Open-File Report 2010–1280
![]() IntroductionA user-friendly, stand-alone application for the calculation of carbonate system parameters was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey Florida Shelf Ecosystems Response to Climate Change Project in response to its Ocean Acidification Task. The application, by Mark Hansen and Lisa Robbins, USGS St. Petersburg, FL, Joanie Kleypas, NCAR, Boulder, CO, and Stephan Meylan, Jacobs Technology, St. Petersburg, FL, is intended as a follow-on to CO2SYS, originally developed by Lewis and Wallace (1998) and later modified for Microsoft Excel® by Denis Pierrot (Pierrot and others, 2006). Besides eliminating the need for using Microsoft Excel on the host system, CO2calc offers several improvements on CO2SYS, including:
First posted December 13, 2010
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Robbins, L.L., Hansen, M.E., Kleypas, J.A., and Meylan, S.C., 2010, CO2calc—A user-friendly seawater carbon calculator for Windows, Max OS X, and iOS (iPhone): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1280, 17 p.
Additional Features
Additional Constant from Lueker and Others (2000)
Millero (2010) Constants for Estuarine Waters
Air-Sea CO2 Flux
Running CO2calc on Windows or Mac OS X
Entering Sample Information
Entering Input Data
Viewing and Exporting Output Data
Recording Calculations
Batch Processing
CSV to KML/KMZ Translation
Running CO2calc on iOS (iPhoneOS)
Entering Sample Information
Entering Input Data
Viewing Output Data
Deleting and Emailing Stored Calculations
References Cited
Appendix A. Constants
Appendix B. About pH
Appendix C. fCO2, pCO2
Appendix D. KSO4
Appendix E. Options
Appendix F. Pressure Effects
Appendix G. Calcium Carbonate Solubility (Ω), Alkalinity, and the Revelle Factor
Appendix H. Air-Sea CO2 Flux and Conversions