The Value Mapping Model can only be processed after processing the Ecosystem Services Social Values Model. The Value Mapping Model can be processed repeatedly to generate Value Index maps and landscape metrics for the 12 social value types associated with the subgroup of survey respondents selected using the Ecosystem Services Social Values Model. For additional information regarding the Value Mapping Model, select the "Tool Help" button or consult the SolVES user manual.
Expression | Explanation |
<Aesthetic | Biodiversity | Cultural | Economic | Future | Historic | Intrinsic | Learning | Life_Sustaining | Recreation | Spiritual | Therapeutic> |
Select the desired social value type from the dropdown list.
Expression | Explanation |
Value Type (Required) |
Select the desired social value type from the dropdown list.
Name | Explanation |
Value_Map_Type |
A script that accepts the user-entered value type parameter and returns the appropriate weighted kernel density grid. |
Calculate Field |
Writes the name of the user-selected value type parameter to the Eco_Soc_Values source file geodatabase for later use in labeling and naming output. |
Square Root |
As part of the standardization process to generate the Value Index, the square root of the weighted kernel density grid is calculated in order to compress the range of values contained in the grid. |
Divide |
Normalizes the weighted kernel density grid by dividing it by the Maximum Grid generated by the Ecosystem Services Social Values Model. |
Plus |
Adds 0.5 to the normalized grid so values will be properly rounded when converted to integers in the Value Index. |
Int |
Converts the normalized grid to the 10-point Value Index grid. |
Landscape_Metrics_Submodel |
Calculates landscape metrics using the 10-point Value Index grid. |
Times |
Multiplies the normalized grid by 10 to generate an alternate 100-point Value Index for use in calculating landscape metrics that will be used in statitstical analysis external from SolVES. |
Plus (2) |
Adds 0.5 to the normalized grid so values will be properly rounded when converted to integers in the Value Index. |
Int (2) |
Converts the normalized grid to the 100-point Value Index grid. |
Landscape_Metrics_100_Scale_Submodel |
Calculates landscape metrics using the 100-point Value Index grid. |