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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1168

In Cooperation with Tufts University

Surface-Wave Site Characterization at 52 Strong-Motion Recording Stations Affected by the Parkfield, California, M6.0 Earthquake of 28 September 2004

By Eric M. Thompson, Robert E. Kayen, Brad Carkin, and Hajime Tanaka


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We present one-dimensional shear-wave velocity (VS) profiles at 52 strong-motion sites that recorded the 28 September 2004 Magnitude 6.0 Parkfield, Calif., earthquake. We estimate the VS profiles with the Spectral Analysis of Surface-Waves (SASW) method. The SASW method is a noninvasive method that indirectly estimates the VS at depth from variations in the Rayleigh wave phase velocity at the surface. To address the uncertainty associated with these measurements, we compare the SASW profiles to surface-source downhole-receiver (SSDR) profiles at four sites. Three of the four SSDR sites are in close agreement with the adjacent SASW site, while the SASW profile is considerably slower than the SSDR profile at one site.

Last modified September 28, 2010
First posted September 20, 2010

  • This report is available only on the Web.

For additional information:
Contact Information, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Pacific Science Center
400 Natural Bridges Drive
Santa Cruz, California 95060

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Suggested citation:

Thompson, Eric M., Kayen, Robert E., Carkin, Brad, and Tanaka, Hajime, 2010, Surface-wave site characterization at 52 strong-motion recording stations affected by the Parkfield, California, M6.0 earthquake of 28 September 2004, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1168, 117 p.




Study Area

Field Methods

Inversion Methods





References Cited

one appendix

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