Recent tsunami database Entry # Country Location/site name - general Site name - specific Transect number or designation Core or trench number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Source of location data Date surveyed Method of investigation (field methods) Laboratory analyses performed Depositional setting Physiographic setting Inundation reference Barrier height (m) "Recent, historic, or prehistoric" # tsunamis at site Event number Date of tsunami Name/designation of tsunami Recurrence interval (years) Cause of tsunami Locally generated or teletsunami Tsunami height (m) Tsunami water depth at site (m) # waves reported (historical or recent) Maximum inundation at site (m) Maximum run-up (m) Maximum inland extent of sedimentation (m) Lateral extent of sedimentation (km) Zone of erosion/non-deposition (m) Maximum sediment elevation (masl) Distance from shore to deposit investigated (m) Deposit Elevation (masl) Geometry Deposit Thickness (cm) Vertical reference: 0 cm = (base or top) of deposit # layers Layer thickness (cm) Layer characteristics Underlying material Basal contact Overlying material Upper contact Surface features Grain size statistics - mean Grain size statistics - median Grain size statistics - mode Grain size statistics - standard deviation Grain size statistics - skewness Grain size statistics - kurtosis "Grain size, text descriptions" Granules to boulders? "Mud, clay or silt ?" Vertical grading Lateral grading Mode (text descriptions) Sorting (text descriptions) Skewness (text descriptions) Kurtosis (text descriptions) Grain texture Other sedimentary structures or properties Composition "Microflora and microfauna: foraminifera, diatoms, etc." Pollen Macroscopic organics Flow direction Additional comments or data Reference Reference type 1 Thailand Thailand "Bang More and southern Kho Khao* near Nham Kem, Pakarang Cape* and Patong* and Tri Trang* around Patong Bay on Phuket Island" 8.881; 8.737; 7.893; 7.886 98.270; 98.222; 98.295; 98.277 Google Maps "whole tsunami layer collected (except at one site); compared with inner shelf, beach, freshwater ponds and creeks." diatom recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "60 diatom taxa; marine (almost half), brackish and freshwater. Among marine species both planktonic and benthic forms were present. High percentage broken valves." " Kokocinski and others, 2009" journal 2 India Tamil Nadu 12 79.9 Google Earth February and March 2005 "measured sections perpendicular to swash zone using a Leica NA730 level; measured flow depths, run-up heights and distances; dug 0.5Ð1 m deep pits and trenches through tsunami deposits and the upper parts of underlying beach sand or soil at regular distances, usually every 10 m; sampled deposits at each locality; sampled each individual layer if more than one layer was present " grain size analyses "low relief, characterized by wide and straight beaches" tidal water line recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami tide-corrected wave height (Chennai tide gauge) was 2m 3.5 3 580 4.85 thins landward 30 3 "lower one may be cross-bedded with foresets dipping landward, deposition during run-up; overlying two sand layers are graded or parallel-laminated without indicators of current directions; thin dark laminae rich in heavy minerals frequently mark contacts between successive layers" beach deposits erosional does not fine landward moderately well to well-sorted normal to slightly positively skewed mesokurtic to leptokurtic cross-bedding - landward-dipping foresets "foresets dipping landward, deposition during run-up, shrubs bent inland" "Bahlburg and Weiss, 2007" journal 3 Kenya between Malindi and Lamu -3 40.15 Google Earth February and March 2005 "measured sections perpendicular to swash zone using a Leica NA730 level; measured flow depths, run-up heights and distances; dug 0.5Ð1 m deep pits and trenches through tsunami deposits and the upper parts of underlying beach sand or soil at regular distances, usually every 10 m; sampled deposits at each locality; sampled each individual layer if more than one layer was present " grain size analyses inclined beach with dune recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake tide-corrected wave height (Lamu tide gauge) was almost 1 m 1 45 (in front of dune) 3 "sheet-like sand deposits that extend over entire narrow beach to maximum run-up line, thins inland" 1 may contain light colored laminae fine well sorted normal to slightly positively skewed dark-colored and rich in heavy minerals but may contain light-colored laminae abundant tests of benthic foraminifera from shallow and protected shelf regions in water depth of less than 30 m. "Bahlburg and Weiss, 2007" journal 4 Peru Chimbote Puerto Santo -8.9912 -78.65182 Publication 3/18/96 "12 topographic profiles, 2 sediment profiles" beach very flat accretionary beach recent 02/21/96 "Chimbote, Northern Peru" Mw 7.3-7.5 earthquake local 330 2 "deposit thickened in topographic lows, thinned to zero 200 m;" 4-11 soil surface fine to very fine normally graded unstratified sand buried bases of plants "Bourgeois and others, 1999" journal 5 Peru Chimbote North of Rio Santa River mouth -8.96303 -78.6432 Publication 3/21/96 "12 topographic profiles, 2 sediment profiles" "agricultural fields, river bank" cultivated fields near river mouth recent 02/21/96 "Chimbote, Northern Peru" Mw 7.3-7.5 earthquake local 300 m up river 2.25 "deposits in swales between rows of potato plants, river banks" 0.6-1.6 "mud, agricultural soil" 3 mm mud cap very fine sand and silt "silt, capped by mud" normally graded locally rippled "Bourgeois and others, 1999" journal 6 Thailand "Phuket , Thailand" "Bang Tao Beach, Karon Beach*, Kamala Beach" 7.849 98.295 Google Maps salt marsh and back-shore recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 "3000 along coast, much farther along tidal channel" 200 "sand sheet, mud coating circular eroded holes in dune" "0-30, average 10 cm" 2 "double layers, parallel lamination" salt marsh and back-shore deposits convolute n/a (surface deposit) n/a (surface deposit) up-flow bedform dunes overlain by return flow ripples m-f sand with mud on top mud layer on top normal "parallel lamination, up-flow bedform dunes overlain by return flow ripples. Mud cracks" "Choowong and others, 2007" journal 7 Thailand "Phang-nga Province, Thailand" Ban Khuek Khak 8.69 98.27 Google Maps recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 "3000 along coast, much farther along tidal channel" 200 sand sheet 2 "double layers, bottom layer coarse to very coarse, upper layer very finer to fine.." n/a (surface deposit) n/a (surface deposit) "2-3 mm mud layer coating tsunami sand, mud cracks" mud cracks "Choowong and others, 2007" journal 8 Thailand "Phuket , Thailand" Bang Tao Beach 7.989 98.294 Google Earth pits along 5 transects recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "2nd wave 2, 3rd wave, 3" 3 "1st wave - inundated beach, 2nd wave 300 m, 3rd wave - 1000" 160 "landward thinning, lower unit filled depressions" "0-25, average 10" 2 "first wave left no deposit, second wave less extensive and slightly finer than third wave." sharp "current dune (h=10-15 cm, wavelength=60-200 cm, stoss angle=10, lee angle=10-25) and current ripple (h=2-5 cm, wavelength=8-40 cm, stoss angle=3-10, lee angle=12-20) bed forms, mostly landward oriented, size of bed forms decrease landward" "both units - coarse to medium, log-normal distribution, lower unit - fine to medium sand; upper unit coarser than lower unit " mud not present on top of current bed forms normal - multiple fining upward sequences in each layer poor "parallel inclined landward and seaward lamina, mud rip-ups, current dune (h=10-15 cm, wavelength=60-200 cm, stoss angle=10, lee angle=10-25) and current ripple (h=2-5 cm, wavelength=8-40 cm, stoss angle=3-10, lee angle=12-20) bed forms, mostly landward oriented, size of bed forms decrease landward, trough cross-lamination" shell fragments "Choowong and others, 2008" journal 9 Indonesia "Java, Indonesia" Rajagwesi -8.571 113.916 Google Earth shallow coring along 2 transects recent 06/03/94 Java "M 7.7 earthquake approximately 200 km south of the southern coastline of Java" local 10-12 continuous and discontinuous sediment sheets up to 40 100-400 microns (fine to medium sand) distributions possess a fine sediment tail of silts and clays no clear decrease in grain size inland well sorted to poorly sorted rare shell fragments "Dawson and others, 1996" journal 10 Peru Camana -15.71 to -17.74 -74.5 to -71.26 Publication "compilation of data from 1st and 2nd survey teams; sediment data from both surveys, detailed sediment survey part of 2nd survey - measured 7 transects at 6 sites; topography, pits and trenches, sampling for grain size, peels, photographs, and descriptions" "beaches, agricultural fields, stream and river valleys" shoreline recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 7.25 at La Punta 3-4 1358.5 (Pucchœn); 492 along sediment transects 8.77 (Playa la Chira) "sand ubiquitous in inundation zone; thickness varied with distance inland and with site; dependent on topography, sand also deposited inside structures; sand deposited at 7.2 m above ground surface on 3rd floor stairs of structure" "up to 30 cm measured along transects; up to 50 cm deposited within structures, thicker deposits reported" 2-4 multiple layers mud to sand to boulders 1.5 m diameter boulder on Playa Jahuay that was transported at least 8 meters up the wave slope and deposited in an irrigation canal normal grading "sedimentary structures usually absent; rip-up clasts present, trample structures within and below deposit" "Flow indicators such as bent vegetation, transported objects, and ripple marks suggest significant onshore flow and weaker, but significant, offshore (return) flow" "report detailed on inundation data, brief generalized section on sedimentary deposits" "Dengler and others, 2003" "journal, special issue chapter" Samoa Upolu Upolu -14.035 -171.682 Google Earth "inundationand run-up measured using laser rangefinder; measurements or observations of coastal morphology, presence of sediments, flow depth and wave height, flow direction, topographic profiles using diferential or real time kinematic GPS, surficial and sub-surface sampling of tsunami deposits using push cores of plastic pipe, gouge core, Russian peat borer (Dcore) or hand-excavated trenches, boulder size, " tropical island shoreline recent "recent tsunami plus a number of buried sand deposits separated by paleosols" 1 09/29/09 Samoa Mw 8.0 earthquake local ~5 2-3 400 14.3 boulder fields and sand sheets; deposits in areas with sufficient sand supply formed sheets filling topographic lows and thinning on topographic highs; mud drapes common "mud, sand, gravel and boulders; wide variation in grain size; Maximum transported clast size is dependent upon size of available material" boulder fields; gravel including revetment boulders; some boulders transported > 100 m inland mud drapes common - maximum thickness 4 cm near limit of inundation "internal structure, including grain size, varied with distance from shore" "complex internal sedimentary structure; wide variation in grain size, number and type of laminations; internal structure varied with distance from the shoreline" wide variation in composition flow direction indicators often show numerous directions at any one locality; in some cases the relationship between oldest (bottom) and latest (top) gives an approximation of tsunami flow direction through time "Dominey-Howes and Thaman, 2009" technical report 1 USA Hawaii location too general for lat/lon recent 05/22/60 Chile teletsunami boulders sediment descriptions attributed to Eaton and others (1961 from Bourgeois (2009); important for metion of boulder deposition; report mostly concerned with waves and destruction "Eaton and others, 1961 (Bourgeois, 2009)" journal 2 Indonesia Java "Pasir Putih, Pangandaran Peninsula National Park, and other locations on southern coast of central Java, including island of Nusa Kambangan*" -7.732 108.883 Google Earth within 3 weeks of event "measured local flow depths, tsunami heights, maximum run-up, inundation distances, collected sediment samples and interviewed eyewitnesses" "fields, beach" recent 07/17/06 Java Mw 7.8 local >20 > 8 m at Nusa Kambangan inundation > 500 m at Nusa Kambangan ">5, trim lines 10-20 m at Nusa Kambangan" "sand sheets 5Ð15 cm thick at several locations along the coast, primarily in rice paddy fields behind the beach ridge. The sand sheet thinned inland, continuing to within meters of the inundation limit " plane laminated with a layer of magnetite at base "soil, white sand beach at Pasir Putih" "at Pasir Putih, Pangandaran Peninsula National Park, a layer of fresh coral rubble was deposited on what had been a white sand beach" "plane laminated with a layer of magnetite at base, soil rip up clasts" layer of magnetite at base "Fritz and others, 2007" journal 3 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Waipo -3.12063 142.28832 supplied by authors 2 months after tsunami "measurements of land elevation, flow direction, flow depth, and tsunami deposit thickness and character" grain size adjacent to the inlet of a small lagoon; topography undulates across sandy ridges and low-lying troughs; adjacent to the shoreline is a steep beach face and berm 2 m above sea level; beyond the berm is a back beach trough sloped down to the west allowing water to flow parallel to shore and drain through the trough; landward of the trough is a 1Ð4 m high erosional scarp with exposed roots shoreline recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 6 4.5 3 320 280 120 "continuous sheet varied in thickness depending on local topography, presence of obstructions, and density of vegetation; deposit thickened from 1.5 cm to a maximum of 5 cm almost 150 m from the shoreline, then thinned to the most inland deposit 280 m from the shoreline." up to 5 rooted and compacted dark-colored sandy soil. abrupt 1.6 1.25 coarse to fine normally graded in deposits more than a few cm thick; thinner deposits not graded or grading not detected "Gelfenbaum and Jaffe, 2003" journal 4 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Arop -3.06343 142.13905 supplied by authors 2 months after tsunami "measurements of land elevation, flow direction, flow depth, and tsunami deposit thickness and character" grain size "500 m east of Sissano Lagoon, crosses a steep beach face backed by a broad low-lying plain; beach berm, highest elevation along 700 m transect, is 2.2 m high; landward of the berm, profile drops to less than 0.5 m above mean sea level and gradually rises to 2 m above sea level" shoreline 2.2 recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 10-15 at 200Ð450 m:1.7-4.5; 500Ð700 m: 1.3 -0.3 within 50 m of the limit of inundation 3 720 2 50 "continuous sheet varied in thickness depending on local topography, presence of obstructions, and density of vegetation; within a few tens of meters, thickness increased to 8 cm; remained relatively constant from 100 to 500 m; peaked at 11 cm at 520 m; thinned to 0 at 680" up to 11 brownish muddy soil "mud cap, up to 0.6-cm thick, in local depressions; Whole sand dollars (a few cm in diameter) and small shells as far as 500-m inland" "coarse to fine, locally mud at top" locally mud at top normally graded; mean smoothly decreases from 2.25 phi at the base of the deposit to 3.25 phi just below the surface; surface layer contained mud decreasing mean of the top 1 cm to 5.3 phi "does not follow the simple model of landward fining; grain size at the beach coarser than at limit of deposit inundation, but for majority of transect, grain size does not vary landward" small rip-clasts of soil Whole sand dollars (a few cm in diameter) and small shells on surface up to 500 m inland "Gelfenbaum and Jaffe, 2003" journal 5 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Otto -3.02185 142.08427 supplied by authors 2 months after tsunami "measurements of land elevation, flow direction, flow depth, and tsunami deposit thickness and character" grain size "near the west end of the sandy barrier spit; extends west from Arop and fronts Sissano Lagoon; elevation climbs to berm at 15 m, then drops steadily to zero at the edge of the lagoon 160 m from shoreline" shoreline 0.73 recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 3 160 (entire spit inundated) 0 40-50 erosion; deposition starts at 60-70 "continuous sheet varied in thickness depending on local topography, presence of obstructions, and density of vegetation; from 60Ð70 m, deposit 10 cm: increases in thickness to a maximum of 26 cm at 90 m; remains nearly constant for at least several tens of meters" up to 26 field observations show a deposit with a massive lower layer from 10Ð15 cm thick below a thinly laminated upper layer 5Ð10 cm thick brown organic-rich soil of muddy sand medium to coarse field observations show a deposit with a massive lower layer from 10Ð15 cm thick below a thinly laminated upper layer 5Ð10 cm thick "mean, sorting and skewness constant over 50 m sampling: probably too short to demonstrate horizontal trends in grain size" well-sorted grasses connected to their root clumps laid over pointing inland within lower part of deposit "Gelfenbaum and Jaffe, 2003" journal 6 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Sissano -2.99933 142.05442 supplied by authors 2 months after tsunami "measurements of land elevation, flow direction, flow depth, and tsunami deposit thickness and character" grain size "west side of Sissano Lagoon; 600-m long transect crosses a low beach berm and narrow trough close to shoreline, continues across a broad flat plain, ends at small river flowing parallel to the shoreline, connected to the lagoon" shoreline 3 recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 5-10 at 350: 1.8; at 475: 1.5 3 100 "continuous sheet varied in thickness depending on local topography, presence of obstructions, and density of vegetation; from 100-150 m, thickens to 8n cm; from 150 to 425 m, variability in shore-parallel direction similar to variability shore-normal (average thickness 6 cm, minimum: 0.5 cm, maximum: 12 cm); thins from maximum of 12 cm at 350 m to a minimum of 0Ð2 cm at 474 m; approaching the river, deposit thickens again slightly" up to 12 1-2 "in some places, a single fining upward layer; in other places multiple layers; at 320 m and beyond, the deposit contains two recognizable layers, both commonly fine upwards" rooted and compact sandy soil "at 320 m and beyond, the deposit contains two recognizable layers, both commonly fine upwards" from 150Ð275 m; mean fines landward; "Gelfenbaum and Jaffe, 2003" journal 7 Sri Lanka Yala Yala 6.16639 81.25503 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 12.5 390 22 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 8 Sri Lanka Boosa Boosa 6.04776 80.09014 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 30 5 similar to the adjacent beaches and near-shore sediments from which they were derived "Goff and others, 2006" journal 9 Sri Lanka Telwatte Telwatte 6.11096 80.04268 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 108 20.5 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 10 Sri Lanka Wellawatta Wellawatta 6.52588 79.51413 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 30.7 7 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 11 Sri Lanka Katukurunda Katukurunda 6.33359 79.57682 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 61 37 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 12 Sri Lanka Nalaveli Hotel Nalaveli Hotel 8.70657 81.18847 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 80 17 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 13 Sri Lanka Mankeri Mankeri 8.01396 81.48953 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 134.7 11 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 14 Sri Lanka Kalmunai Kuddi Kalmunai Kuddi 1 7.40535 81.84164 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 210 15 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 15 Sri Lanka Kalmunai Kuddi Kalmunai Kuddi 2 7.42298 81.83044 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 110 12 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 16 Sri Lanka Tangalla Tangalla 2 6.01163 80.47717 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 14.8 boulders boulders "Goff and others, 2006" journal 17 Sri Lanka Hikkaduwa Hikkaduwa 2 6.07736 80.06159 Publication 2 weeks after event "run-up height, inundation distance, morphological changes, and sedimentary characteristics of deposits were recorded and analyzed along the southwest and east coasts of the country" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 1-3 34 23 "Goff and others, 2006" journal 18 Thailand Thailand "Pakarang Cape*, Hua Krang Nui Cape" 8.737 98.222 Google Maps beach cape recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 7 2500 thousands of meter-long boulders scattered on beach thousands of meter-long boulders "maximum size=4.1 x 2.5 x 2.2 m, average size=1.8 x1.3x 1.1 m" "rounded ellipsoidal to rectangular solid, without sharp broken edges (boulders detached before tsunami" coral reef material "Goto and others, 2009" journal 19 Thailand Thailand "Khuk Khak beach, Khao Lak" 8.694 98.238 Google Earth recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 8.6 at 369 m 1 1000-2000 15 3 "2 - upper, 8.5 - middle, 4.5 - lower" 3 fining upward sequences. Muddle sequence partially erodes lower sequence coarse to very coarse sand "abrupt and erosive., underlying soil mat pulled back in a landward direction" medium to coarse sand 3 fining upward sequences brown sand "15-10.5 cm: 25% Elphidium craticulatum, Pararotalia stellata and Quinqueloculina seminulum; 10.5-0 cm: dominated by Cibicides refulgens, Q. seminulum and Elphidium spp. in decreasing order." "Hawkes and others, 2007" journal 20 Thailand Thailand "Tonsai village, Koh Phi Phi*" 7.743 98.776 Google Maps recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 9 2 464 11 2 "2 - upper, 9 - lower" 2 fining-upward sequences. darker brown organic soil overlaying weathered brown medium sand sharp and undulating medium to fine sand 2 fining upward sequences small black organic rip-up clasts in lower layer "P. stellata (25Ð50%) and Ammonia spp. (15Ð35%)." "Hawkes and others, 2007" journal 21 Thailand Thailand "Somewhere Else Resort, Koh Lanta*" 7.655 99.041 Google Maps recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 5.9 2 52 30 4 "5 - upper, 9 - mid-upper, 8 mid-lower, 8 - lower" "3 fining upward sequences, top layer ungraded" coarse and medium soil horizon sharp fine to very coarse "3 fining upward sequences, upper layer ungraded" "within lower layer, from 24 cm to 22 cm, small 1.5 cm-high asymmetrical current ripples were draped with a fine organic debris layer 0.5 cm thick" "30 cm to 22 cm dominated by of E. craticulatum (45Ð60%), P. stellata (25Ð50%) and A. gibbosa (5Ð15%); 22 cm to 10 cm dominated by P. stellata (30Ð60%), E. craticulatum (15Ð25%), Ammonia parkinsonia (10Ð25%) and A. gibbosa (5Ð15%); (10 cm to 0 cm) within the upper tsunami sediment was dominated by A. parkinsonia (35Ð50%) and E. craticulatum (20Ð30%)." shell fragments "Hawkes and others, 2007" journal 22 Malaysia Malaysia "Kuala Teriang*, Langkawi*" 6.335; 6.323 99.734; 99.855 Google Maps recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 4.3 3 250 23 2 "10 - upper, 13 - lower" "lower layer fines top 4 cm, upper layer ungraded, finer than lower layer" dark grey silt sharp "coarse, medium, and fine sand" "1 fining upward - top 4 cm of lower layer, upper layer ungraded" "23 cm to 4 cm was dominated by Ammonia spp. (>92%) with a small percentage of E. craticulatum (<8%); 4 cm to 0 cm was dominated by Ammonia spp. (>70%) with small percentages of A. parkinsonia and E. excavatum clavatum." shell fragments "Hawkes and others, 2007" journal 23 Malaysia Malaysia "Sungai Burong*, Penang" 2.683 111.417 Google Maps recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3.2 at 40 m 1500 15 2 "7 - upper, 8 - lower" "lower layer coarsens top 4 cm, upper layer ungraded, coarser than lower layer" light grey silt medium and coarse sand "1 coarsening-upward sequence - top 3 cm of lower layer, upper layer ungraded" "14 cm to 5 cm was dominated by Ammonia spp. (65Ð85%) with notable contributions from Ammobaculites exiguus, Haplophragmoides wilberti, and Q. seminulum; 5 cm to 0 cm dominated by Ammonia spp. (80Ð95%)" "Hawkes and others, 2007" journal 24 Nicaragua Nicaragua "Playa de Popoyo, Las Salinas*" 11.477 -86.139 Google Maps "1992, 1993, 1995 (bathymetry), 2003" salina (salt flat) "To north, salina (salt flat) behind single beach ridge. The salina was covered by 1 m of water when tsunami arrived. To south beach ridge is subdued, and topography behind the beach ridge is flat, entirely supratidal and vegetated" beach recent 09/02/92 Nicaragua M 7.6-M7.7 earthquake local 5 1 "200-500, except in the salina which was completely inundated (~ 1000 m)" 4-6 (2-3 at site) "sand sheet, thins landward, large clast in patches with abrupt distal limits" "few millimeters to 10 cm - 5-10 proximal (seaward), main body of deposit 1-5, landward tail less than 1 cm" Salina mud mud cap in salina profile "mud to boulders, proximal (seaward) - coarse surface layer seaward, very coarse with pebbles on beach ridge, main body of deposit coarse to fine sand large clast present to 1/2 of the inundation distance, landward tail very fine sand and silt" cobbles and boulders including larger blocks of beachrock (see composition); pebbles on beach ridge. "silt present in distal tail, mud cap in salina profile" "generally normal, inverse grading present at base of all but proximal deposits. Grading weaker at top of deposit." "generally landward fining, locally landward coarsening" sorting better at top of deposit "burrows filled with coarse sediment, flat to low angle heavy mineral lamination on salina, rip-ups" "sand, shell debris, larger blocks of beachrock (naturally cemented beach sediment), plant debris such as uprooted shrubs and anthropogenic materials such as bricks, cut blocks of tuff (a common wall material), concrete and roof tiles, as well as clothing and other artifacts." "shell debris, plant debris such as uprooted shrubs" "flopovers indicate primarily landward flow. Parallel to contours in certain inlets, and one case of return (seaward) flow" "earthquake/tsunami occurred near high tide, maximizing effects. Series of surveys from 1992-2003." "Higman and Bourgeois, 2008" book chapter 25 Nicaragua Nicaragua 2003 trench lagoon "lagoon with a steep slope at its landward limit" recent 09/02/92 Nicaragua M 7.6-M7.7 earthquake local "clay, mud" erosional mud and sand rocks from beach extend above surface of tsunami sand sharp contact where finer sediment overlies coarser "sharp contact where finer sediment overlies coarser sediment, often associated with both heavy mineral lamina and concentrations of clay rip-ups" "landward, then seaward due to reflected bore" "survey occurred 11 years after tsunami - perhaps be too late to be considered recent, but part of series of surveys conducted by same investigators, so identification of deposit was less of a factor in tsunami investigation." "Higman and others., 2007" conference proceedings 26 Thailand Thailand Nam Khem 8.83889 98.26694 publication "March, 2005" "transect almost perpendicular to coastline; topographic cross section, corrected for tides at Ao Kaulak; 11 pits, sediment thickness, lithology, and succession characteristics described; bulk samples collected from almost all pits in which a vertical grain-size change could not be detected clearly by eye.; from those pits in which a vertical grain-size change was observed clearly, the different layers were sampled separately" grain size "coastal lowlands 2Ð3 km wide and 4Ð5 m above sea level with artificial mounds and ponds, remnants of mining, and regularly shaped ponds used for shrimp culture ; terraces or hills bound the lowlands on the eastern, landward side." shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 6 2 >1100 "Tsunami sediments up to 33 cm thick were found in the major depressions; in contrast, the sediments were relatively thin at sites with convex topography; sediment thickness did not apparently decrease with distance from the coast" up to 33 2 2 upward-fining cycles; boundary between cycles is erosional brownish soil or sand sharp and/or erosional "At some locations, the top part of the tsunami deposits has been reworked" fine to coarse "basal coarse-grained deposits at N1, N4, N5, and N8 have a relatively high mud content (>10.0%)" normal grading; 2 upward-fining cycles landward fining siliciclastic small molluscan shell fragments are commonly included in the coarse deposits "Hori and others, 2007" journal 27 Thailand Thailand Khao Lak 8.68111 98.24028 publication "March, 2005" "transect almost perpendicular to coastline; topographic cross section, corrected for tides at Ao Kaulak; 12 pits, sediment thickness, lithology, and succession characteristics described; bulk samples collected from almost all pits in which a vertical grain-size change could not be detected clearly by eye.; from those pits in which a vertical grain-size change was observed clearly, the different layers were sampled separately" grain size "coastal lowlands 2Ð3 km wide and 4 m above sea level with artificial mounds and ponds, remnants of mining, and regularly shaped ponds used for shrimp culture ; terraces or hills bound the lowlands on the eastern, landward side; A narrow sandy ridge less than 200 m wide extends southward; a sandy flat approximately 1 m above the sea level is behind this ridge; low-lying plain landward of the tidal flat extends inland to about 1500 m, where a highway, runs from north to south; behind the highway, the land begins to slope upward toward the hills or terraces that bound the plain" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 7 2.7 -9 1500 "landward decrease in sediment thickness is not obvious; close to the coast, the deposits there are very thin " "fine - coarse; fine grained near coast; coarse at K1, beginning of transect; medium sand or larger occur from the shoreline to about 700 m landward; only small grains with median sizes ranging from 3.36 to 3.90 phi were observed landward" "locally normally graded: Coarse-grained sediments (median grain size, 1.76 phi) are overlain by fine-grained sediments (3.72 phi) at K7 (mid-transect), only coarse at K1 near coast" grasses flattened toward the west-southwest by backwash "Hori and others, 2007" journal 28 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka "Hambantota, Karagan Lagoon" "DC1; generalizations may include other cores, specific data from DC1 unless noted" 6.13198 81.12400 Publication "August 2005, 8 months following event, exploratory coring; October, 2006 - main investigation" "22 sediment cores along transects parallel and perpendicular to the shoreline, shallow trenches" "seasonally hypersaline lagoon" seasonally hypersaline lagoon located behind town of Hambandota; no active connection to the sea since 1970 with the exception of two channels that were constructed to divert flood waters recent "10, including 12/26/2004 event" 1 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman 200 - 916 Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 6.1-8.8 "2, 2nd largest" 3000 11 "general landward-thinning trend; thickness variable; for the most part, laterally continuous across the eastern part of the lagoon, patchy distribution in some parts of Karagan Lagoon" "10 (core DC1), up to 22 (core R5), shallow trench: 1 cm; range: 1-22 cm" 4 very faint layering marked by concentrations of darker grains at the base of each layer "lagoonal mud - organic-rich siliciclastic clays and silts, with traces of fine quartz sand" sharp "base of the deposit: 40% coarse to very coarse sand (CVC), 54% very fine to medium (VFM) sand, and < 6% silt and clay; coarsens upwards to 7.5 cm depth where the percentage of CVC increases to 65%, with 31% VFM, and 3% silt and clay. From 0.0Ð7.5 cm (core surface), the deposit fines upwards to a final composition of 35% CVC sand, 51% VFM sand, and 14% silt and clay" "silt and clay, 3-14% (see grain size descriptions)" "coarsens, then fines upwards (see grain size descriptions); massive deposits also noted" "cores collected from the eastern portion of the lagoon, closer to the coastline in the direction from which the 2004 tsunami arrived and in the direct oriented path of the waves, contain more sand. Cores farther from where the tsunami entered the lagoon contain little to no sand." "dominantly quartz grains with lesser amounts of other minerals (e.g., garnet), and unidentified carbonate grains - similar in grain size and composition Hambandota beach sand" whole and partial mollusks "Jackson, 2008" Masters Thesis 29 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka "Helawe Lagoon, on Sri LankaÕs east coast" 6.67200 81.76100 Publication "August 2005, 8 months following event, exploratory coring; October, 2006 - main investigation" sediment core "seasonally hypersaline lagoon" "seasonally hypersaline lagoon with some marsh plant cover" recent 1 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 6.1-8.8 "2, 2nd largest" 3000 11 18 2 2 fining upwards units "lagoonal mud - organic-rich siliciclastic clays and silts, with traces of fine quartz sand" "sharp, erosional" mud gradational to sharp "thin layer of mud that appears to infiltrate down into the top of the sand unit" "medium to coarse sand (text), vf-coarse/pebble (figure)" pebbles (from figure) thin layer of mud that appears to infiltrate down into the top of the sand unit (not clear if this mud is tsunami-derived or post-depositional) "fines upwards slightly, then coarsens, and is topped by a thin layer of mud that appears to infiltrate down into the top of the sand unit. Figure shows 2 fining-upwards sequences" quartz sand whole and partial mollusks "Jackson, 2008" Masters Thesis 30 Peru Camana La Quinta -16.6481 -72.72255 supplied by authors "survey along 7 transects at 6 sites, 3 reported here; topography, pits and trenches, sampling for grain size, peels, photographs, and descriptions" grain size analyses crop fields crop fields behind cobble berm near river mouth shoreline 2.9 recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 3-4 760 3.2 110-160 "5.5-14, typically 6-8" 2+ 2 normally graded sand layers separated by mud layer agricultural soil erosional "cobbles, mud balls (rip-ups), mud cap 0.5-1.0 cm thick" "cobbles in deposit and at surface, imbricated cobbles behind berm" "mud balls (rip-ups), mud cap 0.5-1.0 cm thick, mud layer between layers, mud rip-ups" 2 normally graded layers mud rip-ups "aligned debris, imbricated cobbles behind renewed berm; vegetation bent in the direction of flow and preserved at the base of a deposit all indicate oblique landward flow to NE, no evidence for return flow" identification of tsunami sediments clear between tsunami sand and underlying agricultural soil "Jaffe and others, 2003" conference proceedings 31 Peru Camana Playa Jahuay -16.54808333 -72.873 supplied by authors "survey along 7 transects at 6 sites, 3 reported here; topography, pits and trenches, sampling for grain size, peels, photographs, and descriptions" grain size analyses "crop field, stream valley" dry stream valley and fields behind dunes shoreline recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 3-4 360 2.4 2-3 "multiple sand layers, heavy mineral lags at base of each layer" stream sediments and agricultural soil erosional no mud layers or rip-ups "typically normally graded, inverse grading also observed" "identification aided by contrast in color, grain size, and other sedimentary differences between fluvial sediments and tsunami sediments. Overlying tsunami sediments cut off inclined bedding in stream." "Jaffe and others, 2003" conference proceedings 32 Peru Camana Amecosupe -16.65843333 -72.66302 supplied by authors "survey along 7 transects at 6 sites, 3 reported here; topography, pits and trenches, sampling for grain size, peels, photographs, and descriptions" grain size analyses Beach "sandy open coast; long flat beach on coastal plain, backed by steep slope, crossed by several small roads and highway at rear" shoreline recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 3-4 490 5.7 487 107 "deposits thickest, 28 cm, at the most seaward location; thinned to 6 cm at about 180 m inland; between 210 and 275 m deposits averaged about 20 cm thick with considerable variation caused by 2 rock and gravel roadbeds at ~210 m and ~280m; from about 320 to 490 m, deposits generally thin; sediment deposited within 3 m of the limit of inundation" 1-8 "multiple sand layers, heavy mineral lags at base of each layer, some layers separated by thin layer of fines, Number of layers decrease landwards" beach sand erosional thin (<1.5 cm thick) cap of rippled sand some cobbles mud cap locally "mud rip-ups rare, trample structures, ripples" "flow indicators (bedform orientation, aligned debris) documented shore-parallel flow towards the west (return flow) trapped and deflected alongshore by topographic high at roadbed 60 m inland" identification often difficult between beach sediments and overlying tsunami sediments "Jaffe and others, 2003" conference proceedings 33 Indonesia Sumatra General site specific data given under specific site name location too general for lat/lon "March 31-April 22, 2005" "16 sites from Brueh Island north of Banda Aceh to Teluk Bandera in the Batu Islands; included sites from mainland Sumatra, Simelue, Banyak Islands, Nias, and Batu Islands; topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 1 or more only data from 12/26/04 tsunami presented in paper; some sites investigated by survey teams had deposits from 3/28/05 tsunami; some sites had paleotsunami deposits; deposits from 3/28/05 tsunami or paleotsunamis may exist at some sites with 12/26/04 deposits 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 11.5 512.5 95 390.0 extensive tsunami deposits within 20 m of the limit of inundation at most sites; zone of no deposition or erosion observed at all sites; width of zone larger where the tsunami was large; thicknesses variable along transects and from site to site; thickest deposits did not correlate with the deepest tsunami flow depths max: 70; typical: 5-20 usually composed of multiple layers; mud cracks composed primarily of sand; mud cracks normal and inverse grading as well as massive sections mud cracks data not site specific; site specific data given for specific sites "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 34 Indonesia Sumatra Jantang L1-2 390.0 5.27920 95.24677 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 11.5 512.5 95 390.0 1 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 35 Indonesia Sumatra Jantang L1-2 517.0 5.28048 95.24718 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 14.7 512.5 95 517.0 1 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 36 Indonesia Sumatra Jantang 3 476.3 5.27572 95.24976 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 18 16.4 664.6 627.3 80.48 476.3 7 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 37 Indonesia Sumatra Jantang 3 552.6 5.27586 95.25041 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 17.4 14.4 664.6 627.3 80.48 552.6 18 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 38 Indonesia Sumatra Jantang 3 627.3 5.27621 95.25104 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 19.6 15.0 664.6 627.3 80.48 627.3 6 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 39 Indonesia Sumatra Lhokkruet 1 40.0 4.89620 95.40281 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 10.3 9.9 376.4 275.1 80.48 40.0 0.1 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 40 Indonesia Sumatra Lhokkruet 1 140.9 4.89680 95.40351 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 10.7 10.4 376.4 275.1 80.48 140.9 32 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 41 Indonesia Sumatra Lhokkruet 1 231.5 4.89729 95.40415 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 12.3 11.1 376.4 275.1 80.48 231.5 15 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 42 Indonesia Sumatra Lhokkruet 1 275.1 4.89754 95.40444 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 12.7 11.1 376.4 275.1 80.48 275.1 12 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 43 Indonesia Sumatra Lhok Leupung 632.4 4.69064 95.53565 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 15.2 13.2 903.3 856.0 87.81 632.4 9 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 44 Indonesia Sumatra Lhok Leupung 739.3 4.69118 95.53649 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 15.0 11.8 903.3 856.0 87.81 739.3 8 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 45 Indonesia Sumatra Lhok Leupung 780.3 4.69137 95.53677 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 16.4 12.7 903.3 856.0 87.81 780.3 6 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 46 Indonesia Sumatra Lhok Leupung 856.0 4.69189 95.53720 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 13.9 9.6 903.3 856.0 87.81 856.0 8 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 47 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 469.9 4.61259 95.62383 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size coast with beach ridges recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 6.7 5.6 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 469.9 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 21 60û flow direction from aligned wood at base "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 48 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 591.2 4.61338 95.62463 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 13.5 11.0 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 591.2 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 49 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 644.0 4.61370 95.62491 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 17.2 14.1 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 644.0 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 11 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 50 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 685.2 4.61390 95.62524 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 12.1 9.4 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 685.2 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 20 65û-75û; flow direction from fallen pillar "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 51 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 984.9 4.61562 95.62727 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 18.6 13.2 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 984.9 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 7 205û; flow direction indicates return flow "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 52 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1112.3 4.61644 95.62812 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 15.5 10.3 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1112.3 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 2.5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 53 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1152.6 4.61672 95.62840 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 17.2 12.5 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1152.6 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 2 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 54 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1186.2 4.61692 95.62859 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 12.2 7.6 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1186.2 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 1 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 55 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1314.6 4.61783 95.62934 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1314.6 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 12.5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 56 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1426.4 4.61858 95.62985 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman 276.8 M 9.3 earthquake local 12.9 8.7 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1426.4 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 18.5 0û; flow direction from grass within sediment "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 57 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1531.9 4.61942 95.63039 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 14.1 9.2 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1531.9 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 9 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 58 Indonesia Sumatra Kuala Meurisi 1650.2 4.62009 95.63115 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 15.3 10.1 1820.0 1650.2 143.95 1650.2 "laterally continuous; thickness variation was large, with greater thickness in the swales" 13 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 59 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi Island 308.4 2.83004 95.76647 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 7.0 5.4 459.5 - island overwashed 492.6 97.42 308.4 2 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 60 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi Island 363.4 2.83027 95.76701 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 9.1 7.3 459.5 - island overwashed 492.6 97.42 363.4 11 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 61 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi Island 418.8 2.83054 95.76745 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 13.9 11.9 459.5 - island overwashed 492.6 97.42 418.8 15 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 62 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi Island 459.5 2.83061 95.76788 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 13.8 11.8 459.5 - island overwashed 492.6 97.42 459.5 20 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 63 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi field 134.0 2.82858 95.74737 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 7.6 7.7 >441.4 234.9 124.18 134.0 7 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 64 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi field 234.9 2.82765 95.74719 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 7.8 8.3 >441.4 234.9 124.18 234.9 0.5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 65 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 101 120.9 2.82414 95.75717 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 6.2 4.8 294.2 276.8 42.43 120.9 14 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 66 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 101 192.9 2.82411 95.75711 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 6.2 4.3 294.2 276.8 42.43 192.9 11 65-245û; gouge marks and debris "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 67 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 101 261.4 2.82361 95.75631 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 294.2 276.8 42.43 261.4 6.5 60û; flow direction from imbedded grass in sand "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 68 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 101 276.8 2.82358 95.75631 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 9.9 6.1 294.2 276.8 42.43 276.8 1.5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 69 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 102 117.2 2.82253 95.75928 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 6.6 5.1 334.7 330.8 78.01 117.2 1.5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 70 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 102 162.3 2.82206 95.75931 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 5.6 4.3 334.7 330.8 78.01 162.3 8 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 71 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Langi 102 202.3 2.82175 95.75933 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 8.1 6.7 334.7 330.8 78.01 202.3 5 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 72 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Busung 2 117.4 2.38757 96.33693 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 3.2 117.4 103.3 61.1 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 73 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Busung 1 191.6 2.38467 96.33572 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 4.2 191.6 170.9 112.18 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal 74 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra" Alus Alus 149.9 2.34927 96.37575 Publication "March 31-April 22, 2005" "topographic profiles using laser rangefinder; deposits were examined in pits and trenches dug at intervals along shore-normal transects and selected off-transect locations; measured, photographed, described, sampled; bulk samples of layers within the deposits were taken, at about a dozen locations, samples were taken at 0.5-cm or 1-cm intervals to document the fine-scale vertical grain size variation, push core used to sample paleotsunami deposits" grain size recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 149.9 136.6 119.4 "Jaffe and others, 2006" journal American Samoa (USA) Tutuila Tutuila -14.332 -170.799 Google Earth "measurement of the inundation limit, wave heights, flow depths, sediment deposits, and other physical and ecological impacts; inundation limit mapped using 3 Differential GPS-enabled (DGPS) Magellan ProMark 3 L1 receivers mounted to ~ 1.9-m-long survey poles, equipped with NAP 100 antennas fixed to top of pole" tropical island shoreline recent 09/29/09 Samoa Mw 8.0 earthquake local 620 >12 sand and boulder deposits boulder deposits report focuses on inundation limit; sedimentary deposits only described in this context "Jaffe and others, 2010" journal 1 Thailand Thailand Kho Khao Island 8.958 98.3 Google Maps five shore-perpendicular transects of 4-6 pits "grain size, mineralogical analyses of heavy mineral fraction using thin section on petrographic microscope" several parallel beach ridges recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami >1000 <3 - >6 9-70 "sharp, erosional" "coarse silt to coarse sand, with very fine to medium sand being the most common" coarse silt "landward fining - coarser sediments closest to the shoreline (usually <100m landward), and almost uniform sediments more landward. The finest sediments are found mostly in the middle of the inundation distance." poor to moderately sorted "heavy mineral assemblage: micas common, elevated levels in upper portion of tsunami deposit, tourmalines depleted compared to pre-tsunami sediments" "Jagodziski and others, 2009" journal 2 Thailand Thailand "Phuket Island, Khao Lak region including some Similan Islands*, Nang Pha mangrove areas and Phi Phi Don Islands*" 8.642; 7.743 97.636; 98.775 Google Maps 7-9 weeks after tsunami recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami up to 12 m "centimeters - decimeters, locally up to 2 m" soil and grass a medium fine sand "coral rubble and boulders up to 40 tons, 2 granite boulders (4 tons, 10 tons) - dislocated up to 5 m" """quite"" well" angular mineral fragments bent grass "angular mineral fragments of quartz, feldspar and mica" grass "Kelletat and others, 2007" journal 3 Maldives Maldives South Maalhosmadulu atoll 5.199 72.999 Google Maps "The Maldives comprise a 750 km long double chain of 21 atolls and four reef platforms on a broad carbonate bank. South Maalhosmadulu atoll is in the central zone, western side of the archipelago. The atoll contains 53 islands located on peripheral and lagoon reefs." up to 1.15 recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 0.17- 1.6 6-7 - 1st wave largest 1st wave - 1.8 "continuous and discontinuous landward-thinning sand sheets, tsunami overwash deposition, sand lobes; spit and cuspate foreland extension on leeward side of islands" <1 - 30 surface drape of Halimeda flakes deposited during waning flow medium to very coarse coal-algal sand "clasts of coarser coral gravel, rectangular slabs of beachrock, up to 2.0x1.4¡x0.15 m transported ~3 m" "in sand sheets, landward thinning, coarsening trend within the first 10 m of the peripheral island ridges of some overwash deposits" "in sand sheets, no bedding. Sand lobes exhibit continuous landward-dipping tabular bedding" "Kench and others, 2007" journal 4 Japan "Sanriku Coast, Honshu, Japan" Sanriku Coast 39.117 141.81 Google Maps recent 05/22/60 Chile teletsunami "thin sheets of sand and silt, thickening in swales, thinning landward" graded layers sand and silt graded layers sediment descriptions attributed to Konno et al (1961) from Bourgeois (2009) "Kon'no, 1961 (Bourgeois, 2009)" journal 5 Thailand Thailand "Phang Nga province: Nam Khem*, Bang Mor, Kho Khao Island: Thung Tuk*, Phuket Island: Patong Bay and Patong*." 8.857; 8.885; 7.893 98.275; 98.268; 98.295 Google Maps "chemical: content of water-soluble salts (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Clø, SO4 2ø; heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the hydrochloric acid leachable fraction (2M HCl); metalloids (As, Sb, Se) in the exchangeable fraction (phosphate buffer); identification of inorganic species of As(III) and As(V)" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "tsunami sediments highly saline, salt content decreased in subsequent years, but still greater than in the reference samples; acid-leachable fraction of the sediments contained elevated levels of heavy metal, strongly correlated with content of the water-soluble salts; arsenic higher in the exchangeable fraction; mercury in the tsunami sediments was at levels similar to reference sample; content of organic mercury species higher." "Kozak and Siepak, 2009" journal 6 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay central 47.06201 152.17549 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 122 6.7 120 55 6.6 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.2 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (covers entire study area - not site specific); about 0-5 at Dushnaya Bay central (interpreted from plot)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 7 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" South Bay 48.04199 153.24922 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 223 5.7 217 160 5 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 3.4 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (covers entire study area - not site specific); about 0-7 at South Bay (interpreted from plot)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 8 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Ainu Bay north 48.04412 153.22497 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 327 17.1 305 310 14.8 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 4.8 cubic meters; ; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (covers entire study area - not site specific); about 0-7 at Ainu Bay north (interpreted from plot)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 9 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Ainu Bay south 48.04269 153.2265 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 432 18.1 422 422 17.4 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 6.3 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (covers entire study area - not site specific); about 0-20 at Ainu Bay south (interpreted from plot)" vegetated surface mud cap mud cap "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 10 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 2 47.0453 152.15915 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 75 12.4 72 62 12.1 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 0.9 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 11 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 6 47.05628 152.1665 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 106 4.4 106 4.4 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.2 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 12 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 7 47.05807 152.16878 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 139 6.3 139 122 6.3 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.7 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 13 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 9 47.06094 152.17313 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 151 7.3 151 7.3 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 3 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 14 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 12 47.06393 152.17726 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 120 6.9 112 59 5.8 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 0.9 cubic meters; thin veneer of sediment along sandy beach ridges; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 15 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 109 47.07039 152.18792 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 59 9.1 49 41 7.5 "Little sand, total volume 0.4 cubic meters" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 16 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 106 47.07537 152.19476 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 70 13 63 patchy tsunami deposits of pebbly gravel and relocated cobbles and boulders vegetated surface pebbly gravel and relocated cobbles and boulders; generally <1 m diameter "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 17 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 102 47.07835 152.20566 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 51 7.7 46 37 6.7 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.4 cubic meters; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 18 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" Sarychevo 125 48.08323 153.26612 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 118 11.8 97 102 8.4 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.3 cubic meters; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 19 Russia "Kuril islands, Russia" NE Rasshua 201 47.79513 153.0503 publication "Summer, 2007-2008" "documented tsunami inundation (local maximum penetration distance), run-up, erosion, and deposition; surveyed 9 sites visited in 2006 or earlier, and 18 new sites, measuring 192 run-up transects along a distance of ~600 km; identified tsunami inundation and runup by the farthest inland wrackline of floatable debris" recent 11/15/06 Kuril Islands local 111 11.4 109 105 10.2 landward-thinning continuous sand sheet; total volume 1.4 cubic meters; thicker in beach-ridge troughs than on crests "averaged 2.5 cm thick, 20 cm maximum (entry covers entire study area - not site specific)" vegetated surface "tsunami eroded and deposited blocks of sod, more abundant and larger (to 3 m diameter) on coarser-grained shorelines" "MacInnes and others, 2009a" journal 20 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" general "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches "sites fall into two broad geomorphic categories - bouldery pocket beaches or broad embayments with gravelly to sandy shorelines. Coastal plain backed by a cliff or steep slope. The largest embayments have up to 500 m of sandy coastal plain before this cliff, although more than half of the profiles measured were along rocky beaches with shoreline widths averaging around 50 m" shoreline recent "5: 2 recent (this study), 3 paleo" "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local "432 m, limited by topography, reflected off cliffs backing the plain" "20, typically between 5-15" difference between sedimentation and limit of inundation 0-34 m "sediment transport ubiquitous where sediment was available; wherever there were sandy beaches, a more or less continuous sand sheet was present on the coastal plain; sand sheets landward thinning, sometimes extending almost to the limit of inundation . Local variability in deposit thickness reflected previous topography; erosion was extensive, often more extensive than deposition in both space and volume, especially in areas with run-up of more than 10 m; Where the beach was composed of sediment larger than cobbles, no coherent, continuous deposit was present, although scattered boulders moved by the tsunami were common." maximum: 20 cm filling drained lake bed; sand sheets typically < 5 cm; Local variability in deposit thickness reflected previous topography; locally exceeded 5 cm close to shore and in topographic lows "sand, gravel, and cobbles; locally boulders 10s of cm - 3m in diameter" "gravel, cobbles, and locally boulders 10s of cm - 3m in diameter" mud sand sheets landward-fining "flipped over (landward) turf and soil, still attached (not covered by sandy deposit); layer of debris ,protected from erosion by snow, sometimes separates 2006 and 2007 deposits." "recently deceased sea life on the boulders, such as attached seaweed, encrusted bryozoan communities, and kelp holdfasts. Large logs moved by tsunami" "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 21 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 100 47.07971 152.21016 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 136 13.3 106 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 22 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 101 47.07880 152.20884 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 44 8.8 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 23 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 102 47.07835 152.20566 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 51 7.7 47 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 24 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 104 47.07809 152.19888 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 52 13 31 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 25 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 105 47.07754 152.19528 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 102 15.5 82 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 26 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 106 47.07537 152.19476 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 70 13 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 27 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 108 47.07124 152.19088 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 61 11.8 106 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 28 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 109 47.07039 152.18792 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 59 9.1 46 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 29 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 1-2006 47.06971 152.18614 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 114 8.8 29 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 30 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 110 47.06960 152.18429 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 115 9.9 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 31 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 12 47.06393 152.17726 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 120 6.9 117 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 32 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 2-2006 47.06201 152.17549 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 125 6.7 123 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 33 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 9 47.06094 152.17313 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 154 7.3 154 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 34 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 7 47.05807 152.16878 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 139 6.3 139 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 35 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 6 47.05628 152.16650 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 106 4.4 106 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 36 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Dushnaya Bay 2 47.04530 152.15915 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 92 12.4 89 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 37 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Yankicha 257 47.52596 152.82620 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 70 13.5 61 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 38 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 120 48.08416 153.26740 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 70 12 56 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 39 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 125 48.08323 153.26612 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 118 11.8 109 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 40 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 133 48.07906 153.26357 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 44 12.5 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 41 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 69 48.07510 153.26518 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 94 12.6 88 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 42 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 73 48.07340 153.26681 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 1 1 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 106 18.1 72 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 43 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Sarychevo 86 48.06642 153.26921 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain or short steep coastline shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 56 15.7 44 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 44 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" South Bay 216 48.04199 153.24922 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain shoreline recent 1 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" 11/15/06 Kuril Islands M 8.1-8.4 earthquake local 223 5.7 219 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 45 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Ainu Bay 1-2006 48.04412 153.22497 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 327 15.7 312 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 46 Russia "Middle Kuril Islands, Russia" Ainu Bay 2-2006 48.04269 153.22650 Publication "Summer, 2007" "measure topographic profiles, sample sediments, observe, photograph, describe" "measure topographic profiles, to record maximum run-up and inundation, to collect tsunami-deposit samples and descriptions, make observations of erosion" sandy to bouldery beaches Coastal plain shoreline recent 2 "1,2 (maximum inundation, run-up, sedimentation assumed to be from larger 11/15/2006 tsunami)" "11/15/2006, 1/13/2007" Kuril Islands "2 tsunamigenic earthquakes: November, 2006: M 8.1-8.4; January, 2007: M 7.9-8.1" local 432 18.1 422 "assumed maximum run-up and inundation limits were due to the 2006, not 2007" "MacInnes and others, 2009b" journal 47 Thailand Thailand Bang Sak 9.7 97.0 Publication "October 2005, about 10 months after the tsunami" "2 trenches, parallel and perpendicular to run-up direction, and an opencast pit; topographical data collected using a hand-held laser rangefinder, corrected to the tide level of the first tsunami wave" "grain size: 30 samples at 1.5 cm intervals" "vegetated lowland beyond beach, between rivers" "2 river channels cut the vegetated lowland area within 200 m of the shore, and the study site was located at the foot of the eastern slope of the lowland area between the channels; tsunami dissipated against a macroscopic landform without reflection against any cliffs." shoreline 5 recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 5 2 1-2 km 130 3 single lobe-shaped sedimentary body (15 m along the run-up flow direction and 40 m across) at the foot of the slope facing the river 45 (sampled); range: 30-50 base (layers 1-4) 4 L1: 7-20; L2: 5-15; L3: 5-20; L4: <1 boundary between L2 and L3 strongly deformed and truncated horizontally soil undulating erosional L1: medium to coarse sand; L2: very fine sand with high mud content; L3 - coarse to very coarse sand; L4: very fine to fine sand "L1: minimal mud (1.3%); L2: high mud content (1.5-3.6); L3: low mud content in its middle to upper part (up to 0.32%) and a relatively high mud content (0.7% to 2.4%) in its lower part, reflecting muddy rip-up clasts; L4: high mud content (2.5%)" L1 - normal grading upper 5 cm truncated flame structures (syn-sedimentary deformational) - between a lower fine-grained layer and an upper coarse-grained layer that are related to two run-up events; L1: faint parallel laminations; L3: muddy rip up clasts and faint parallel laminations defined by alternating horizontal layers of coarse and fine grains. L1 and L3: Abundant shells may be useful in distinguishing tsunami from storm deposits "Matsumoto and others, 2008" journal 48 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands "islands of Ghizo*, Ranongga*, Simbo* as well as several small, uninhabited reef-islands around Ghizo (Njari*, Makuti* and Nusa Aghana)" -8.081; -8.066; -8.292 -8.017; -8.133 156.796; 156.558; 156.520; 156.750; 156.967 Google Maps each location has a low-energy lagoon bordered by a barrier reef and a sandy beach; each village site located at a natural channel in the reef recent 04/02/07 Solomon Islands M 8.1 earthquake local fine sediment layer present at most locations. "fine sediment, boulders" boulders derived from hillside backing village and from coral killed by event "Tapurai: a mŽlange of lagoon and beach sediment combined with boulders from the hillside that backs the village; Pailongge and Titiana: sediment mostly derived from the lagoon, including both fine grained coral and Halimeda fragments from the beach and lagoon, along with boulders from colonies killed by the event. " "sediment and debris carried offshore by backwash, covered with a fine layer of sediment. These deposits may have greater preservation potential than terrestrial deposits" "McAdoo and others, 2008" EOS article 49 Indonesia "Babi Island, 5 km off northern coast of Flores Island, Indonesia" Babi Island 2.072 96.625 Google Maps "November 1994, two years after the tsunami" "circular island, 2 km diameter, fringed by a well-developed coral reef; " shoreline recent 12/12/92 Flores Ms 7.5 earthquake local facies A; 500 m from coast widespread sedimentation of marine materials on the backshore; landward-tapering wedge; continuous sheet of sediment "facies A: less than 5 cm thick in the backshore, but as thick as 10 cm or more on the coast" dark pumiceous sandy soil facies B: molluscan shells facies A: medium carbonate sand ; facies B medium to coarse sand facies B: Blocks of coral faciea A rich in silt "Bedding within the sediment layer was well preserved" Facies A: carbonate sand and shells of reef origin; pumice fragments derived from the soil are found in the sediment layer. facies A: Shells of reef origin; Facies B: molluscan shells "bent vegetation suggests facies A waves from NW to the SE; facies B: logs deposited perpendicular to wave, oriented N20¡Ð40¡W, showing flow SW to NE." "Because people have been prohibited from living on Babi Island since the 1992 Flores tsunami, the condition of the inundation area was not disturbed. Near the boundary between the facies, facies B was found to project into the area of facies A. Therefore, the deposition of facies B could have been preceded by that of facies A." "Minoura and others, 1997" journal 50 Indonesia "Aceh , Sumatra, Indonesia" Meulaboh 4.136 96.125 Google Maps recent 4 1 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman 600 Mw 9.3 earthquake local 9-14 2.0-2.5 1.8 overall landward thinning from 50 cm near the shoreline to a few mm farther inland; continuous sand sheet in swales up to 800m inland; farther away from the shoreline the deposit becomes patchy a few mm to 50 cm 3 up to 3 normally grade4d layers "moderately-to-well-sorted medium sand; farther inland the sorting becomes poor; the mean grain size diminishes to fine sand " up to 3 normally graded layers near shore: moderately to well sorted; farther from shore becomes poorly sorted typically without obvious internal structure "near shore: dominated by silicate grains; farter from shore the sand grains are mixed with soil fragments and plant debris" "diatoms are mostly of freshwater origin, one sample abounds in Nietzsche salinicola, a species that can grow in brackish water and is associated with sand grains" pollen grains plant debris farther from shore "Monecke and others, 2008" journal 51 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea general - summary of 4 transects location too general for lat/lon four cross-shore transects; field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided; Waipo transect about 300 m long with 10 trenches grain size analyses Coastal plain and barrier spit recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 15 3 300 to 750 660 40 up to 3 up to 3 "mostly continuous; tabular, sometimes landward thinning" "0.5 to 26 cm, average 8 cm (60 sites)" 1-2 some places multiple normally-graded layers "organic-rich soil" "Abrupt contact, occasionally erosional" "mud caps, few shells" "mud to boulders, mostly medium sand" boulders mud cap up to 0.6 cm thick at surface in depressions "typically normally graded, some places multiple normal graded layers, locally massive" Moderate to well sorted rip-up clasts; 40Ð50 meters between deposit and wrack line "Morton and others, 2007" journal 52 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Waipo -3.12063 142.28832 supplied by authors four cross-shore transects; field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided; Waipo transect about 300 m long with 10 trenches grain size analyses Coastal plain and barrier spit recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 4-7 3 440 400 up to 3 up to 3 "deposit started 120 m from the shoreline; extended inland 280 m, about 40 m short of the inundation limit" "0.5 to 26 cm, average 8 cm (60 sites)" some places multiple normally-graded layers "Abrupt contact, occasionally erosional" "mud caps, few shells" "mud to boulders, mostly medium sand" mud cap "typically normally graded, some places multiple normal graded layers, locally massive" Moderate to well sorted "Morton and others, 2007" journal 53 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Arop -3.06343 142.13905 supplied by authors "four cross-shore transects; field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided; Arop transect 700 m long, more than 20 trenches" grain size analyses Coastal plain and barrier spit "crossed a steep beach face and berm that reached 2.2 m above sea level and then extended across a low-lying, nearly flat coastal plain" recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 10-15 3 690 650 up to 3 up to 3 "deposition begins 50 m inland; deposit thickness increased from 0 to about 8 cm in a short distance; remained between 4 and 11 cm thick for nearly 500 m; at its landward edge, deposit thinned over about 100 m, extending to within 40 m of the inundation limit." 0-11 1 some places multiple normally-graded layers "Abrupt contact, occasionally erosional" "mud caps, few shells" coarse to fine sand and mud normally graded Moderate to well sorted mud rip up clasts "Morton and others, 2007" journal 54 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Otto -3.02185 142.08427 supplied by authors field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided grain size analyses Coastal plain and barrier spit long spit that formed the eastern side of Sissano Lagoon; spit was <200 m wide and <1 m high recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 15 3 540 500 up to 3 up to 3 deposition begins at 40-m; deposit thickness varied up to 28 cm up to 28 2 massive layer 10Ð15 cm thick overlain by a thinly laminated layer 5Ð10 cm thick "Abrupt contact, occasionally erosional" "mud caps, few shells" "mud to boulders, mostly medium sand" massive layer 10Ð15 cm thick overlain by a thinly laminated layer 5Ð10 cm thick no significant cross-shore grain size trends Moderate to well sorted "Morton and others, 2007" journal 55 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Sissano -2.99933 142.05442 supplied by authors four cross-shore transects; field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided; Sissano transect 600 m grain size analyses Coastal plain and barrier spit transect crossed coastal plain that reached elevations of 3 m. recent 07/17/98 Papua New Guinea M 7.0 earthquake + landslide local 5-10 3 300 to 750 660 up to 3 up to 3 "no deposit within 100 m of the shoreline; from 150 to 425 m inland, deposit was nearly tabular, and cross-shore variability in deposit thickness was similar to the variability in thickness in the shore-parallel direction" 0.5-12 1-2 "in a few places, there was a single fining-upward layer; in other places, the deposit was composed of multiple layers; at one trench, two fining-upward layers separated by an abrupt contact" "rooted, compacted sandy soil" "Abrupt contact, occasionally erosional" "mud caps, few shells" "mud to boulders, mostly medium sand" massive to normally graded mean grain size decreases landward Moderate to well sorted "Indicators suggest several directions of flow, main flow perpendicular to the coast, return flow directed toward local topographic lows, in some places, perpendicular to the main flow" "Morton and others, 2007" journal 56 Peru Camana general - summary of 6 transects location too general for lat/lon "field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided. Additional details from transects at La Quinta, Playa Jahuay, and Amecosupe provided on separate lines." grain size analyses "Beach, crop fields, stream valley" "muddy floodplain, sandy river valley, sandy open coast" recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 7 360-1000 50 0.4 to 5.3 0.4 to 5.3 "mostly continuous; landward thinning, local thickening or thinning related to local topography" "0.5 to 28 cm, average 7 cm (85 sites)" "1 to 3 typical, up to 8" erosional "mud caps, rip-up clasts, cobbles" "mud to boulders, mostly fine to medium sand" boulders mud cap at top of layers or at surface where mud is in sediment source "usually normally graded overall, some places ungraded, rare inverse grading of layers" Moderate to well sorted "rip-up clasts in muddy environments, usually at base of sand beds and on surface of deposit; heavy-mineral lamina; typically 10 m between deposit and wrack line" rare shells "Morton and others, 2007" journal 57 Peru Camana La Quinta -16.6481 -72.72255 supplied by authors field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided grain size analyses crop fields recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local 5.5 3-4 2 mud layer separating two normally graded sand layers erosional "mud caps, mud balls (rip up clasts), cobbles" "Occasional rounded cobbles, transported inland more than 100 m from a cobble berm at the coast, dispersed within and on top of tsunami sand" "mud cap at top of layers or at surface, mud balls at surface, mud layer" mud layer separating two normally graded sand layers rip-up clasts within deposit and at surface (mud balls) "Morton and others, 2007" journal 58 Peru Camana Playa Jahuay -16.54808333 -72.873 supplied by authors field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided grain size analyses "crop field, stream valley" recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local "in field, deposits tended to form on the lee side of the ridges and in the swales" 2 two sand layers with a heavy mineral lamina at their base "typically normally graded, although massive layers and layers with inverse grading were observed" rip-up clasts from muddy field mineralogy similar to the beach sand; contrasted with mineralogy of the underlying river sand "Morton and others, 2007" journal 59 Peru Camana Amecosupe -16.65843333 -72.66302 supplied by authors field sites selected to avoid buildings that would modify flow and influence associated deposits; objective is identification of criteria that are diagnostic regardless of local variations in physical setting and sediment sources; approach uses average values or characteristics with the highest frequency of occurrence so that extreme or unusual conditions that would produce anomalies are recognized and avoided grain size analyses Beach recent 06/23/01 Southern Peru M 8.4 earthquake local "deposit thickness responded to local topography; deposition begins and is thickest at 100 m, thins, then thickens several times in the next 388 m; deposit generally this landward in the last 200 m of deposition from 25 - 0.5 cm" 1-7 "defined by heavy mineral layers, number of layers decrease landward" thin cross-beds at the surface of the deposit created by ripples migrating alongshore with the return flow coarse and medium sand rare observation of cross bedding "Morton and others, 2007" journal 60 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala Yala Survey transect general or combined results 6.279166667 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" grain size wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain "wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 "cores and trenches at 131 m, 141 m, 191 m, and 300 m" 0-1 m "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." "2.5-22; 19-21 within 150m of beach, deposit thicknesses farther inland were highly variable, ranging from 2.5 to 22 cm." "unit 1, base; unit 5, top" 5 five hydro-textural stratigraphic units; upward thinning of depositional units fine to coarse sand overall but non-systematic upward fining "both landward coarsening and landward fining, depending on depth within deposit and landward distance" plane-parallel laminae and a few lamina sets; upward increase in heavy-mineral laminations at some locations flow near the landward boundary was multidirectional. "Morton and others, 2008" journal 61 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala Yala Survey transect 131 6.279 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" grain size roadbed "wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 131 ~ 0 "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." 19 "unit 1, base; unit 5, top" 5 five hydro-textural stratigraphic units "unsealed aggregate roadbed" roadbed fragments that were left as a surface lag of rip-up clasts after being transported landward "Units 1 and 2 were composed of coarse and medium sand that had a mean size that was substantially coarser than the overlying units, which were composed of medium and fine sand" non-systematic overall upward fining in mean grain size and 3-to-5 cm cycles of upward increasing fine skewness; Unit 3 was further divided into A and B subunits based on slight upward-fining trends. Unit 5 divided into A and B subunits on the basis of slight upward-fining and upward-coarsening trends. "both landward coarsening and landward fining, depending on depth within deposit and landward distance" "Most of the deposit was well sorted and exhibited trends of better sorting upward, except for the finest unit, which was moderately sorted and the most poorly sorted unit." "most of the deposit was excessively peaked (leptokurtic), except for the finest unit, which was normally peaked (mesokurtic)" plane-parallel laminae and a few lamina sets flow near the landward boundary was multidirectional. "Morton and others, 2008" journal 62 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala Yala Survey transect 141 6.279 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" grain size wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain "wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 "cores and trenches at 131 m, 141 m, 191 m, and 300 m" ~ 0 "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." 20.5 "unit 1, base; unit 5, top" 5 five hydro-textural stratigraphic units "Pre-tsunami sediments penetrated by core 141 were coarser than the overlying tsunami deposits except for the base of unit 1 and the top of unit 2." "medium to coarse sand; all the depositional units had a mean grain size of coarse sand except the finest unit (4) and the upper part of unit 5" "non-systematic overall upward fining, sorting systematically decreased upward in unit 5" "both landward coarsening and landward fining, depending on depth within deposit and landward distance" "most of the sediments were moderately sorted, sorting systematically decreased upward in unit 5" most grain size distributions were excessively peaked (leptokurtic) with a few very excessively peaked plane-parallel laminae and a few lamina sets flow near the landward boundary was multidirectional. "Morton and others, 2008" journal 63 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala Yala Survey transect 191 6.279 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" grain size wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain "wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 "cores and trenches at 131 m, 141 m, 191 m, and 300 m" ~ 0 "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." 15 "unit 1, base; unit 5, top" 4 "four hydro-textural stratigraphic units, unit 5 missing" Pre-tsunami sediments recovered in core 191 were the coarsest of all the sediments analyzed and were substantially coarser than the tsunami deposit. "medium to coarse sand; most of the tsunami sediments were medium sand except for the bases of units 1 and 3, and the deposit exhibited non-systematic overall upward-fining textures. Sediments of the finest unit (4) of this core were the finest of all the tsunami sediments analyzed at Yala. " overall but non-systematic upward fining "both landward coarsening and landward fining, depending on depth within deposit and landward distance" Most of the sediments were moderately sorted and sorting decreased upward. The best sorted sediments (well sorted) were in unit 4 grain-size distributions for most of the deposit were finely skewed "grain-size distributions for most of the deposit were excessively peaked (leptokurtic), except for the coarse sand at the base of unit 3, which was flat peaked (platykuritc)." plane-parallel laminae and a few lamina sets flow near the landward boundary was multidirectional. "Morton and others, 2008" journal 64 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala Yala Survey transect 300 6.279 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" grain size wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain "wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 "cores and trenches at 131 m, 141 m, 191 m, and 300 m" ~ 0 "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." 21 "unit 1, base; unit 5, top" 5 "five hydro-textural stratigraphic units, top of unit 5 missing" landward-dipping foresets composed of medium sand that was substantially finer than the tsunami deposits medium to coarse sand; All depositional units had mean grain sizes of coarse sand except for the base of unit 1 and the finest unit (4); the deposit exhibited nonsystematic overall upward fining above unit 1; the coarsest sediments were at the top of unit 1 nonsystematic overall upward fining above unit 1; coarsest sediments were at the top of unit 1 "both landward coarsening and landward fining, depending on depth within deposit and landward distance" most of the sediments were moderately sorted skewness was highly variable with both finely and coarsely skewed sediments in 4-cm cycles most of the sediments were excessively peaked (leptokurtic) with the samples from 4-and-8 cm depths being very excessively peaked plane-parallel laminae and a few lamina sets; near the top of the 300-m trench was a scour-and-fill interval that recorded two distinct erosional and depositional events. The basal scour event removed approximately 7 cm of the upper part of unit 3 flow near the landward boundary was multidirectional. "Morton and others, 2008" journal 65 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Yala iron post trench iron post trench 6.279 81.425 Publication "recording GPS positions, conducting a rod-and-level topographic survey that extended from the high-water line to the crest of the old dune ridge; measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses at 15 sites; minimum tsunami flow depths estimated using the heights of indicators on trees such as fresh scars of stripped bark, broken branches, and foreign debris caught in branches; flow directions identified by the preferred long-axis alignment of uprooted trees, bent pipes, bent grass, and inclined objects such as boats and a car pinned against trees; 2 short cores, 3 shallow trenches" "no textural samples were collected for the iron-post trench," wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain "SE of Yala transect; wide sandy beach and adjacent narrow coastal plain; modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed intentionally in conjunction with resort development; an old, inactive dune ridge about 11.5 m high is located about 400 m landward of the modern dune ridge" high water line modern dune ridge up to 4.5 m high stabilized by grasses and shrubs; approximately 600 m of the modern dune ridge were removed; Yala transect and iron post trench in portion where dune removed recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "4-5 along profile, 2 at Yala, shallow behind remaining dune" "2, second largest and most destructive" "450 along profile, 900 at Yala" 12.5 ~ 0 "extensive sand sheet, except locally around obstructions such as tree trunks; thickness controlled by antecedent topography; In general, deposit thicknesses were inversely related to elevation and inland distance." 19 pre-tsunami sediments contained fine roots that made them slightly darker than overlying sediments and were composed of coarse sand with low-angle seaward-dipping laminations truncated by tsunami erosion "field observations indicated that the tsunami sand sheet was finer than the pre-tsunami deposits. From the base to the top, the 19-cm tsunami deposit exhibited the following vertical trends: 0.5 cm heavy-mineral lamination, 4.0 cm upward-fining sand, 3.5 cm upward-coarsening sand, 2 cm concentration of three heavy-mineral laminations, and 9 cm upward-fining sand with scattered shell fragments." "From the base to the top, the 19-cm tsunami deposit exhibited the following vertical trends: 0.5 cm heavy-mineral lamination, 4.0 cm upward-fining sand, 3.5 cm upward-coarsening sand, 2 cm concentration of three heavy-mineral laminations, and 9 cm upward-fining sand with scattered shell fragments." heavy mineral laminations scattered shell fragments in upper 9 cm of deposit "An accumulation of sand grains imbedded in surface pits of a rough iron post near the beach (Fig. 2) indicated that the concentrated load in the water column extended at least 1.9 m above the root-bound pre-tsunami land surface, or almost half of the flow depth." "Morton and others, 2008" journal 66 Japan "Taisei, Hokkaido" Hirahama Hirahama trench 42.21 139.882 Google Earth trench excavated 3 years after tsunami 3 by 9 m trench narrow plain and a beach consisting of sand and gravel recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 7-9 "2, second wave larger" 60 "landward thinning, lenticular" 45 layer 1 = basal layer 4 1: 0-10; 2: 0-28; 3: 0-15 landward and seaward flow from 2 waves "1st layer (upflow): 2.69 phi; 2nd layer (return flow) 2.8 phi, 3rd layer (upflow): 2.36 phi" 1st Layer (upflow): -0.29; 2nd layer (return flow) -0.34; 3rd layer (upflow): 0.38 "1st Layer (upflow): 1.67, 2nd layer (return flow) 1.684, 3rd layer (upflow): 1.45 " "Mean - 1st Layer (upflow): 1.61 phi, 2nd layer (return flow)1.62 phi, 3rd layer (upflow): 0.67 phi" rounded gravel; 2nd layer contains an overlying layer of mound-forming gravel well sorted gravel rounded layer 1: rip-up clasts of soil "marine sand and rounded gravel; Layer 1 and 3 marine sand; layer 2:non-marine materials (return flow) - soil clasts, garbage, stream gravel, and plant fragments" "seashell, wood, plant fragments" flow direction from imbricated cobble dipping seaward indicates landward flow; gravel fabric and knocked-down plants indicate return flow "Nanayama and others, 2000" journal 67 Japan "Taisei, Hokkaido, Japan" Usubetsu River from the Usubetsu-bashi Bridge to a point 260 m upstream of the bridge 42.218 139.867 Google Maps "sampled and described 1997-2001, 4-8 years after tsunami" "2 transects perpendicular to shore (Line A and Line B); altitudes and distances from the shoreline were measured by a Total Station DTM-500 (Nikon-Trimble Co., Ltd.) at all sampling points; scoop samples every 5 m; 50 pits, 50 cm long Ñ30 cm wide¡Ñ30 cm deep, were dug; 10 in situ peel samples (50 cm high¡Ñ30 cm wide) using spray-bond adhesive; 22 oriented lunchbox samples (15 cm high¡Ñ20 cm wide¡Ñ3 cm deep) from selected walls of these pits; gravel fabrics, clast sizes, and compositions of three pit walls near the bridge recorded" grain-size analyses and foraminiferal assemblage analyses up rivers shoreline recent 07/12/93 HokkaidoÐNannies-Oki M 7.8 earthquake local 2-3; third wave smallest "300 m from the shoreline across highway R229, and 400Ð450 m from the shoreline along the Usubetsu and Ogawa rivers" 430 200-430 "Generally, the thickness of the tsunami deposits decreases away from the shoreline, but locally their thickness reflected irregularities of the land surface" up to 36 cm 4 lower boundary of each unit erosional surface soil some covered in flood deposits (B420) "B210, cobbles and pebbles (maximum diameter - 20 cm) and pebbly coarse sands, coarse deposits were found only near the Usubetsu-bashi Bridge; between B216 and B250 fine sand with medium to coarse sand grains and gravel." "gravel, pebbles" "west to westÐsouthwest at Taisei, estimated from the collapse directions of herbaceous plants and utility poles, and from the displacement of tetrapods, observed on aerial photographs taken after the tsunami; backwash waves converged along the Ogawa and Usubetsu rivers." "deposits samples and described sampled and described 1997-2001, 4-8 years after event. Event was well documented and a recent tsunami approach was used." "Nanayama and Shigeno, 2006" journal 68 Japan "Taisei, Hokkaido, Japan" Usubetsu River from the Usubetsu-bashi Bridge to a point 260 m upstream of the bridge 42.218 139.867 Google Maps "sampled and described 1997-2001, 4-8 years after tsunami" "Altitudes and distances from the shoreline were measured by a Total Station DTM-500 (Nikon-Trimble Co., Ltd.) at all sampling points; scoop samples every 5 m; 50 pits, 50 cm long x30 cm widex30 cm deep, were dug; 10 in situ peel samples (50 cm highx30 cm wide) using spray-bond adhesive; 22 oriented lunchbox samples (15 cm high¡Ñ20 cm wide¡Ñ3 cm deep) from selected walls of these pits; gravel fabrics, clast sizes, and compositions of three pit walls near the bridge recorded." grain-size analyses and foraminiferal assemblage analyses up rivers shoreline recent 07/12/93 HokkaidoÐNansei-Oki M 7.8 earthquake local 2-3; third wave smallest "300 m from the shoreline across highway R229, and 400Ð450 m from the shoreline along the Usubetsu and Ogawa rivers" 430 200-430 "generally, the thickness of the tsunami deposits decreases away from the shoreline, but locally their thickness reflected irregularities of the land surface; coarse deposits near the Usubetsu-bashi Bridge have a clear lobe-shaped distribution; between B216 and B250, sheeted sand layers" "36 cm max at B210 in coarse cobbles, pebbles and pebbly sand; between B216 and B250 more than 10 cm thick were composed of a fine sand with medium to coarse sand grains and gravel. Thin, fine sand layers were found between B250 and B420; beyond B420, the deposits were lenticular, and they pinched out at B430." unit is basal unit 4 "lower boundary of each unit erosional; unit 1 gravel lobe facies; unit 2 sand sheet facies; unit 3 consist of two sedimentary facies, a gravel lobe facies and a sand-sheet facies" surface soil erosional some covered in flood deposits (B420) "B210, cobbles and pebbles (maximum diameter - 20 cm) and pebbly coarse sands, coarse deposits were found only near the Usubetsu-bashi Bridge; gravel lobe facies consists of a matrix supported conglomerate, cobbles up to 26 cm, matrix consists of coarse to fine sands; sand sheet facies consists primarily of fine sands " "gravel, pebbles" silt at top of unit 3 sand facies "gravel lobe facies - normal and inverse grading, sand sheet facies - normal grading" "gravel lobe facies consists of matrix-supported conglomerates with an imbricated gravel fabric, coarse to fine sand matrix; sand-sheet facies - current ripples" "found only at B216, unit 3 and A300, unit 4; 22 benthic species characterized by calcareous species with high abundances of Cibicides refulgens, Ammonia beccarii, and Elphidium crispum" fragments of shells - unit 3 gravel facies; layers of silt with wood and plant fragments are found at the top of unit 3 sand facies "west to westÐsouthwest at Taisei, estimated from the collapse directions of herbaceous plants and utility poles, and from the displacement of tetrapods, observed on aerial photographs taken after the tsunami; backwash waves converged along the Ogawa and Usubetsu rivers; unit 1 landward flow, no direction established for unit 2, unit 3 gravel facies - landward; unit 3 sand facies - current ripples indicate a landward flow direction; unit 4 - current ripples indicate a seaward flow" "deposits samples and described sampled and described 1997-2001, 4-8 years after event. Event was well documented and a recent tsunami approach was used." "Nanayama and Shigeno, 2006" journal 69 India "Kerala coast, SW India" "Kerala coast, Kayamkulam Estuary - location represents the full latitude range of sample locations plus coordinates for a representative location taken from Azhikkal near mouth of esturay" 9¡2'N to 9¡9.5'N; 9.118 76.472 "latitude range from publication, representative coordinates from Google Maps" soon after tsunami "Sediment samples using van-veen grab were collected in the inner shelf (30 samples), the estuary (22 samples), and on the beach (40 samples); on the beach, samples were acquired from the top layer only, using a poly vinyl chloride tube of 9 cm diameter, penetrated to a depth of 12 cm from the surface" grain size beach recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 5 1.5 thick piles of sediment 60 medium sand sharp but not erosional 0.9 to 2.9 phi modal class varying between 1.5 and 3 phi "coarse sand fraction weight percentages range from 4 to 50, medium-size sand from 15 to 60 and fine sand fraction from 10 to 80; majority of samples constitute 40Ð60% of fine sand" transport and deposition of boulders 3-64% silt moderately sorted "black sands composed of ilmenite, garnet, zircon, rutile, monazite and sillimanite" "Narayana and others, 2007" journal 70 Maldives "South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) Atoll, Maldives" Madhirivaadhoo 5.133 72.950 Google Maps "detailed sampling of tsunami sediments was restricted to five islands where deposits were the most extensive; field measurements and sampling of tsunami sand sheets included planform mapping using GPS, cross-shore topographic survey, including the adjacent beach and/or reef surface, bedform observations, measurement of sheet thickness description of style of contact with underlying material, collection of sediment samples along representative transects aligned parallel to the interpreted flow direction." grain size vegetated island surface Baa Atoll is directly open to the tsunami via a passage through the eastern side of the archipelago 60 km wide and 2000 m deep; Madhirivaadhoo is located on the eastern edge of the atoll does not specify recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 20 880 cubic meters of sand as a continuous sheet across the northern to south-eastern sectors of the island; variation in thickness associated with microtopography and surface roughness; maximum thickness occurred at the seaward edge where the sand sheet is contiguous with the upper beach and as localized lobes on the upflow side of tree trunks and minimum thickness was observed at the landward limit and on the leeward side of larger vegetation - producing a generally landward-thinning deposit 5-20 sharp but not erosional 0.37Ð0.55 mm 0.05Ð0.99 phi medium to coarse granular coral fragments deposited at or near the limit of the sand sheet massive "cross-shore variations in mean grain-size are minor (0.45 to 0.54 mm), with a weak landward-coarsening trend" moderately sorted rip-up clasts limited to granules of loose surface soil carbonate sand granular coral fragments "Preservation: 2 years after tsunami, deposits clearly recognizable but modified; landward edge: localized bioturbation by crabs and insects; seaward edge: collapse of tsunami sand sheet into beachface" "Nichol and Kench, 2008" journal 71 Maldives "South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) Atoll, Maldives" Thiladhoo 5.133 72.950 Google Maps "detailed sampling of tsunami sediments was restricted to five islands where deposits were the most extensive; field measurements and sampling of tsunami sand sheets included planform mapping using GPS, cross-shore topographic survey, including the adjacent beach and/or reef surface, bedform observations, measurement of sheet thickness description of style of contact with underlying material, collection of sediment samples along representative transects aligned parallel to the interpreted flow direction." grain size vegetated island surface Baa Atoll is directly open to the tsunami via a passage through the eastern side of the archipelago 60 km wide and 2000 m deep; Thiladhoo is 3 km to the west of the eastern atoll rim toe of beach recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 32 600 cubic meters of sand across the northern and eastern sections of the island; sand sheet tapers landward across a near-horizontal island surface; fills shallow topographic lows 3-30 sharp but not erosional 0.39Ð0.56 mm 0.08Ð0.28 phi medium to coarse; coarse fraction finer than 0.6 mm and <1% concentration massive "sand sheet becomes marginally coarser with reduced sorting (0.16 to 0.21 phi) across the first 10 m landward of the island ridge; beyond this point, the sand sheet reduces in grain size and degree of sorting" well sorted; sorting reduces landward rip-up clasts limited to granules of loose surface soil carbonate sand "Preservation: 2 years after tsunami, deposits clearly recognizable but modified; landward edge: localized bioturbation by crabs and insects; seaward edge: collapse of tsunami sand sheet into beachface" "Nichol and Kench, 2008" journal 72 Maldives "South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) Atoll, Maldives" Milaidhoo 5.133 72.950 Google Maps "detailed sampling of tsunami sediments was restricted to five islands where deposits were the most extensive; field measurements and sampling of tsunami sand sheets included planform mapping using GPS, cross-shore topographic survey, including the adjacent beach and/or reef surface, bedform observations, measurement of sheet thickness description of style of contact with underlying material, collection of sediment samples along representative transects aligned parallel to the interpreted flow direction." grain size "beach, vegetated island surface" Baa Atoll is directly open to the tsunami via a passage through the eastern side of the archipelago 60 km wide and 2000 m deep; Milaidhoo is located 4 km west of the edge of Baa Atoll does not specify recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 20 180 "sand sheet volume is ca 720 cubic meters; deposition was concentrated along the eastern side of the island; sand sheet is up to 0.3 m thick, 20 m wide and 180 m long; On the southern shore, deposition was localized and thin (<1 cm)" <1 - 30 "1 cm in very coarse sand to10 cm in medium-sized sand," thin soil and binding root hairs "sharp but not erosional; in some locations, the contact is marked by a green algal mat." "surface sediments at leading edge of the sand sheet are dominated by granule-sized flakes of Halimeda that form beds up to 5 cm thick" 0.39Ð0.87 mm 0.08Ð0.28 phi coarse to medium sand upward-fining observed only in the seaward margins of the deposit at its landward edge the sand sheet tapers to an abrupt terminus on a non-vegetated shallow depression "medium-sized sands very well-sorted, coarse sands moderately sorted" "at 14.5 m, continuous, planar bedding at 2û landward slope; crab burrow; rip-up clasts limited to granules of loose surface soil" carbonate sand "Preservation: 2 years after tsunami, deposits clearly recognizable but modified; landward edge: localized bioturbation by crabs and insects; seaward edge: collapse of tsunami sand sheet into beachface" "Nichol and Kench, 2008" journal 73 Maldives "South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) Atoll, Maldives" Hulhudhoo 5.133 72.950 Google Maps "detailed sampling of tsunami sediments was restricted to five islands where deposits were the most extensive; field measurements and sampling of tsunami sand sheets included planform mapping using GPS, cross-shore topographic survey, including the adjacent beach and/or reef surface, bedform observations, measurement of sheet thickness description of style of contact with underlying material, collection of sediment samples along representative transects aligned parallel to the interpreted flow direction." grain size "beach, vegetated island surface" "Baa Atoll is directly open to the tsunami via a passage through the eastern side of the archipelago 60 km wide and 2000 m deep; Hulhudhoo is approximately mid-way across Baa Atoll, 13 km from the eastern margin." island scarp 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 50 "Tsunami run-up and deposition onto this island was limited to the north-east sector where ca 230 cubic meters of sand was transported from the adjacent beach and spread out over an area of ca 3790 square meters to a maximum landward distance of 50 m from the island scarp; semi-continuous sand-sheet deposition on a gentle landward slope of 0.6û; sand sheet is disconnected from the beach by a sediment bypass zone, up to 0.2 m wide across the island scarp; Breaks in the sand sheet occur around trunks of coconut trees producing circular areas of non-deposition, bordered on the up-flow side by sand lobes up to 7 cm thick;" sheet: 1-5; lobes: up to 7 sharp but not erosional 0.42Ð0.63 mm 0.10Ð0.41 phi medium to coarse sand "cross-shore variations in sediment texture and include a trend towards less effective sorting (0.15 to 0.41 phi) and a marginal increase in mean grain-size; There are departures from this trend, most notably where the coarsest sediments form the thinnest (1 mm) parts of the sand sheet (e.g. 40 m from toe of beach)" medium sand: very well sorted; Coarse sand: well sorted rip-up clasts limited to granules of loose surface soil carbonate sand "Preservation: 2 years after tsunami, deposits clearly recognizable but modified; landward edge: localized bioturbation by crabs and insects; seaward edge: collapse of tsunami sand sheet into beachface" "Nichol and Kench, 2008" journal 74 Maldives "South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) Atoll, Maldives" Dhakandhoo 5.133 72.950 Google Maps "detailed sampling of tsunami sediments was restricted to five islands where deposits were the most extensive; field measurements and sampling of tsunami sand sheets included planform mapping using GPS, cross-shore topographic survey, including the adjacent beach and/or reef surface, bedform observations, measurement of sheet thickness description of style of contact with underlying material, collection of sediment samples along representative transects aligned parallel to the interpreted flow direction." grain size vegetated and non-vegetated island surface "Baa Atoll is directly open to the tsunami via a passage through the eastern side of the archipelago 60 km wide and 2000 m deep. Dhakandhoo, lies 27.5 km from the eastern rim of Baa Atoll." 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman Mw 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 0.45 100 widely distributed along coast "sand sheet deposition along narrow reach on NE island surface of island forming a discontinuous deposit across a landward slope of 2û to 4û, volume: 160 cubic meters; breaks in the deposit include a 5 m wide bypass zone across the island ridge and around coconut trees; beyond first 15 m of deposition, sand sheet becomes patchy, forming isolated lobes; landward edge of the deposit forms a tapering wedge on a near-horizontal non-vegetated island surface; minor deposit along southern margin of island" 1st 15 m: 0.1-3; beyond (lobes): up to 5 sharp but not erosional granule-sized flakes of Halimeda and coral fragments on the surface 0.34Ð0.82 mm 0.14Ð0.71 phi medium to coarse sand granule-sized flakes of Halimeda and coral fragments on the surface "clear landward-coarsening trend across the first 15 m of transport, increasing from very well-sorted medium-sized sand to moderately sorted coarse sand but forming a thin (0.1 to 3 cm) veneer only; beyond this point, sand sheet becomes patchy with sediment forming isolated lobes of well-sorted medium-sized to coarse sand up to 5 cm thick with granule-sized flakes of Halimeda and coral fragments on the surface." medium sand: very well sorted; Coarse sand: moderately sorted; lobes: well sorted rip-up clasts limited to granules of loose surface soil "Preservation: 2 years after tsunami, deposits clearly recognizable but modified; landward edge: localized bioturbation by crabs and insects; seaward edge: collapse of tsunami sand sheet into beachface" "Nichol and Kench, 2008" journal 75 Japan "Hokkaido, Japan" Honme 42.747 140.138 Google Earth 7/14/1993 - 7/16/1993 "measured orientations of plants knocked over by the waves, thickness and lithofacies of sandy tsunami deposits, collected samples for grain size analysis, surveyed local topography using electro-optical distance-meter" grain size recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 5.9 "3+, second wave the highest" landward-thinning continuous deposits on gentle topography; thickness varies greatly with local undulation 0-1 bent grasses delineate both landward flow and seaward backwash "Nishimura and Miyaji, 1995" journal 76 Japan "Hokkaido, Japan" Enoshima 42.681 140.01 Google Earth 7/14/1993 - 7/16/1993 "measured orientations of plants knocked over by the waves, thickness and lithofacies of sandy tsunami deposits, collected samples for grain size analysis, surveyed local topography using electro-optical distance-meter" grain size "steep, grass covered slope" steep slope above beach recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 7 "3+, second wave the highest" 6.4 landward-thinning continuous deposits on gentle topography; thickness varies greatly with local undulation up to 12 4 "lower 3 layers: concrete block fragments of pebble, uppermost layer: same as original slope" sand containing gravels "gravels, washed up concrete blocks at base of slope; fragments of pebble" graded bedding structures bent grasses indicate backwash "Nishimura and Miyaji, 1995" journal 77 Japan "Hokkaido, Japan" Enoshima 42.681 140.01 Google Earth 7/14/1993 - 7/16/1993 "measured orientations of plants knocked over by the waves, thickness and lithofacies of sandy tsunami deposits, collected samples for grain size analysis, surveyed local topography using electro-optical distance-meter " grain size paddy field paddy field recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 3.7 "3+, second wave the highest" landward-thinning continuous deposits on gentle topography; thickness varies greatly with local undulation 3-15 "crescent marks directed toward the sea, crossed by current ripple" Thin sandy silt layer or crust covered the surface of the tsunami deposits on a part of the paddy fields graded bedding "plants in the lower and middle layers were bent landward, bent grasses at surface and in uppermost layer and crescent marks at surface directed toward the sea indicate backwash" "Nishimura and Miyaji, 1995" journal 78 Japan "Hokkaido, Japan" Taisei 42.218 139.87 Google Earth 7/14/1993 - 7/16/1993 "measured orientations of plants knocked over by the waves, thickness and lithofacies of sandy tsunami deposits, collected samples for grain size analysis, surveyed local topography using electro-optical distance-meter" grain size fallow paddy field across road gentle slope recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 5.7 "3+, second wave the highest" 6.4 landward-thinning continuous deposits on gentle topography; thickness varies greatly with local undulation 0-3 0.5-1 medium to fine sand bent grasses delineate both landward flow and seaward backwash "Nishimura and Miyaji, 1995" journal 79 Indonesia "Sumatra, Indonesia" Lhok Nga 5.485 95.238 Google Maps "preliminary survey: January 2005, three weeks after the tsunami; main survey: August and December 2005 " "measured the thickness of tsunami sand deposits and computed the data in a 100 m grid; measured the 3 axis of 220 boulders, their imbrications, distance to the shoreline (considering the direction of the tsunami waves), noted their lithology, took samples, calculated their volume, density and weight" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 1st wave <5; 2nd wave 15-30 3 continuous trimline at 20Ð30 masl; 36 m a.s.l. in Lhok Nga; 51 m a.s.l. in a small bay near Labuhan "sand sheets 5 km inland; one boulder, less than 1 m large, at 1 km from the coastline, but all the others were transported less than 450 m ." "7 (single boulder, all others <7)" scattered boulder fields "boulders on surface, overlying tsunami-deposited sand" 2 size modes: boulder and sand (coarse) "boulders 0.3 to 7.2 m large (typically 0.7Ð1.5 m), with weights from over 50 kg up to 85 tons.; megaclasts of soil, road, cement and boulders of coral (mainly Porites), beach rock and limestone" sand massive No fining landward boulder size distribution could be detected. "some boulders overturned, rip up clasts of soil in sand" "imbricated boulders show landward transport, backwash concentrated in topographic lows" "Paris and others, 2009" journal 80 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Langi 2.86147 95.76632 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" on uplifted N coast recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local "5, last wave highest" 7.8 500 "landward coarsening to 120-150 m; then landward thinning to 500 m; only spots of fine-grained sand, silt, and mollusk shells at maximal run-up" up to 17; max thickness located 120Ð150 m away from the shoreline in the zone subjected to erosion; thins to 1-5 cm near landward edge; <0.5 and discontinuous at maximal run-up 2-3 2-3 normally-graded layers; a bed of gray siltyÐclayey mud sometimes separates layers gray lagoon mud erosional thin film of well-sorted silt covers the sediment surface with unimodal (mode 20Ð30µm) with a tail of clayey fractions (up to 33.5% with medium clayey particles being dominant). "by bimodal and polymodal grain-size distributions and a substantial admixture of gravel grains, becoming finer inland; basal parts of the members are composed of poorly sorted coarse-grained sands (Ma 1.55 mm; sigma up to 5.5) with a polymodal grain size distribution and a negative asymmetry coefficient (Ka = -0.27); Upward in the section, the grain size gradually becomes finer (Ma 0.22Ð0.27 mm) and better sorted (sigma 1.78Ð1.79), and the asymmetry coefficient is characterized by low negative values (Ka = Ð0.05 to Ð0.12)" large blocks of reef transported landward 400 m; large block of reefal limestone 0.9x1.4x2.25 m left at the surface of a 1.5-m-high terrace; sediments include substantial admixture of gravel grains terrigenous silt from rear part of terrace to zone of maximal inundation; a bed of gray siltyÐclayey mud sometimes separates layers 2-3 normally-graded layers sediments become better sorted and finer inland "poorly sorted, becoming better sorted inland" "marine, brackish water, and freshwater species; sediments from the zone of the maximal tsunami run up enclose an impoverished diatom assemblage of brackish-water species accompanied by scarce frustules of coastalÐ marine forms" "numerous intact mollusk shells (Lambis chiragra, Tridacna sp., and others) at maximal run-up" "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 81 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Pulau Pangang Island 2.83542 95.7663 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" island on uplifted North coast recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 15 5-7 5; 10-14 on southern coast of island fine crust of humic silt fine to medium grained sand with coarse grained carbonate material "In western part of island, a small rampart up to 1.4 m high composed of coral fragments up to 30 cm in size is observed near the water in the western part of the island; the sediments also contain well rounded siltstone pebbles; on south side of island, the sediment is composed of gravel almost lacking a sandy admixture" "Locally, the sand includes interbeds of siltyÐclayey mud originated from slope sediments and siltstones of the bench." massive poorly to moderately sorted includes well rounded siltstone pebbles "The coarse-grained fractions are composed of carbonate material, while their fine-grained counterparts (<0.125Ð0.2 mm) consist largely of terrigenous particles with quartz grains being dominant. " branching coral fragments cover beach and lowland areas "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 82 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Lhok Pauh 2.86147 95.76632 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" beach recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 8.8 50-70 up to 24 2 distinctly graded members representing 2 waves locally separated by a 2-cm-thick bed of muddy fine-grained sand with an admixture of silt (27.6%) and clay (18.3%). dark gray siltyÐclayey mud distinct erosional contact "fine-grained sand on beach; closer to the shoreline, there are bands of poorly sorted (sigma 4.41) gravel (modal fraction 1.0Ð1.25 mm) with coarse- to medium-grained sand" numerous coral fragments; gravel admixture on rear part of beach sand layers locally separated by a 2-cm-thick bed of muddy fine-grained sand with an admixture of silt (27.6%) and clay (18.3%) massive "moderately sorted on beach, poorly sorted closer to shoreline" diatom frustules representing dominant freshwater species "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 83 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" "Sanggiran " 2.90325 95.88172 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" raised reefs extend along entire shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 2.6-3.1 120-130 band 20-25 m wide up to 4 1.26-1.5 "fine grained sand, unimodal distribution; in the zone of the maximal tsunami run up, the sediments are represented by a thin (1Ð2 cm) bed of light yellow inequigranular poorly sorted (£m 3.91) sand with a substantial silt admixture (up to 46%) " massive unimodal well sorted carbonate with a significant share of terrigenous material in the fine fractions benthic foraminiferal assemblage dominated by the species characteristic of coral reefs "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 84 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Buturagi 2.83038 95.92725 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" "raised reefs extend along entire shoreline, shore protected by small islands" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 80 2.6-3.1 30Ð40 occur in the form of spots in small depressions at the surface of a low marine terrace; maximal run-up zone hosts only small patches of light yellow silt up to 0.6 2.03-2.06 fine-grained sands small patches of light yellow silt in maximal run-up zone massive median grain size decreases landward unimodal "benthic foraminiferal assemblage dominated by shallow water, lagoonal and shelf species" "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 85 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Sibao 2.55827 96.30432 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" "SE coast, open coast" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 5 begin 30 m from shoreline up to 2 0.22 mm to 0.13 mm 1.73-1.98 "fine grained, unimodal" becomes substantially silty (up to 44.4%) landward massive "landward fining, becoming substantially silty" unimodal well sorted coarse-grained fractions are represented by carbonate material; fine-grained sand (<0.16 mm) and silt are dominated by terrigenous particles "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 86 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Lataling 2.46718 96.45523 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" "SE coast, open coast" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 56 1.2 36 forms patches in small depressions up to 6 medium sand "numerous coral fragments up to 15 cm in size observed at terrace surface" massive "coarsens slightly landward, sorting decreases landward" sorting decreases landward almost entirely carbonate with an insignificant admixture of terrigenous material "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 87 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Gudang 2.41168 96.48588 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" SE coast; small bay protected by mangrove island recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local up to 1.7 m up to 4 Patches of tsunami-related sand occur in the coastal zone 60 m wide maximal thickness of 8 cm in local depressions "in local depressions, the sand surface is covered with a siltyÐclayey film up to 0.5 cm thick with a substantial admixture of fine-grained sand (up to 29%)" fine grained "silt in maximal run-up zone amounts to 31%; in local depressions, the sand surface is covered with a siltyÐclayey film up to 0.5 cm thick with a substantial admixture of fine-grained sand (up to 29%)" massive "sorting degree decreasing landward (sigma 1.73 to 4.62); the gravel admixture increases up to 19%, and the grain size distribution curves become bimodal" "In areas subjected to 4 waves, well-developed horizontalÐwavy lamination emphasized by thin intercalations of siltyÐclayey mud and humic material" silts contain a diatom assemblage of the dominant marine sublittoral species; benthic foraminiferal assemblage include shallow water and coral species as well as numerous miliolids and open shelf species "a large shell of Tridacna gigas up to 60 cm in size was observed; the tsunami transported large tree trunks up to 1.5 m in diameter, which stripped off soil like a bulldozer" "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 88 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" "Lantic " 2.43332 96.26058 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" W coast; topography contains several ancient storm ramparts up to 1.7Ð3.7 m high separated by intervenient waterlogged depressions Several ancient storm ramparts up to 1.7Ð3.7 m high separated by intervenient waterlogged depressions recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 300; up to 2000 up river valleys 3.7-4.2 "bands and patches filling in small topographic depressions near the shoreline (up to 5 cm thick); continuous sand cover up to 1Ð2 cm thick begins 100Ð120 m away from the shoreline, thickness increases up to 3 cm in front of the walls of houses facing the sea and in the creek channel (up to10 cm); isolated patches of sediments up to 3Ð5 cm thick at maximal run-up" 1-10 0.1-0.25 mm massive lateral changes in grain size and sorting controlled by ramparts terrigenous consisting largely of quartz "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 89 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Salur 2.44213 96.24268 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" W coast; topography contains several ancient storm ramparts up to 1.7Ð3.7 m high separated by intervenient waterlogged depressions Several ancient storm ramparts up to 1.7Ð3.7 m high separated by intervenient waterlogged depressions recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 215; up to 2000 up river valleys 3.7-4.2 "bands and patches filling in small topographic depressions near the shoreline (up to 5 cm thick); continuous sand cover up to 1Ð2 cm thick begins 100Ð120 m away from the shoreline, thickness increases up to 3 cm in front of the walls of houses facing the sea and in the creek channel (up to10 cm); isolated patches of sediments up to 3Ð5 cm thick at maximal run-up" 1-10 0.1-0.25 mm massive lateral changes in grain size and sorting controlled by ramparts terrigenous consisting largely of quartz "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 90 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Busung 2.39315 96.33673 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" "SW coast; topography includes 2 old storm ramparts and slope up to 5.8 m, 145 meters from shore in corner of open inlet" recent 1-3 1 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local "tsunami sands up to 6 cm thick constitute bands confined to the depressions between the ramparts;" 5-6 up to 6 up to 6 silty layers 3-5 mm thick along creek: alternating fine-grained sand and dark gray silt coral fragments dark gray silt alternates with sand along creek; substantial admixture of silty particles in the zone of the maximal tsunami run up (up to 39.3%) massive well sorted horizontalÐwavy lamination terrigenous "diatom assemblage with dominant marine species (up to 92%); Silt laminae enclose diverse and abundant diatom flora, while sandy sediments yield their occasional frustules" "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 91 Indonesia "Simelue Island, Sumatra, Indonesia" Sineubuk 2.34073 96.35617 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" S coast; semi-enclosed bay was protected from the direct impact of the tsunami by a cape recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 73 2.6 "continuous band of sand 3Ð5 m wide and up to 6Ð10 cm thick 20Ð30 m away from the tide level; in the maximal run-up zone, sand occurs in the form of small patches up to 2 mm thick" 6-10; thins to 2 mm in maximal run-up zone "median: 1.1Ð1.5 mm; in maximal run-up zone, median falls to 0.27 mm" "gravely and coarse-grained material; in maximal run-up zone, grain size is <1 mm" gravelly contains up to 24.3% silt in maximal run-up zone massive fines landward " moderately sorted (sigma 2.5Ð3.0),becomes poorly sorted (sigma 4.0) in maximal run-up zone" carbonate "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 92 Indonesia "Medan coast, Sumatra, Indonesia" Pantai Cermin 3.65055 98.90848 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" in an area covered by shrub thickets in an area covered by shrub thickets; shore is silty-clay mud shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 3.1 200 sands constitute a narrow band immediately beyond the beach zone to form tongues up to 30Ð40 m long 30 mud erosional coarse sand and gravel; bimodal distribution curves gravel up to 45%; gravel proportion decreases down to 22% massive gravel proportion decreases from 45% to 22% landward bi-modal well sorted Thin laminae of slime at the base and in the middle part of the section "quartz sand; dominant quartz and subordinate volcanic glass; heavy fraction (biotite, magnetite, and amphibole) in the tsunami sands (0.1Ð0.25 mm) is as high as 25.3%" sediments contain scarce frustules of the neritic Thalassiosira lineata Jouse and the brackish-water Amphora angusta "locally covered with fragments of thin-walled shells with a dominant size of 1.0Ð1.25 mm, which form patches up to 2Ð3 cm thick." "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 93 Indonesia "Medan coast, Sumatra, Indonesia" Kuala Lama 1 3.63107 99.02022 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 3.1 160 160 form a continuous band 65 m wide immediately adjacent to the shoreline; separate patches of sand occur up to the maximal run-up height of the tsunami wave; sediment thickness varies from 1Ð3 to 28Ð30 cm being maximal in the depression near the shrub thickets 1-30 soil sand covers soil with no signs of erosion coarse-grained quartz sand with gravel with a bimodal size frequency distribution gravel; enriched in gravel in the maximal run-up zone sands are locally covered by a clayey crust up to 0.5 cm thick composed largely of clay (up to 70.4%) with particles <1 µm constituting up to 12% massive enriched in gravel in the maximal run-up zone bimodal well-sorted "quartz sand; dominant quartz and subordinate volcanic glass; heavy fraction (biotite, magnetite, and amphibole) in the tsunami sands (0.1Ð0.25 mm) 7.2Ð8.6%" diatom assemblage from the tsunami deposits is dominated by sublittoral species (up to 43%); The assemblage from the muddy crust sampled near the mangrove thickets includes abundant brackish-water species (up to 38%): "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 94 Indonesia "Medan coast, Sumatra, Indonesia" Kuala Lama 2 3.63107 99.02022 Publication "January 16 to February 2, 2005" "sediments studied along profiles orthogonal to shoreline, lithology described, sediments sampled" "grain-size, mineralogical, and biostratigraphic (diatoms, foraminifers, and mollusks)" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local 3.1 200 "form a continuous band 65 m wide immediately adjacent to the shoreline; substantially smaller as compared with the inundation zone, and its marginal part hosts only patches of gray mud; sediment thickness varies from 1Ð3 to 28Ð30 cm being maximal in the depression near the shrub thickets" 1-30 soil sand covers soil with no signs of erosion coarse-grained quartz sand with gravel with a bimodal size frequency distribution gravel; enriched in gravel in the maximal run-up zone sands are locally covered by a clayey crust up to 0.5 cm thick composed of dominant fine silts (up to 42.4%) and subordinate clayey (35.9%) particles massive marginal part hosts only patches of gray mud - landward fining bimodal well-sorted "quartz sand; dominant quartz and subordinate volcanic glass; heavy fraction (biotite, magnetite, and amphibole) in the tsunami sands (0.1Ð0.25 mm) 7.2Ð8.6%" diatom assemblage from the tsunami deposits is dominated by sublittoral species (up to 43%); The assemblage from the muddy crust sampled near the mangrove thickets includes abundant brackish-water species (up to 38%): "Razzhigaeva and others, 2006" journal 95 Indonesia Sumatra NW coast and Offshore Islands location too general for lat/lon recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local > 30 m in some areas on west-facing coastlines; 5-14 m on Simelue and nearby offshore islands > 13 m along a 135 km stretch of coast. As much as 10 m at 1500 m inland within 20 m of limit of inundation at most sites; maximum shore-normal extent of sand deposits: 1660; mud deposits up to 5 Km inland width of erosional zone increased with tsunami height to maximum of 80 m "thickness varied along transects from site to site resulting in a discontinuous depositional sheet; thickens away from coast to relatively constant thickness, then thins abruptly near the landward limit of sedimentation. Thickest over infilled depressions, thin or non-existent over highs; thickest deposits do not necessarily correlate to deepest flow depths; " maximum: 80 cm; typically 5-20 cm multiple layers primarily sand isolated coral boulders; few coarse clastic deposits due to lack of coarse source material "normal, inverse, or massive" "Richmond and others, 2006" journal 96 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka East and SW coasts location too general for lat/lon recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 4-6 4.5 at Yala several hundred meters common 12 m at Yala 400 sheets and pockets 5-37 multiple laminations at Yala erosional at Yala - truncates layers in underlying sand primarily sand mimics adjacent beach and near shore sediments "Richmond and others, 2006" journal 97 Maldives Maldives location too general for lat/lon recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami up to 4 "on eastern beaches: sheets 10-20 m wide and 10-20 cm thick, landward of the berm, on overwashed islands sediments deposited westward onto adjacent reef flat/lagoon areas" 10-20 "Richmond and others, 2006" journal 98 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Setana 42.446 139.852 Google Earth asphalt road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local "locally distributed, washed onto an asphalt road" 2-3 sandy mud sandy mud poorly sorted "The paper describes a historic earthquake as well; this is not included in the database. The paper also describes tsunami deposits of floating materials such as seaweed, plants, artifacts, etc. These are only included if the pertain to muddy, sandy, or gravelly tsunami deposits" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 99 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" east coast Okushiri Island 42.169 139.521 Google Earth "roads, stream mouths , farm fields" recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local "2-3 cm thick mud layer a few tens of m in length sporadically distributed, thin veneer on roads, at stream mouths and near farm fields" 2-3 mud mud "The paper describes a historic earthquake as well; this is not included in the database. The paper also describes tsunami deposits of floating materials such as seaweed, plants, artifacts, etc. These are only included if the pertain to muddy, sandy, or gravelly tsunami deposits" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 100 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Kamuiwaki 41.865 140.121 Google Earth asphalt road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local patches several m in length several cm "gravel, fine grained sand to large cobbles" gravel very poorly sorted "The paper describes a historic earthquake as well; this is not included in the database. The paper also describes tsunami deposits of floating materials such as seaweed, plants, artifacts, etc. These are only included if the pertain to muddy, sandy, or gravelly tsunami deposits" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 101 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Monai 42.105 139.425 Google Earth asphalt road and beside road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 10-30 along SW coast of Okushiri Island; 2-3 cm layer 2-3 coarse sand and granule granule "The paper describes a historic earthquake as well; this is not included in the database. The paper also describes tsunami deposits of floating materials such as seaweed, plants, artifacts, etc. These are only included if the pertain to muddy, sandy, or gravelly tsunami deposits" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 102 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" south of Monai 42.105 139.425 Google Earth - location given for Monai - too general a description for accurate location asphalt road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 10-30 along SW coast of Okushiri Island; "several mm on road, several cm beside road" <1 - several "fine to medium, cobbles in ditch" cobbles in ditch "The paper describes a historic earthquake as well; this is not included in the database. The paper also describes tsunami deposits of floating materials such as seaweed, plants, artifacts, etc. These are only included if the pertain to muddy, sandy, or gravelly tsunami deposits" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 103 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Hamatsumae 42.072 139.474 Google Earth asphalt road coast-parallel road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 50 "veneer, thins towards the seaward edge of the road" few cm to 0 "Sato and others, 1995" journal 104 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Inaho 42.241 139.552 Google Earth asphalt road coast-parallel road recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 50 "veneer, thins towards the seaward edge of the road" few cm to 0 "Sato and others, 1995" journal 105 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Aonae Route 1 42.069 139.456 Google Earth "southern tip of Okushiri Island, crosses terrace 2-4 m above MSL" recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local 3-4 40 "patches of gravel several 10s of cm thick and 2 m wide at base of shore protection wall; east of erosion zone, deposits widely distributed - road covered with gravel 7-10 m; deposits covered 1300 square meters" 10s of cm in front of wall; 7-10 on road gravel gravel "Sato and others, 1995" journal 106 Japan "Hokkaido, Okushiri Island and Oshima peninsula" Aonae Route 2 42.069 139.456 Google Earth between 8m dune and breakwater 8 recent 07/12/93 Hokkaido M 7.8 earthquake local irregular thickness and distribution 3-4 average; 5 cm at 30 m landward of the dune current ripples and primary current lineations fine to medium sand well sorted "low angle cross stratification, 5û dip toward seaward, antidunes" "current lineations, bent grass imply backwash" "Sato and others, 1995" journal 107 USA Hawaii "Haena, northern Kauai*, Oahu, Maui" 22.219 -159.565 Google Maps recent 04/01/46 Aleutian Islands teletsunami "at Haena, northern Kauai, road buried by 4 ft of sand; other roads on Kauai, Oahu, and Maui, thinner layers of sand covered roads; tara patches completely covered by sand; " "maximum reported: >1 m (4 ft) on road at Haena, thinner elsewhere" "silt, sand, rocks from fish ponds, coral boulders" "rocks; a great many coral heads, up to 12 feet across, on beaches" silt sediment descriptions attributed to Shepard and others (1950) from Bourgeois (2009) "Shepard and others, 1950 (Bourgeois, 2009)" journal 108 Indonesia "Flores Island, Indonesia" Riangkrok -8.171 122.768 Google Earth observation shoreline recent 12/12/92 Flores Ms 7.5 earthquake local 26 (19.6) widespread deposition of continuous and discontinuous sheets of sediment widespread deposition of boulders "Shi and others, 1995" journal 109 Indonesia "Flores Island, Indonesia" Nebe -8.459 122.528 Google Earth detailed granulometric investigation of sediment sheets is described for two sites grain size; Contiguous slicing of sediment core into samples was employed to detect vertical variations in particle size distribution coral platform overlain by dark sandy soil shoreline recent 12/12/92 Flores Ms 7.5 earthquake local 4 130 widespread deposition of continuous and discontinuous sheets of sediment multiple multiple fining-upward sequences "soil composed of sand, silt, and clay" "3 populations: major subpopulation at circa 300-350 µm, b) a finer component population in the range 100-150 µm, and c) a coarser subpopulation at circa 600 µm." gravel a general-fining upward trend that corresponds with a general up-core increase in sorting progressive fining of mean particle size landwards that is locally interrupted and partly obscured by fluctuations in mean particle size tri-modal intraclasts (rip-up clasts) of dark sandy soil "Shi and others, 1995" journal 110 Indonesia "Flores Island, Indonesia" Lato -8.355 122.749 Google Earth detailed granulometric investigation of sediment sheets is described for two sites grain size; Contiguous slicing of sediment core into samples was employed to detect vertical variations in particle size distribution shoreline recent 12/12/92 Flores Ms 7.5 earthquake local 140 3.5 80 widespread deposition of continuous and discontinuous sheets of sediment "3 populations: coarser subpopulation in the range 700 - 800 µm, a medium component at circa 300 µm, and c) a finer component at circa 150 µm" landward fining tri-modal "Shi and others, 1995" journal 111 India Tamil Nadu "Chennai, northern study area" 13.02 80.25 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; landforms in northern part of study area characterized by low angle beaches, average width: 50 to 100 m, backed by coastal sand dunes < 5 m; coastal barrier includes stranded beach ridges (paleo-barriers), paleo-lagoons and paleo-tidal flats; 2 well-developed beach ridges, exhibiting typical strand line features almost parallel to the shore are present along much of the northern study area" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami few cm salt encrustation "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 112 India Tamil Nadu "Cooum River mouth, northern study area" 13.067 80.288 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; landforms in northern part of study area characterized by low angle beaches, average width: 50 to 100 m, backed by coastal sand dunes < 5 m; coastal barrier includes stranded beach ridges (paleo-barriers), paleo-lagoons and paleo-tidal flats; 2 well-developed beach ridges, exhibiting typical strand line features almost parallel to the shore are present along much of the northern study area" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 150 salt encrustation "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 113 India Tamil Nadu "Injambakkam, northern study area" 12.915 80.257 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; landforms in northern part of study area characterized by low angle beaches, average width: 50 to 100 m, backed by coastal sand dunes < 5 m; coastal barrier includes stranded beach ridges (paleo-barriers), paleo-lagoons and paleo-tidal flats; 2 well-developed beach ridges, exhibiting typical strand line features almost parallel to the shore are present along much of the northern study area" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami soil erosional salt encrustation landward fining poor "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 114 India Tamil Nadu "Kadalore, northern study area (Cuddalore)" 11.744 79.787 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; landforms in northern part of study area characterized by low angle beaches, average width: 50 to 100 m, backed by coastal sand dunes < 5 m; coastal barrier includes stranded beach ridges (paleo-barriers), paleo-lagoons and paleo-tidal flats; 2 well-developed beach ridges, exhibiting typical strand line features almost parallel to the shore are present along much of the northern study area" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami salt encrustation highly variable landward coarsening "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 115 India Tamil Nadu "Mudasal Odai near Porto Nova, central study area" 11.445 79.776 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; central study area not described" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 100 1-3 "thin layer of laterally continuous laminated sand that is clearly defined by heavy mineral layers; upper part exhibits cross laminations and wavy patterns, the middle part displays cross laminations and the lower part indicates laterally continuous laminated sand." muddy soil salt encrustation gradual fining upward sequence thin layer of laterally continuous laminated sand that is clearly defined by heavy mineral layers; cross laminations in middle layer "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 116 India Tamil Nadu "Velankanni, southern study area" 10.681 79.853 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; southern study area comprises a complex delta dominated by silty flood plain sediments, strandlines, beach ridges and tidal flats; ridges dissected by small rivers/channels and estuaries with 2 large river systems: the Palar and the Cauvery" recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 2000 "thick deposits are accumulated in depressions such as ponds, agricultural fields backwaters and near the end of the narrow tidal creeks" <1-90 many units multiple fining upward sequences; basal unit contains thin layers of laterally continuous laminated sand clearly defined by heavy mineral layers; basal unit sharply overlain by a massive bed of fine- to medium-grained sand with very few sedimentary features; a series of small incised channels with complex bedding structures and occasional low angle cross beds unconformably overlie this unit; overlain by a thin prominent bed with a higher proportion of heavy minerals; units exhibit poor lamination and grade into massive fine- to medium-grained sand salt encrustation very fine to medium appreciable quantities of clay "multiple fining upward sequences, massive sections" "rip-up clasts, channel incisions within layers and low angle cross beds" "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" marine shells "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 117 India Tamil Nadu "Vedharanyam, southern study area" 10.373 79.868 Google Earth every six months since January 2005 "topographic surveys using total station, identifying and measuring tsunami deposit thicknesses by digging pits and coring using PVC pipes; 40 x40 cm trenches excavated through the tsunami deposit and into the underlying soil; vertical sampling at 1-cm intervals" "grain size, forams" "mudflats, agricultural fields, backwaters and river mouths" "study area includes 500 km of coast from Chennai in the north to Vedharanyam in the south, along the southeast Indian coast; southern study area comprises a complex delta dominated by silty flood plain sediments, strandlines, beach ridges and tidal flats; ridges dissected by small rivers/channels and estuaries with 2 large river systems: the Palar and the Cauvery" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 2000 <1-90 salt encrustation fine sand intercalated with non-marine black organic mud with plant roots non-marine black organic mud with plant roots absence of grading well-sorted "in general, at least 50% of the specimens are fresh and they are from 45 m water depth" "marine shells, plant roots" "Srinivasalu and others, 2009" journal 118 Thailand "Andaman coast, Phangnga province, Thailand" Ao Kheuy beach 9.3158 98.38088 Publication (in UTM) "October, 2007" "topographical profile investigations, tsunami deposit thickness measurements and sediment sample collections" grain size agricultural area on coastal deposits with coconut and palm trees "open coast; slope=1:100; berm, dune, road" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 3 250 4-6 3 "fining-upwards sequence contains multiple depositional sequences, identified by the increasing of weight percentage of the coarse particles from the bottom to the top of deposit; major sediment layers identified by standard deviation and grain-size distribution curves" rooted soil erosional "clay to gravel; mean varies between medium sand to very fine sand (19 phi) content is very low - maximum value of 6.2%; coarsest class includes as much as 6.9% gravels; most of the samples from Nam Khem are classified as very fine sands; single sample from Nam Khem belong to medium sand gravels "silt, clay" poorly - very poorly "very coarse, coarse, symmetrical, fine, or very fine skewed" very leptokurtic - leptokurtic "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2005 " journal 121 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Bang Mor 8.83288 98.2688 publication less than 50 days after the 26 December 2004 tsunami event entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size village village shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami continuous sheet of sand. 11-14 " -2.03, -1.57" "25.40, 27.12" from very coarse silt to medium sand; clay fraction (>9 phi) content is very low - maximum value of 6.2%; coarsest class includes as much as 6.9% gravels; most of the samples Bang Mor are classified as very fine sands gravels "silt, clay" moderately well coarse to very coarse skewed very leptokurtic - leptokurtic "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2005 " journal 122 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88207 98.28848 publication less than 50 days after the 26 December 2004 tsunami event entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami continuous sheet of sand. 5-20 " -1.80, -0.55, 1.44, -0.93, -0.60, -1.70" " 90.19, 4.88, 11.36, 6.03, 5.68, 8.73" "from very coarse silt to medium sand; clay fraction (>9 phi) content is very low - maximum value of 6.2%; coarsest class includes as much as 6.9% gravels; In general, most of the samples Patong are classified as fine sands single samples from Patong belong to medium sand." gravels "silt, clay" poorly "very coarse, coarse, or fine skewed" very leptokurtic - leptokurtic "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2005 " journal 123 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong Bay 7.8848 98.27405 publication less than 50 days after the 26 December 2004 tsunami event entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size local small depressions/ponds "narrow isthmus on the peninsula, southern edge of Patong Bay" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami continuous sheet of sand. 1-2 " -0.55,0.20" " 3.35,2.54" from very coarse silt to medium sand; clay fraction (>9 phi) content is very low - maximum value of 6.2%; coarsest class includes as much as 6.9% gravels; finest samples from Parong Bay gravels "silt, clay" very poorly coarse or symmetrical mesokurtic-platykuritc "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2005 " journal 124 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong Bay 7.88480 98.27405 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size local small depressions/ponds "narrow isthmus on the peninsula, southern edge of Patong Bay" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 75 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Medium sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 125 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong Bay 7.88357 98.27392 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size local small depressions/ponds "narrow isthmus on the peninsula, southern edge of Patong Bay" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 315 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very coarse silt generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 126 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88207 98.28848 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 430 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Medium sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 127 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.8818 98.28867 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 480 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Medium sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 128 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88145 98.28880 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 520 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Medium sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 129 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88107 98.28915 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 545 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Medium sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 130 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88255 98.28880 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 390 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Coarse sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 131 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Patong 7.88230 98.28893 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size low-lying terrain "low-lying terrain, adjacent to a small river in the southern part of Patong city" shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 410 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Fine sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 132 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Nam Khem 8.8578 98.26550 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size damaged village with low-lying wet depressions damaged village with low-lying wet depressions shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 60 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very fine sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 133 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Nam Khem 8.85695 98.26588 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size damaged village with low-lying wet depressions damaged village with low-lying wet depressions shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 100 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Coarse silt generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 134 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Nam Khem 8.85675 98.27183 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size damaged village with low-lying wet depressions damaged village with low-lying wet depressions shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 570 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very coarse silt generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 135 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Nam Khem 8.85922 98.26567 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size damaged village with low-lying wet depressions damaged village with low-lying wet depressions shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 50 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very fine sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 136 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Nam Khem 8.86030 98.27545 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size damaged village with low-lying wet depressions damaged village with low-lying wet depressions shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami "1,100" sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very fine sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 137 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Bang Mor 8.83288 98.26880 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size village village shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 300 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very fine sand generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 138 Thailand "Phuket island (around Patong Bay) and along the coastline between Khao Lak and Kho Khao Island, Thailand" Bang Mor 8.83178 98.27118 publication "February, 2006" entire tsunami-sediments layer was sampled unless it was thicker than 5 cm when only the uppermost few-centimeters thick layer was collected grain size village village shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 590 sand sheet few centimeters to few tens of centimeters Very coarse silt generally poorly sorted "Sediment, tsunami, and earthquake data is recorded; results of contaminant analyses is beyond the scope of this database and is not presented" "Szczucinski and others, 2007 " journal 139 Indonesia "Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia" Banda Aceh coastal plain 5.6 93.35 Google Earth city on coastal plain shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake local "6-9, lower than 3 on eastern part of plain" "2-4 km; along rivers - Aceh: 8 km, the Aceh drainage: 8.5 km; Jreu rivers: 6 km" "orientation of snapped-off fence posts, fallen trees, and other indicators were measured to determine directions of flow; fallen columns of destroyed buildings and the scratches on the floors of buildings are also good markers of run-up flow directions in the Banda Aceh coastal plain; generally showing inundation from the northwest; some areas show different directions of the flow: on northeastern coast, flows spread out in a radial pattern from a gap in the sand dune along the coast; in the southwestern part of the plain, northeastward tsunami flow from the west coast penetrated the plain and the flow met in a gap of hills with the southward run-up tsunami flow of the Banda Aceh coastal plain" "Umitsu and others, 2007" journal 140 Thailand Thailand Nam Khem coastal plain 8.856 98.271 Google Earth color of the ground surface on the IKONOS color image of the Nam Khem coastal plain indicates tsunami deposit thickness coastal plain with swales between parallel beach ridges shoreline recent 12/26/04 Sumatra-Andaman M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 5-8 "thick tsunami deposits are distributed widely in the northern part of the Nam Khem plain, in the central part of the Nam Khem plain, parallel beach ridges capped by thin tsunami deposits are oriented north to south; deposits >20 cm thick are found in depressions; on ridges deposits are <10 cm thick; channels changed their planar shape to a wedge shape type and their river mouths opened with the width of 50Ð200 m after the tsunami event - distinct tsunami deposits are not found either beside the channels or near the ends of eroded channels" >20-<10 "very coarse sand and gravel at base, fining upwards through the sequence to very fine sand, silt and clay at the surface" gravel at base; no distinct deposition of boulders in Nam Khem plain normal directions of flattened grasses by water flow were measured to determine tsunami backwash flow direction "Umitsu and others, 2007" journal 141 Chile Chile Rio Lingue -39.447 -73.21 Google Earth recent 05/22/60 Chile teletsunami sand covering soil soil sand sediment descriptions attributed to Wright and Mella (1963) from Bourgeois (2009). Cisternas and others (2000) describe sedimentary characteristics of this deposit. Cisternas and others (2000) is considered a historical tsunami deposit study because the study was conducted approximately 40 years after the tsunami. "Wright and Mella, 1963 (Bourgeois, 2009)" journal 142 Thailand "Phang Nga Province, Thailand" Thap Lamu Navy Base 8.566 98.221 Google Earth February 2007 and February 2008 "topographical mapping using theodolite, referenced to local sea level datum; boulders, measured and described; sandy tsunami deposits were sampled in a grid; deposit thicknesses, lower contacts and structures described; 47 samples from bulk tsunami layer" grain size soil "assessed area covers approximately 1square km and is bordered by a granite ridge from the north and east, a mixed rocky/sandy coastline to the west, and a river-tidal channel to the south; bedrock outcrops of Mesozoic granite make up topographical elevations in this area, while depressions are filled with Quaternary deposits; prominent bedrock outcrops in the middle portion were found to rise up to 5m above h.t.l. and a small escarpment running approximately in the NW-SE direction reached 3m above h.t.l." shoreline recent pre-tsunami boulders suggest more than 1 1 12/26/04 M 9.3 earthquake teletsunami 7 "sand sheet covers ~1/2 of area flooded by tsunami; thickness ranging from a few mm to 37cm, with 9.1cm being the average; thickest layer located on the SW side of escarpment and bedrock outcrop; 18 granite boulders scattered on a flat plain between 30 and 140 m from shoreline; almost half lined up in a row about 80m from the coastline" <1-37; 9.1 average soil sharp medium to coarse "18 granite boulders, 0.005 to 2.3 cubic meters, average weight 2.14 tons, maximum weight of 6.32 tons, scattered on a flat plain between 30 and 140 m from shoreline; almost half lined up in a row about 80 m from the coastline; boulders closer to shoreline more elongated than those further inland; All boulders broken with readily visible, fresh, unweathered surfaces; most boulders had rim of oyster shells, often vertical showing origin at modern coastline and overturning during transport" fining upwards in thick deposits moderately to poorly sorted "Symmetrical to coarse skewed, locally fine skewed" bioturbation masks boulder: granite tsunami deposits preserved 3 years after tsunami but bioturbated "Yawsangratt and others, 2009" journal