Open-File Report 2011–1020
Abstract![]() Two test wells were completed at Fort Stewart, GA, in January and February 2010 to investigate the potential of using the Lower Floridan aquifer as a source of water to satisfy anticipated increases in water use. One well was completed in the Lower Floridan aquifer at a depth of 1,255 feet below land surface; the other well was completed in the Upper Floridan aquifer at a depth of 560 feet below land surface. The U.S. Geological Survey conducted hydrologic testing at the well site including flowmeter surveys, slug tests within packer-isolated intervals of the Lower Floridan confining unit, and aquifer tests of the Upper and Lower Floridan aquifers. Flowmeter surveys at the study site indicate several permeable zones within the Floridan aquifer system. The Upper Floridan aquifer is composed of two water-bearing zones—the upper zone and the lower zone. The upper zone extends from 520 to 650 feet below land surface, contributes 96 percent of the total flow, and is more permeable than the lower zone, which extends from 650 to 705 feet below land surface and contributes the remaining 4 percent of the flow. The Lower Floridan aquifer consists of three zones at depths of 912–947, 1,090–1,139, and 1,211–1,250 feet below land surface that are inter-layered with three less-permeable zones. The Lower Floridan confining unit includes a permeable zone that extends from 793 to 822 feet below land surface. Horizontal hydraulic conductivity values of the Lower Floridan confining unit derived from slug tests within four packer-isolated intervals were from 2 to 20 feet per day, with a high value of 70 feet per day obtained for one of the intervals. Aquifer testing, using analytical techniques and model simulation, indicated the Upper Floridan aquifer had a transmissivity of about 100,000 feet squared per day, and the Lower Floridan aquifer had a transmissivity of 7,000 feet squared per day. Flowmeter surveys, slug tests within packer-isolated intervals, and parameter-estimation results indicate that the hydraulic properties of the Lower Floridan confining unit are similar to those of the Lower Floridan aquifer. Water-level data, for each aquifer test, were filtered for external influences such as barometric pressure, earth-tide effects, and long-term trends to enable detection of small water-level responses to aquifer-test pumping of less than 1 foot. During a 72-hour aquifer test of the Lower Floridan aquifer, a drawdown response of 0.3 to 0.4 foot was observed in two Upper Floridan aquifer wells, one of which was more than 1 mile away from the pumped well. |
First posted January 25, 2011 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Purpose and Scope
Site Description
Methods of Study
Hydrologic Testing
Slug Tests
Aquifer Tests
References Cited
Gonthier, G.J., 2011, Summary of hydrologic testing of the Floridan aquifer system at Fort Stewart, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1020, 28 p.