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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1140

Biostratigraphy of the San Joaquin Formation in Borrow-Source Area B-17, Kettleman Hills Landfill, North Dome, Kettleman Hills, Kings County, California

By Charles L. Powell, II, Lanny H. Fisk, David F. Maloney, and David M. Haasl


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The stratigraphic occurrences and interpreted biostratigraphy of invertebrate fossil taxa in the upper San Joaquin Formation and lower-most Tulare Formation encountered at the Chemical Waste Management Kettleman Hills waste disposal facility on the North Dome of the Kettleman Hills, Kings County, California are documented. Significant new findings include (1) a detailed biostratigraphy of the upper San Joaquin Formation; (2) the first fossil occurrence of Modiolus neglectus; (3) distinguishing Ostrea sequens from Myrakeena veatchii (Ostrea vespertina of authors) in the Central Valley of California; (4) differentiating two taxa previously attributed to Pteropurpura festivus; (5) finding a stratigraphic succession between Caesia coalingensis (lower in the section) and Catilon iniquus (higher in the section); and (6) recognizing Pliocene-age fossils from around Santa Barbara. In addition, the presence of the bivalves Anodonta and Gonidea in the San Joaquin Formation, both restricted to fresh water and common in the Tulare Formation, confirm periods of fresh water or very close fresh-water environments during deposition of the San Joaquin Formation.

  • Report PDF (288 kB)
  • Figure 2 PDF. This is an oversized (22" x 17") figure that is also linked from within the Report PDF above (168 kB)
  • This report is available only on the Web.

For additional information:
Contact Information, Western Region Geology and Geophysics Science Center—Menlo Park
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, MS-973
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3591

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Suggested citation:

Powell, C.L., II, Fisk, L.H., Maloney, D.F., and Haasl, D.M., 2010, Biostratigraphy of the San Joaquin Formation in borrow-source area B-17, Kettleman Hills landfill, North Dome, Kettleman Hills, Kings County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1140, 29 p. and oversized figure.







two appendixes

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