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Open-File Report 2011–1011

Aqueous Geochemical Data from the Analysis of Stream-Water Samples Collected in June and July 2006—Taylor Mountains 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle, Alaska

By Bronwen Wang, Seth Mueller, Sarah Stetson, Elizabeth Bailey, and Greg Lee


We report on the chemical analysis of water samples collected from the Taylor Mountains 1:250,000-scale quadrangle, Alaska. Parameters for which data are reported include pH, conductivity, water temperature, major cation and anion concentrations, trace-element concentrations, and dissolved organic-carbon concentrations. Samples were collected as part of a multiyear U.S. Geological Survey project entitled “Geologic and Mineral Deposit Data for Alaskan Economic Development.” Data presented here are from samples collected in June and July 2006. The data are being released at this time with minimal interpretation. This is the third release of aqueous geochemical data from this project; aqueous geochemical data from samples collected in 2004 and 2005 were published previously. The data in this report augment but do not duplicate or supersede the previous data release. Site selection was based on a regional sampling strategy that focused on first- and second-order drainages. Water sample site selection was based on landscape parameters that included physiography, wetland extent, lithological changes, and a cursory field review of mineralogy from pan concentrates. Stream water in the Taylor Mountains quadrangle is dominated by bicarbonate (HCO3-), although in a few samples more than 50 percent of the anionic charge can be attributed to sulfate (SO42-). The major-cation chemistry ranges from Ca2+/Mg2+ dominated to a mix of Ca2+/Mg2+/Na++K+. Generally, good agreement was found between the major cations and anions in the duplicate samples. Many trace elements in these samples were at or near the analytical method detection limit, but good agreement was found between duplicate samples for elements with detectable concentrations. All field blank major-ion and trace-element concentrations were below detection.

First posted January 31, 2011

For additional information contact:
Director, Alaska Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
4210 University Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508

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Suggested citation:

Wang, Bronwen, Mueller, Seth, Stetson, Sarah, Bailey, Elizabeth, and Lee, Greg, 2011, Aqueous geochemical data from the analysis of stream-water samples collected in June and July 2006—Taylor Mountains 1:250,00-scale quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1011, 10 p.





Data Summary

References Cited

Appendix A. Analytical Data For Stream-Water Samples Collected in 2006 from the Taylor Mountains Quadrangle, Alaska

Appendix B. Standard Reference Material (Srm) And Field Blank Data Accompanying Water Samples Collected in 2006 from fhe Taylor Mountain Quadrangle, Alaska

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