Open-File Report 2011-1028
ABSTRACTA linear geomorphic scarp, referred to as the “Braid Scarp,” lies about 5 kilometers north of Iliamna Lake, Alaska, and has been identified as a possible seismically active fault. We examined the geomorphology of the area and an 8.5-meter-long excavation across the scarp. We conclude that the scarp was formed by incision of a glacial outwash braid plain into a slightly older outwash plain as ice stagnated in the region during deglaciation 11–15 thousand years ago. We found no evidence for active faulting along the scarp.
First posted February 15, 2011 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Haeussler, P.J., and Waythomas, C.F., 2011, Review of the origin of the Braid Scarp near the Pebble prospect, southwestern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1028, 14 p.
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of the Braid Scarp
Deposits Exposed in Braid Scarp Trench
Interpretation of Trench Deposits and Surface Features
Recommendations for Future Work
References Cited