, structure,
or water’s edge. All four categories are linear features, except “beach,” which,
if sufficiently wide, can be both linear and polygonal. Shorelines were merged into
7.5-minute quadrangles, provided that the aerial photography on which the DOQQs were
based was flown in the same year.
MGS used the shorelines to create a series of Shoreline
Changes maps. In doing so, MGS erased the landward edge of beach polygons, leaving
the seaward edge intact as a linear feature.
The Geographic Information Services Division of the
Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) merged the shorelines for all of the
7.5-minute quadrangles into a single, statewide coverage.
MGS, working collaboratively with Towson University’s
Center for Geographic Sciences (CGIS), subsequently used the recent shorelines, along
with historical ones, as input into a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) program, the Digital
Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) (Danforth and Thieler, 1992; Thieler and others, 2001). DSAS
determines linear rates of shoreline change (erosion or accretion) along closely spaced,
shore-normal transects. Based on DSAS output, the collaborators assigned the following
erosion rate categories as attributes to the recent shoreline, clipped by county from
the statewide coverage:
The data set contains recent shoreline vectors for
sixteen coastal counties and Baltimore City (see Appendix 1), assigned both shoreline
type and erosion rate attributes. The vectors represent shoreline positions between
the years 1988 and 1995.
The metadata was originally written to document the
recent shoreline vectors, interpreted, directly or indirectly, from DOQQs and merged
by 7.5-minute quadrangle (see Appendix 2). It was amended to include information about
the erosion rate attributes later assigned to the county shorelines.
1.2.2 Purpose: This data set complements a set of historical digital shorelines
for the Maryland reaches of the Chesapeake Bay, the coastal bays, and the Atlantic
coast (See Section 1.14). That data set spans the period 1841-1977. The two data
sets are being used to update a series of Shoreline Changes maps and to determine
coastal land loss during the last half of the 20th century. Other State
agencies will be able to use this data to analyze and update land loss information,
analyze historical erosion trends, and assess the extent and magnitude of shore erosion
on a regional geographic basis. In particular, the availability of up-to-date shoreline
change data will support the design and implementation of shore protection projects
and the development of a comprehensive shore erosion control plan.
1.2.3 Supplemental Information: This document serves as metadata for
recent (ca. 1990) shoreline vector files, assigned erosion rate attributes, for Baltimore
City and 16 coastal counties in Maryland.
See appendices:
Appendix 1: Bounding Coordinates of Maryland’s Coastal Counties and Baltimore City
Appendix 2: Shoreline Dates, by Quadrangle
Appendix 3: Constituent Quadrangles and Attributed Shoreline File Size, by County
Conkwright, R.D. (compiler), 1975, Historical Shorelines Atlas: Maryland
Geological Survey, Baltimore, Md., 4 volumes.
Cowardin, L.M., Carter V., Golet, F., and LaRoe, E., 1979, Classification
of wetlands and deep water habitats of the United States: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 103 pp.
Danforth, W.W., and Thieler, E.R., 1992, Digital Shoreline Analysis System
(DSAS) User’s Guide, Version 1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
92-355, 18 p.
Hennessee, L., 2000a, Metadata: Historical shorelines, 1841-1976, Chesapeake
Bay region of Maryland (CD-ROM SCSL_RVC): Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore,
Hennessee, L., 2000b, Metadata: Maryland digital shoreline acquisition
from recent orthophotography: Recent (ca. 1990) shorelines, coastal regions of Maryland
(CD-ROM RecentSL): Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, Md.
Thieler, E.R., O’Connell, J.F., and Schupp, C.A., 2001, The Massachusetts
Shoreline Change Project: Technical Report 1800s to 1996, U.S. Geological Survey
Administrative Report, Woods Hole, MA.
1.3 Time Period of Content
9 Time Period Information
9.2 Multiple Dates/Times
9.2.1 Calendar Date
9.3 Range of Dates/Times
9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19880417
9.3.3 Ending Date: 19950325 – See Appendix 2 – Date of photography
1.3.1 Currentness Reference: The dates on which aerial photography was flown. The
aerial photography was used to create digital orthophoto quarter quads (DOQQs). A
wetlands delineation based on photo interpretation of the DOQQs or the orthophotography
itself was the immediate source of the shorelines in the data set.
1.4 Status
1.4.1 Progress: Complete
1.4.2 Maintenance and Update Frequency: Irregular
1.5 Spatial Domain
1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates
(Bounding coordinates of entire study area; see Appendix 1 for bounding coordinates
of individual counties) West Bounding Coordinate: -77.375° East Bounding Coordinate: -75.0° North Bounding Coordinate: 39.625° South Bounding Coordinate: 37.875°
1.6 Keywords
1.6.1 Theme Theme Keyword Thesaurus: Global Change Master Directory List of
Valid Keywords: Earth Science Parameters Valid Keywords (CATEGORY > TOPIC > Term > Variable) http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/valids/ Theme Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > Coastal Processes > Beaches Theme Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > Coastal Processes > Erosion Theme Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > Coastal Processes > Estuaries Theme Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > Coastal Processes > Shoreline
Displacement Theme Keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > Coastal Processes > Shorelines Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: vector Theme Keyword: county Theme Keyword: 7.5-minute quadrangle Theme Keyword 3.75-minute quadrangle
1.6.2 Place Place Keyword Thesaurus: U.S. Geological Survey, Index to Topographic
and Other Map Coverage: Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia (38076-H4-MI-99X),
22 p. Place Keyword: Maryland (MD) Place Keyword: Chesapeake Bay Place Keyword: Delaware (DE) Place Keyword: District of Columbia (DC) Place Keyword: Virginia (VA) Place Keyword: See Appendix 1 – County, and Appendix 2 - Quadrangle
1.7 Access Constraints: None
1.8 Use Constraints: The DOQQs from which the shorelines were interpreted
meet National Map Accuracy Standards at the production scale of 1:12,000 using the
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) method. Consider the
scale in displaying and using the vectors. Displaying the vectors at scales larger
than those of the source documents is considered bad practice.
See Section Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
for positional inaccuracies in the data set.
The aerial photography from which the DOQQs were developed
was not tide-coordinated. Therefore, shorelines in this data set do not represent
a consistent vertical datum.
1.9 Point of Contact
10 Contact Information
10.1 Contact Person Primary
10.1.1 Contact Person: Lamere Hennessee
10.1.2 Contact Organization: Maryland Geological Survey
10.4 Contact Address
10.4.1 Address Type: mailing and physical address
10.4.2 Address: 2300 St. Paul Street
10.4.3 City: Baltimore
10.4.4 State or Province: Maryland
10.4.5 Postal Code: 21218-5210
10.4.6 Country: USA
10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: (410) 554-5519
10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (410) 554-5502
10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: lhennessee@dnr.state.md.us
10.9 Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
1.11 Data Set Credit: Partial funding for this data set was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and made available through the Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program of the Department of Natural Resources (CZM). In particular, shorelines were extracted or photo interpreted under NOAA Award No. NA87OZ0236, CZM Grant M00-050 CZM 031; erosion rate attributes were assigned under NOAA Award No. NA17OZ1124, CZM Grant 14-03-891 CZM 046. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or any of its sub-agencies.
1.13 Native Data Set Environment:
1.14 Cross Reference
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Geological Survey
8.2 Publication Date: 2003
8.4 Title: Determining Shoreline Erosion Rates for the Coastal Regions of Maryland
(Part 2)
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Geological Survey
8.9 Other Citation Details: CD-ROM SLChangeRatesAll
1.14 Cross Reference
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Geological Survey
8.2 Publication Date: 2000
8.4 Title: Historical Shorelines, 1841-1976: Chesapeake Bay Region of Maryland
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Geological Survey
8.9 Other Citation Details: CD-ROM SCSL_RVC
1.14 Cross Reference
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Geological Survey
8.2 Publication Date: 2001
8.4 Title: Shoreline Changes maps
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Geological Survey
Shorelines in the 1990 data set bounded several different wetlands classifications (Cowardin et al., 1979):
In addition to designating UB L and UB V as water, M 2 or E 2 US (Unconsolidated shore) M (Irregularly flooded) or N (Regularly flooded) classifications were considered water, given that those areas were more likely to be under water than above. E 2 US P (Irregularly flooded) was considered upland, given that those areas were more likely to be above water than under. In assigning rate-of-change attributes, MGS and CGIS devised and applied a number of rules, which are summarized below:
2.4 Positional Accuracy
2.4.1 Horizontal Positional Accuracy Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: The DOQQs meet
National Map Accuracy Standards at the production scale of 1:12,000, using the American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) method. The contractor who
produced the DOQQs provided a detailed aerotriangulation report for each production
area (See DOQQ metadata at the web site listed in Section 2.5 Lineage).
The production of accurately georeferenced DOQQs depends
on sufficient ground control. In open water, ground control is necessarily lacking,
because land areas, if they exist at all, are small and/or inaccessible. Two quarter
quads in the data set, Deal Island NW and Barren Island NE, contain so much open water
that they are not properly tied to the adjoining tiles, Nanticoke SW and Honga NW,
respectively. Consequently, the corresponding linework (shoreline) is not properly
georeferenced. The shorelines derived from those two DOQQs are included in the data
set solely for the associated attribute (shoreline type) information. Their positions
are inaccurate.
2.5 Lineage
2.5.1 Source Information Source Citation
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal
Watershed Service, Geographic Information Services Division
8.2 Publication Date: 1988-1995
8.4 Title: Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQs)
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: raster digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Annapolis, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal
Watershed Service, Geographic Information Services Division
8.9 Other Citation Details: For complete metadata for this source, see the
following web site: http://www.msgic.state.md.us/techtool/samples Source Scale Denominator: 12000 Type of Source Media: CD-ROM Source Time Period of Content
9 Time Period Information
9.2 Multiple Dates/Times – See Appendix 2 – Date of photography
9.3 Range of Dates/Times
9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19880417
9.3.3 Ending Date: 19950325 Source Currentness Reference: date on which aerial photography was
flown Source Citation Abbreviation: Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQs) Source Contribution: Photo interpretation of the DOQQs resulted in
the Maryland DNR Wetlands Inventory, from which most of the recent shorelines were
extracted. In areas where a wetlands coverage was not yet available, EDI interpreted
shorelines directly from the orthophotography. Source Citation
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and
Coastal Watershed Service, Geographic Information Services Division
8.2 Publication Date: 1988-1995
8.4 Title: Maryland DNR Wetlands Inventory}
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Annapolis, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal
Watershed Service, Geographic Information Services Division
8.9 Other Citation Details: For complete metadata for this source, see the
following website: http://www.msgic.state.md.us/techtool/samples Source Scale Denominator: 12000 Type of Source Media: CD-ROM Source Time Period of Content
9 Time Period Information
9.2 Multiple Dates/Times – See Appendix 2 – Date of photography
9.3 Range of Dates/Times
9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19880417
9.3.3 Ending Date: 19950325 Currentness Reference: ground condition on date of photography Source Citation Abbreviation: MD DNR wetlands Source Contribution: Most of the recent shorelines were extracted from
the DNR wetlands inventory, a vector data set interpreted from DOQQs. Source Citation
8 Citation Information
8.1 Originator: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay & Watershed
Programs, Resource Assessment Service, Maryland Geological Survey (MGS)
8.2 Publication Date: 2003
8.4 Title: Determining Shoreline Erosion Rates for the Coastal Regions of Maryland
(Part 2)
8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
8.8 Publication Information
8.8.1 Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
8.8.2 Publisher: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay & Watershed
Programs, Resource Assessment Service, Maryland Geological Survey (MGS)
8.9 Other Citation Details: CD-ROM SLChangeRatesAll 2003 Type of Source Media: CD-ROM Source Time Period of Content
9 Time Period Information
9.1 Single Date/Time
9.1.1 Calendar Date: 2003 Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: Transect-based rates of shoreline change Source Contribution: The attribute table associated with almost 250,000
shore-normal transects, constructed at 20-meter intervals along shore, includes linear
rates of shoreline change for the ~50-year era ending ca. 1990. Negative rates indicate
shoreline retreat, and positive rates, shoreline advance.
2.5.2 Process Step (interpretation/extraction of shorelines; assignment of
shoreline type attributes) Process Description: Under contract to MGS, EDI extracted
or interpreted the modern (1988-1995) shoreline directly or indirectly from digital
orthophotography. For all but 35 of the quarter quads, EDI extracted the shoreline
from existing wetlands vectors, previously delineated for the Maryland Department
of Natural Resources (DNR) over 1:1,000-scale DOQQs. The DOQQs, in turn, were derived
from 1:40,000-scale color infrared (CIR) film. For the remaining 35 quarter quads,
the shoreline was interpreted directly from the DOQQs.
For shoreline vectors extracted from the existing wetlands
coverage, EDI stripped wetlands vectors of their linear attributes (line classes). All
shorelines and the DOQQ tile boundary were displayed over the DOQQ (raster) from which
they were originally interpreted and reassigned attributes. Shoreline segments were
classified using the following four categories: beach, structure, vegetated, and water’s
edge. All four categories are linear features, except for "beach," which
can be both linear and polygonal. The DOQQ tile boundary was arbitrarily assigned
one of the four categories so that it could be extracted with the shoreline vectors. Shoreline
vectors were extracted from the original vector set by line class, using only the four
shoreline categories. The extracted vectors were then displayed to detect shoreline
breaks or other inconsistencies. Errors were corrected, and shoreline vectors were
re-extracted. After extraction, vector sets were cleaned by deleting any extraneous
lines (non-shoreline vectors) that had mistakenly been assigned one of the four categories
before extraction. Beach polygons were attributed at this time, and the DOQQ tile
boundary was assigned to a fifth category -unclassified. The final quality control
check consisted of two steps. First, each tile (quarter quad) was displayed individually
to check for unclassified shoreline vectors. Second, if the photography on which the
DOQQs were based was flown in the same year, vectors from adjacent tiles were merged
into a single, 7.5-minute quadrangle vector set. Otherwise, multi-year shorelines
for the same quadrangle were stored as separate objects within the TNTmips project
(.rvc) file. Merged vector sets were displayed to check for class consistency (proper
edge matching) between adjacent tiles. Any necessary corrections were made before
saving the final vector sets.
Shorelines derived directly from DOQQs were interpreted
according to the procedure outlined in the wetlands inventory metadata.
The DOQQs were already georeferenced to the Maryland
State Plane Coordinate System (North American Datum of 1983, meters). Georeferencing
was transferred automatically upon delineating either wetlands or shorelines.
MGS subsequently converted beach polygons to line segments
by removing the landward edge of the polygon. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: MD DNR Wetlands Process Date:
9 Time Period Information
9.3 Range of Dates/Times
9.3.1 Beginning Date: 1995
9.3.3 Ending Date: 2000 Process Contact (interpretation/extraction of shorelines; assignment
of shoreline type attributes)
10 Contact Information
10.2 Contact Organization Primary
10.2.1 Contact Organization: EarthData International of Maryland
10.2.1 Contact Person: Michelle Hutchinson
10.4 Contact Address
10.4.1 Address Type: mailing and physical address
10.4.2 Address: 7320 Executive Way
10.4.3 City: Frederick
10.4.4 State or Province: Maryland
10.4.5 Postal Code: 21704
10.4.6 Country: USA
10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: (301) 948-8550
10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (301) 963-2064
10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: http://www.earthdata.com
10.9 Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. EST
2.5.2 Process Step (assignment of rate-of-change categories) Process Description: In collaboration with MGS, Towson University’s
Center for Geographic Information Sciences (CGIS) assigned generalized rate-of-change
categories to recent shoreline vectors, using transect-based erosion rates generated
by a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) computer program, the Digital Shoreline Analysis
System (DSAS). DSAS constructs a 50-meter buffer around a series of digital shorelines. From
the landward side of the buffer, or baseline, DSAS casts transects at 20-meter intervals,
perpendicular to the baseline. For each transect, DSAS computes rates of change based
on all shorelines intersected by the transect, as well as rates for each successive
pair of shorelines. If, for example, a transect crosses shorelines from 1850, 1900,
1950, and 1990, DSAS output includes rates for the following “eras”: 1850-1900,
1900-1950, and 1950-1990. In assigning erosion rate attributes to the ca. 1990 shoreline,
MGS and CGIS used rates based on the most recent era, that is, the one ending
in 1988-1995. Usually, that era spanned approximately 50 years, from the 1940s to
the 1990s. In some cases, however, the era was considerably shorter (e.g., 1975-1990)
or longer (e.g., 1850-1990).
CGIS assigned erosion rate attributes to the recent shoreline by:
The rules that CGIS followed in the process are described
in 2.3 Completeness Report. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: Transect-based rates of shoreline
change Process Date:
9 Time Period Information
9.3 Range of Dates/Times
9.3.1 Beginning Date: 200304
9.3.3 Ending Date: 200306 Process Contact (assignment of rate-of-change categories)
10 Contact Information
10.1 Contact Person Primary
10.1.1 Contact Person: Mary J. Valentino and Ashley M. Lesh
10.1.2 Contact Organization: Center for Geographic Information Sciences
10.4 Contact Address
10.4.1 Address Type: mailing and physical address
10.4.2 Address: Towson University
10.4.2 Address: 8000 York Road
10.4.3 City: Towson
10.4.4 State or Province: Maryland
10.4.5 Postal Code: 21252-0001
10.4.6 Country: USA
10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: (410) 704-3887
10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (410) 704-3888
10.9 Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. EST
2.6 Cloud Cover: 0 (for DOQQs)
3 Spatial Data Organization Information
3.2 Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
4 Spatial Reference Information
4.1 Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
4.1.2 Planar Map Projection Map Projection Name: Lambert Conformal Conic Map Projection Parameters for Lambert Conformal Conic Standard Parallel: 38.3 Standard Parallel: 39.45 Longitude of Central Meridian: -77.0 Latitude of Projection Origin: 37.67 False Easting: 400,000 False Northing: 0 Grid Coordinate System Grid Coordinate System Name: State Plane Coordinate System 1983 State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) SPCS Zone Identifier: 1900 (Maryland) Planar Coordinate Information Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: coordinate pair Planar Distance Units: meters
4.1.4 Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major Axis: 6,378,137 meters Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257
4.2 Vertical Coordinate System Definition
4.2.2 Depth System Definition Depth Datum Name: The aerial photography from which the DOQQs were
developed was not tide-coordinated. Therefore, shorelines in this data set do not
represent a consistent vertical datum.
5 Entity and Attribute Information
5.1 Detailed Description
5.1.1 Entity Type Entity Type Label: Shoreline Entity Type Definition: The shoreline, based on photo interpretation,
is the dividing line between land and sea. The DOQQs, the ultimate source of the
shorelines, were not based on tide-coordinated photography. Therefore, the shoreline
vectors do not represent a consistent vertical datum. Entity Type Definition Source: Operational definition agreed upon by
5.1.2 Attribute Attribute Label: TYPE_ Attribute Definition: Shoreline type, based on photo interpretation Attribute Definition Source: Classification agreed upon by MGS and
EDI Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: beach Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Any sandy beach-like area,
not including mud flats. All beaches on this CD-ROM are linear features. Originally,
very narrow beaches were represented as linear features; wider beaches were represented
as both lines and polygons. For this exercise, the landward edge of beach polygons
was erased, leaving a line that represents the land/water boundary. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Photo interpretation
convention Enumerated Domain Value: structure Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Any type of manmade object
that serves as the land/water boundary. Structures include, but are not limited to,
bulkheads, seawalls, and riprap. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Photo interpretation
convention Enumerated Domain Value: vegetated Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Any portion of shoreline with
vegetation, such as marsh, forest, or cropland, as the dominant land cover. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Photo interpretation
convention Enumerated Domain Value: waters edge Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Any reach of shoreline that
does not qualify as beach, structure, or vegetated. This may include mud flats. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Photo interpretation
convention Enumerated Domain Value: unclassified Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Used to identify the DOQQ tile
boundary line. Also used to identify the large polygon(s) enclosed by the DOQQ tile
boundary line. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and EDI
5.1.2 Attribute Attribute Label: LEVELID (erosion rate code) and associated EROSIONLEVEL
(erosion rate) Attribute Definition: Erosion rate code (LEVELID) and generalized erosion
rate (EROSIONLEVEL), in feet per year, at which a reach of shoreline has advanced
or retreated, based on the positions of the two most recent digital shorelines available
for the reach. (The date of the later of these two shorelines is always between 1988-1995.) Attribute Definition Source: Classification agreed upon by MGS and
CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 5; EROSIONLEVEL = High Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline retreat exceeding
8 ft/yr. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification
agreed upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 4; EROSIONLEVEL = Moderate Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline retreat between
4-8 ft/yr. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 3; EROSIONLEVEL = Low Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline retreat between
2-4 ft/yr. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 2; EROSIONLEVEL = Slight Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline retreat between
0.01-2 ft/yr. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 0; EROSIONLEVEL = No Change Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No change in shoreline position
over time (-0.01 < EROSION(FT) < 0.01). Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 1; EROSIONLEVEL = Accretion Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline advance exceeds
0.01 ft/yr. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 6; EROSIONLEVEL = Protected Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline advance or
retreat not indicated, because shoreline reach is protected (i.e., shoreline type
= structure). Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 7; EROSIONLEVEL = Unknown Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline advance or
retreat not indicated, usually because of obvious inaccuracies in relative positions
of shorelines. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: LEVELID = 8; EROSIONLEVEL = No Data Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Rate of shoreline advance or
retreat not indicated, because no historic shorelines are available for comparison. Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Classification agreed
upon by MGS and CGIS
5.1.2 Attribute Attribute Label: DATE_ Attribute Definition: Date of photography, between 1988 and 1995, on
which aerial photography was flown. In month/day /year (MM/DD/YYYY) format in attribute
table; in year/month/day (YYYYMMDD) format in Appendix 2. Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: See Appendix 2 – Date of photography Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Dates provided by DNR’s
Geographic Information Services Division, which acquired the photography.
5.1.2 Attribute Attribute Label: QUADRANGLE Attribute Definition: USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle name Attribute Definition Source: U.S. Geological Survey, Index to Topographic
and Other Map Coverage: Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia (38076-H4-MI-99X),
22 p. Attribute Domain Values Enumerated Domain Enumerated Domain Value: See Appendix 2 – Quadrangle Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: U.S. Geological Survey,
Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage: Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia
(38076-H4-MI-99X), 22 p.
5.2 Overview Description
5.2.1 Entity and Attribute Overview
The 17 main directories on the CD-ROM, each assigned the full, concatenated name of
a coastal county or Baltimore City, contain county or city shorelines, ca. 1990, assigned
both shoreline type and shoreline rate-of-change attributes. The attribute tables
associated with the coverages contain a field, LEVELID, linked to the rates table
(ratestable). The rates table (Table 1), at the same level in the directory structure
as the county and city directories, serves as a legend, which describes the LEVELID
attributes of the coverage. For example, a shoreline segment assigned a LEVELID=3
has, in the recent past, retreated between 2-4 ft annually, which is considered a “low” rate
of erosion. (Note: The rates table is only viewable in Arc, not in Windows.)
Table 1: Rates table (ratestable)
Rowid |
4 |
0 |
-0.01 to 0.01 |
No Change |
2 |
1 |
>0.01 |
Accretion |
1 |
2 |
-0.01 to –2.00 |
Slight |
5 |
3 |
-2.00 to –4.00 |
Low |
6 |
4 |
-4.00 to –8.00 |
Moderate |
8 |
5 |
< -8.00 |
High |
3 |
6 |
Protected Area |
Protected |
7 |
7 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
9 |
8 |
No Data |
No Data |
6 Distribution Information
6.1 Distributor
10 Contact Information
10.2 Contact Organization Primary
10.2.1 Contact Organization: Maryland Geological Survey
10.4 Contact Address
10.4.1 Address Type: mailing and physical address
10.4.2 Address: 2300 St. Paul Street
10.4.3 City: Baltimore
10.4.4 State or Province: Maryland
10.4.5 Postal Code: 21218-5210
10.4.6 Country: USA
10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: (410) 554-5500
10.7 Contact Facsimilie Telephone: (410) 554-5502
10.9 Hours of Service: 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. EST
6.2 Resource Description: CD-ROM - CoErosionRates
6.3 Distribution Liability: None
6.4 Standard Order Process
6.4.1 Non-digital Form: Along with historical shoreline vectors, the recent
shoreline vectors are being displayed over 1988-1995 orthophotoquads and printed as
a paper map series, Shoreline Changes. A Shoreline Changes map is available
for most of the quadrangles listed in Appendix 2. Each map is $7.50, plus postage
and shipping. To order copies, contact the Publication Sales office at the Maryland
Geological Survey (Telephone: (410) 554-5505).
6.4.2 Digital Form Digital Transfer Information Format Name: ESRI coverage Format Version Number: ESRI ArcGIS version 8.1 or later File Decompression Technique: No compression applied Transfer Size: Less than 4 Mb/county; see Appendix 3 - File size. Digital Transfer Option Offline Option Offline Media: CD-ROM
6.4.3 Fees: Contact the Maryland Geological Survey (Section 6.1) for current
7 Metadata Reference Information
7.1 Metadata Date: 20030714
7.4 Metadata Contact
10 Contact Information
10.1 Contact Person Primary
10.1.1 Contact Person: Lamere Hennessee
10.1.2 Contact Organization: Maryland Geological Survey
10.4 Contact Address
10.4.1 Address Type: mailing and physical address
10.4.2 Address: 2300 St. Paul Street
10.4.3 City: Baltimore
10.4.4 State or Province: Maryland
10.4.5 Postal Code: 21218-5210
10.4.6 Country: USA
10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: (410) 554-5519
10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (410) 554-5502
10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: lhennessee@dnr.state.md.us
10.9 Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. EST
7.5 Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
7.6 Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 (June 1998)
County |
Bounding coordinates |
West ° |
East ° |
North ° |
South ° |
Anne Arundel |
- 76.8413 |
-76.3486 |
39.2358 |
38.7169 |
Baltimore City |
-76.7122 |
-76.5294 |
39.3719 |
39.1977 |
Baltimore County |
-76.8977 |
-76.2663 |
39.7350 |
39.1544 |
Calvert |
-76.7041 |
-76.3605 |
38.7675 |
38.3058 |
Caroline |
-76.0163 |
-75.6983 |
39.1438 |
38.6483 |
Cecil |
-76.2380 |
-75.7522 |
39.7244 |
39.3597 |
Charles |
-77.3422 |
-76.6619 |
38.7063 |
38.1755 |
Dorchester |
-76.4430 |
-75.6997 |
38.7022 |
38.0113 |
Harford |
-76.5730 |
-76.0288 |
39.7322 |
39.2594 |
Kent |
-76.3522 |
-75.7544 |
39.3880 |
38.9925 |
Prince Georges |
-77.0905 |
-76.6691 |
39.1311 |
38.5327 |
Queen Annes |
-76.4238 |
-75.7261 |
39.2683 |
38.7872 |
Somerset |
-76.1894 |
-75.5216 |
38.3119 |
37.8838 |
St. Marys |
-76.8883 |
-76.1852 |
38.5108 |
37.8713 |
Talbot |
-76.4627 |
-75.8908 |
38.9491 |
38.5736 |
Wicomico |
-75.9569 |
-75.3077 |
38.5716 |
38.2008 |
Worcester |
-75.6633 |
-75.0450 |
38.4555 |
37.9938 |
Quadrangle |
Quadrants |
Date of photography |
Aberdeen |
SE |
19940408 |
Alexandria |
NE, SE |
19930407 |
Annapolis |
NE, NW, SW |
19940408 |
Assawoman Bay |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19890412 |
Baltimore East |
SE |
19940408 |
SW |
19940404 |
Baltimore West |
SE |
19940404 |
Barren Island1 |
NE2 |
19940408 |
SW |
19930408? |
Benedict |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Berlin |
NE, SE, SW |
19890412 |
Betterton |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Blackwater River |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Bloodsworth Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
Boxiron |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19890412 |
Bristol |
NE, SE |
19940404 |
NW, SW |
19930408 |
Broomes Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Cambridge |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Cecilton |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Centreville |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
Charlotte Hall |
SW |
19930408 |
Chestertown |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
Chicamacomico River |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Church Creek |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Church Hill |
NE, NW, SW |
19920406 |
Claiborne |
NE, NW |
19920406 |
SE, SW |
19940408 |
Colonial Beach North |
NE, NW, SE |
19930408 |
Cove Point |
NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Crisfield |
NE, NW, SW |
19880417 |
Curtis Bay |
NE, SE |
19940408 |
NW, SW |
19940404 |
Deal Island2 |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
Deale |
NE, SE |
19940408 |
SW |
19940404 |
Denton |
NE, NW, SW |
19950325 |
Dividing Creek |
SE |
19890414 |
Earleville |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
East New Market |
NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Easton |
NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Eden |
NE |
19890417 |
NW, SW |
19880417 |
Edgewood |
NE, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Elkton |
NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Ewell |
NE |
19880417 |
Federalsburg |
NE, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Fowling Creek |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Galena |
NE, NW, SW |
19950325 |
SE |
19920406 |
Gibson Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Girdletree |
NW |
19880330 |
NE, SE |
19890412 |
Golden Hill |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Great Fox Island |
NE, NW, SE |
19880417 |
Gunpowder Neck |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Hallwood |
NW |
19890414 |
Hanesville |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Havre de Grace |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Hebron |
NW |
19890417 |
Hobbs |
NW, SW |
19950325 |
Hollywood |
NE, NW, SW |
19930408 |
Honga |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Horseshoe Point |
NW |
19940408 |
Hudson |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Indian Head |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930407 |
Kedges Straits |
NE, SE |
19880417 |
NW |
19890414 |
Kent Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
King George |
NE, NW |
19930407 |
Kingston |
NW, SW |
19880417 |
SE |
19890417 |
Langford Creek |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
Leonardtown |
NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Love Point |
SE, SW |
19920406 |
Lower Marlboro |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Mardela Springs |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
Marion |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
Mathias Point |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930407 |
Mechanicsville |
NE, NW, SE |
19930408 |
Middle River |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Millington |
NW |
19950325 |
SW |
19920406 |
Monie |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
Mount Vernon |
NE, NW, SW |
19930407 |
Nanjemoy |
NE, SE, SW |
19930407 |
Nanticoke |
NE, SE |
19880417 |
NW, SW |
19950325 |
North Beach |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
North East |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Ocean City |
NW, SW |
19890412 |
Oxford |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Perryman |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Piney Point |
NE, NW, SE |
19930408 |
Pocomoke City |
NE, NW, SW |
19890414 |
Point Lookout |
NW, SW |
19930408 |
Point No Point |
NW, SW |
19930408 |
Popes Creek |
SE, SW |
19930408 |
Port Tobacco |
NW, SE |
19930407 |
Preston |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Prince Frederick |
NE, NW, SE |
19930408 |
Princess Anne |
NW, SW |
19880417 |
SE |
19890417 |
Public Landing |
NE, NW, SE |
19890412 |
Quantico |
SE |
19930407 |
Queenstown |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
Rhodesdale |
NE, NW |
19950325 |
SE, SW |
19880417 |
Richland Point |
NE |
19940408 |
Ridgely |
SW |
19920406 |
Rock Hall |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Rock Point |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
Round Bay |
NE, SE |
19940408 |
NW, SW |
19940404 |
Salisbury |
NW |
19890414 |
Saxis |
NE |
19890417 |
NW |
19880417 |
Selbyville |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19890412 |
Sharptown |
SW |
19890417 |
Snow Hill |
NE, SE |
19890417 |
SW |
19880330 |
Solomons Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
South River |
NE, SE |
19940408 |
NW, SW |
19940404 |
Sparrows Point |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Spesutie |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
St. Clements Island |
NE, NW |
19930408 |
St. George Island |
NE, NW |
19930408 |
St. Marys City |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19930408 |
St. Michaels |
NE, NW |
19920406 |
SE, SW |
19940408 |
Stratford Hall |
NE |
19930408 |
Sudlersville |
NW |
19920406 |
Swan Point |
NE, NW, SE |
19940408 |
Taylors Island |
NE, NW, SE |
19940408 |
Terrapin Sand Point |
NE, SE |
19880417 |
NW, SW |
19890420 |
Tilghman |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19940408 |
Tingles Island |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19890412 |
Trappe |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Wetipquin |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19880417 |
White Marsh |
SE |
19940408 |
Whittington Point |
NE, NW, SW |
19890412 |
Widewater |
NE, SE |
19930407 |
Wingate |
NE, NW, SE, SW |
19950325 |
Wye Mills |
NW, SE, SW |
19920406 |
1 The date of photography for Barren Island SW is unknown. Although Barren Island NE was flown on 4/8/1994, Solomons Island SE, which adjoins Barren Island SW, was flown on 4/8/1993. The latter date was assigned to Barren Island SW.
2 The production of accurately georeferenced DOQQs depends on sufficient ground control. In open water, ground control is necessarily lacking, because land areas, if they exist at all, are small and/or inaccessible. Two quarter quads in the data set, Deal Island NW and Barren Island NE, contain so much open water that they are not properly tied to the adjoining tiles, Nanticoke SW and Honga NW, respectively. Consequently, the corresponding linework (shoreline) is not properly georeferenced. The shorelines derived from those two DOQQs are included in the data set solely for the associated shoreline type attributes. Their positions are inaccurate.
County |
7.5’ Quadrangles |
File size |
Anne Arundel |
Annapolis, Bristol, Curtis Bay, Deale, Gibson Island, Horseshoe Point, North Beach, Round Bay, South River, Sparrows Point |
1.32 MB |
Baltimore City |
Baltimore East, Baltimore West, Curtis Bay |
140 KB |
Baltimore County |
Baltimore East, Curtis Bay, Edgewood, Gunpowder Neck, Middle River, Sparrows Point, Swan Point |
578 KB |
Calvert |
Benedict, Bristol, Broomes Island, Cove Point, Lower Marlboro, Mechanicsville, North Beach, Prince Frederick, Solomons Island |
812 KB |
Caroline |
Preston, Trappe |
260 KB |
Cecil |
Earleville, Elkton, Galena, Havre de Grace, Millington, Northeast, Spesutie |
334 KB |
Charles |
Benedict, Charlotte Hall, Colonial Beach North, Indian Head, King George, Mathias Point, Mechanicsville, Mount Vernon, Nanjemoy, Popes Creek, Port Tobacco, Quantico, Rock Point, Widewater |
776 KB |
Dorchester |
Barren Island, Bloodsworth Island, Cambridge, Church Creek, Cove Point, Deal Island, East New Market, Golden Hill, Honga, Hudson, Kedges Straits, Nanticoke, Oxford, Point No Point, Preston, Richland Point, Taylors Island, Tilghman, Wetipquin, Wingate |
3.19 MB |
Harford |
Aberdeen, Edgewood, Gunpowder Neck, Hanesville, Havre de Grace, Perryman, Spesutie |
710 KB |
Kent |
Betterton, Chestertown, Galena, Hanesville, Langford Creek, Millington, Rock Hall, Swan Point |
760 KB |
Prince Georges |
Alexandria, Benedict, Bristol, Lower Marlboro, Mount Vernon |
428 KB |
Queen Annes |
Chestertown, Claiborne, Galena, Kent Island, Langford Creek, Love Point, Millington, Queenstown, Ridgely, St. Michaels |
1.13 MB |
Somerset |
Bloodsworth Island, Crisfield, Deal Island, Ewell, Great Fox Island, Kedges Straits, Kingston, Marion, Monie, Saxis, Terrapin Sand Point, Wetipquin |
3.72 MB |
St. Marys |
Barren Island, Benedict, Broomes Island, Charlotte Hall, Hollywood, Leonardtown, Mechanicsville, Piney Point, Point Lookout, Point No Point, Rock Point, Solomons Island, St. Clements Island, St. George Island, St. Marys City, Stratford Hall |
2.80 MB |
Talbot |
Cambridge, Claiborne, St. Michaels, Tilghman |
2.08 MB |
Wicomico |
Deal Island, Monie, Nanticoke, Wetipquin |
1.03 MB |
Worcester |
Assawoman Bay, Berlin, Boxiron, Girdletree, Ocean City, Public Landing, Selbyville, Tingles Island, Whittington Point |
1.62 MB |