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Open-File Report 2010–1187

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service

Connecticut Highlands Technical Report – Documentation of the Regional Rainfall-Runoff Model

By Elizabeth A. Ahearn and David M. Bjerklie

Purpose and Scope

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This report provides the supporting data and describes the data sources, methodologies, and assumptions used in the assessment of existing and potential water resources of the Highlands of Connecticut and Pennsylvania (referred to herein as the “Highlands”). Included in this report are Highlands groundwater and surface-water use data nd the methods of data compilation. Annual mean streamflow and annual mean base-flow estimates from selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gaging stations were computed using data for the period of record through water year 2005. The methods of watershed modeling are discussed and regional and sub-regional water budgets are provided. Information on Highlands surface-water-quality trends is presented. USGS web sites are provided as sources for additional information on groundwater levels, streamflow records, and ground- and surface-water-quality data. Interpretation of these data and the findings are summarized in the Highlands study report (Connecticut–Pennsylvania Highlands Regional Study, written commun., E.A. Ahearn, 2008).

First posted August 25, 2010

  • Appendix 1 XLS (243 kB)
    This is an Excel file of Appendix 1 that contains data in spreadsheets. For more information, please refer to the worksheet titled readme included in this file.

For additional information contact:
U.S. Geological Survey
Connecticut Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
101 Pitkin Street, East Hartford, CT 06108

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Suggested citation:

Ahearn, E.A., and Bjerklie, D.M., 2010, Connecticut Highlands Technical Report – Documentation of the Regional Rainfall-Runoff Model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1187, 42 p., at



Purpose and Scope

1.1. Groundwater – Aquifers and Community Wells

1.2. Groundwater-Level Data

1.3. Surface Water - Streamflow Data and Base-Flow Estimates from Streamflow Records

Base-Flow Estimates from Streamflow Records

Additional Streamflow Data

1.4. Water Withdrawals and Water Use

Estimating Domestic Water Use

1.5. Water Quality

1.6. Watershed Budget

Model Input Data and Methods of Analysis

Water-Budget Estimates

Changes in Water-Budget Estimates for High- and Low-Constraint Build-Out Scenarios

Model Verification and Comparison of Results

Selected References

Appendix 1. Data for Documenting Information Provided in the Connecticut Highlands Technical Report – Documentation of the Regional Rainfall-Runoff Model

Appendix 2. Estimating Effective Impervious Area Using the Connecticut Effective Impervious Area (CT EIA) Equation


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